
Chapter 719 Devil Tribe Territory.

The continuation in the Harem space went on for many time-warped hours and when it all came to an end, Hal declined to refine the essence he had received from them... Rather he kept it all within himself in preparation for a breakthrough out of the Cosmic Pagoda realm.

Hal wished to successfully advance to the semi-Saint realm the next time he cultivated and he would need more to do so.

Anyway, it was time to leave.

The three Elders exited the Harem space with the joys of fulfilled women who were ready to return to their places as top echelons of the Crimson Fox Clan.

Hal had a meeting of sorts with his Devil beasts who all understood what he was expecting from them... They along with the forces of the Crimson fox clan were the first fighting force he possessed that was based on the Dystopian continent.

Dystopians have an almost natural inclination to battle and taking over territories was more of an everyday thing with the governing head of the segment (In this case, the Devil Tribe) hardly interfering.

With the addition of this new force in the form of Hal\'s Devil beasts, the Elders had a meeting with the Clan head on how this could n beneficial to claim some territories for themselves.

The surrounding territories did not really have experts that largely surpassed the Ten Elders of the Crimson Fox clan but they had a greater number of those experts compared to the Crimson fox clan and the reason for that was the death of many promising youngsters and many fairly powerful experts of the Crimson Fox clan.

Every clan surrounding the Crimson Fox Clan had a larger number of Elders that had the same or a star higher cultivation than the Ten Crimson Fox Elders and the idea of taking over those surrounding territories could never truly be a reality.

The Crimson Foxes while very much above regular folks in the Devil Tribe Segment of the Dystopian Continent, were also not very high in the hierarchy.

They had so far maintained a truce in favor of the surrounding territories which made it so that they could exist as easily as they did in the environs.

However, with the addition of a force as large as the Devil tribe along with the backing of Hal, they finally saw an opportunity to branch out.

Battles for territories in the Dystopian continent were not complete wrecking destruction meant to raze every single member of the opposition.

The battles were usually involving the main battle forces of each battling power and the ones that prove dominant at the end take control of the territory on the line and that is where the killing stops.

This is a rule put in place by the council of the four governing powers of the Dystopian Continent who deem it necessary that no race be completely wiped off the face of the continent... There must be survivors- Prisoners of war.

How these Prisoners of war are put in line and made totally subservient is at the hands of the new territory ruler and if these Prisoners of war rise in the future for revenge, they will also have to follow the rules and keep survivors.

All in all, the cycle never ends and the Four major powers do not care... In fact, the Devil Tribe actually like these occasional outbursts of conflicts for reasons pertaining to their hegemony. More on that later.

Anyway, the Crimson Forces saw Hal and the Devil beasts as their ticket to finally assert their dominance and take control of territories and they were not worried about the repetition of violent cycles as they would bring all territories conquered under the banner of Infinity.

With Hal\'s permission, they would rule the acquired territories, and once under the banner of Infinity, the survivors of the defeated clans would be unable to retaliate on account of being bound in Hal\'s service.

The Elders and the clan head considered the whole thing to be quite ingenious on their part and Hal had chuckled when he got wind of this because it actually seemed routine to him.

Anyway, he gave them permission and plans began for the takeover(s) with the strongest of the Devil beasts among whom was Borus, being the main deciding bunch... They had the final say by Hal\'s order.

Hal saw it all to be a win especially since it would give his beasts the combat experience they sorely needed and would also further speed up their cultivations.

That said, it was a matter he was not really going to be involved with as he had his own matters to deal with.

The Crimson Fox clan was so far away from the main territory of the Devil tribe that it would take six days for Hal to get there despite his use of the mist express Teleportation circle that the Crimson Fox clan possessed.

For Context, this teleportation circle is of the same rank and speed as the Express Teleportation Circle belonging to the Silva family in the Silva Duchy and available to the Dane Family as well.

That Express circle would have taken Hal from the Silva Duchy to the Imperial City in about two days and yet would need Six days to take Hal from the Crimson Fox clan to the main Devil Tribe Territory which in itself was very massive.

Hal and Sassy got on the Teleportation circle and were whisked away and when they arrived at their destination, six days had passed...

It was early morning and Hal was practically struck by the immense magnitude of negative energy in the air of the Territory.

It was not a terrible feeling as the Devil in Hal actually liked to feel the negative energy and Hal could feel his bloodline resonating with it all.

Sassy could feel the negative energy as well and Hal could tell that she was actually feeling it on her own and not because of her connection to him which meant this was to be felt and noticed by anyone present in the Devil Tribe Territory... Whether they possessed a Devilish bloodline or not.

"Could you step down now?" Asked an irritated voice and Hal suddenly realized he had been gazing up at a ceiling and then at Sassy completely disregarding that he was still in a Teleportation Circle building.

He looked down at the Runemaster in charge of the circle and there were a lot of gasps in the room from both men and women alike.

They were all really seeing his eyes as well as the front-facing aspect of his head for the first time and it took them all by surprise.

"How...?" whispered someone who was quick to stop whatever else they were about to say.

Hal could tell that it was probably disbelief at how anyone could look as good as he did and have eyes as captivating as he did but he ignored it all as he retrieved a mask from his Inventory and put it over his face.

Hal was not a shy person by any regard and he liked being the center of attention but at that moment, he wanted to be a tad anonymous.

While he had been in the Crimson fox territory, his terrorizing of their territory had quickly been a sobering-up effect for all those who attempted to battle him and Hal had not really been interested in looking attractive anyway.

Now that he was mostly calm, not particularly antagonistic, his charm and manly beauty prevailed. It was almost as though he could disarm an enemy with just his looks.

Anyway, Hal felt there was no reason to arouse infatuation wherever he went when he had only just arrived in the territory and was not here to gallivant... Not entirely anyway.

His mask covered his entire face but the eye holes were enough to still reveal his eyes of Infinite pull. That was an advantage he wished to retain. Even while anonymous.

"Hello," he said in a kind voice before he took Sassy\'s hand, and together they walked out of the Teleportation building.

No one spoke as he walked and the Runemaster in charge did not even think to ask his name or capture his image and the image of the beautiful lady with him.

Everyone in rebuilding eyed him as he walked out with Sassy\'s hand in his and only when his back was completely out of their vision did they snap out of the spell and things went back to normal... Albeit with many embarrassed faces.

Sassy was in awe of the power of her master\'s looks but she quickly reprimanded herself mentally as this effect should not have been surprising.

It had only been as surprising as it was because Sassy had grown a tad familiar with his effects and she reinforced to herself that her Master\'s looks must never be taken for granted.

Hal shook his head at the thoughts in her head before he let go of her hand once they were a good distance from the Teleportation Circle building.

It was time to investigate a notion he had had while inside that building... The source of the negative energy that seemed to permeate the entire territory.

Hal bent down and placed his hand on the ground to better stretch out his Astral sense and better get an image of what was ingrained in the very foundation of the territory.

It took only a minute and Hal was done...

"Incredible" Hal said with a smile behind his mask as he created a mental image of the Formation.

A Devil formation that oozed nefarious spells and fed on sacrifices and surrounding conflicts to generate negative energy that strengthened the cultivation and bloodline of the Devil Tribe.

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