
Chapter 732 More And More.


The hammer hit sent Hal towards the wall around the arena but even then, despite the impact, there was no crack in the wall. It remained as solid as it had always been.

Hal had no time to think about this phenomenon though as his body suddenly got shrunken and his life force drastically got reduced until he seemed as though he were at death\'s door.

That highlighted the most major issue with battling the Devil Chieftess or anyone who possessed the abilities and strength that she did.

Hal was suddenly overcome with weakness but when Elenor came at him with an attempt at stabbing him with her sword, he was still very much able to smack the sword away with his Trident.

The moment he saw an opening, he took it with a mighty blow to her face... A blow that he used as a medium to wrought the Devil Chieftess\' body with Infinity as well as his Dao.

Together, they negated any Ordinance use that Elenor might have thought to attempt and also bore heavily on her shoulders which in turn made it harder for her to move.

At the same time, Hal also negated her effects on him and his body returned to normal.

The longer the battle went on, the higher they went in the air, and soon they were no longer floating inches off the ground but were now at least four feet above the arena ground.

Elenor fought to free herself from the forceful hold and once she did, she let go of her weapons and slammed her palms together which created devil spell circles on Hal\'s sides, and from both spell circles came forth grey hands of death.

Skeletal ugly things that bore an aura of impending doom...

Hal had only felt and seen them in the grey world of death and he had taken them as illusions and representations of what the Death Ordinance was for... Apparently, he had not been very accurate.

The skeletal hands grabbed him and infused him with damming energy that rendered all his healing and regenerative abilities void...

The energy even caused his use of infinity to become sluggish to the point where it was almost inactive.

He was held in place long enough for Elenor to close in, summon her hammer back into her hands, and bring it down on his face...







Five times...



The last hit sent Hal rocketing from the sky right towards the ground below where he formed a massive crater.

"Hmmph" Elenor scoffed when the dust settled and she saw Hal\'s broken-looking form in the middle of the crater.

And then she noticed his trident have not fallen with him...

The Devil Armament was floating in mid-air and now tilted so that its sharp prongs were pointed at Elenor who chuckled,

"What is this supposed to mean?" she asked with mirth as she thought it was ludicrous that a weapon without a wilder actually seemed to have intentions of doing battle with her.

And then it began...

Fast-paced action that lasted a full minute...

*Clang* *Clang*  *Clang*  *Clang*

Over and over, Elenor clashed with Hal\'s weapon with both her sword and hammer and while she was always able to knock it aside, it never stayed gone for long.

It had certain freedom that could only be gotten from a weapon with absolutely no regard for its well-being.

There was really no defense in place... It had one goal and that was to stab Elenor.

While Elenor avoided getting stabbed, she would never boast of it being easy.

Eventually, she knocked the trident back harder than she had ever done before and it was caught by a sapphirine blue hand that belonged to Hal who had a neutral expression on his face while blood ran down the left side of his face.

There was something particularly focused about his stare... Something serious.

Due to her infusing him with her damning energy, his regeneration and healing were quite sluggish now... He was not nearly as recovered as he should have been.

Elenor might not have had a full idea of just how fast he usually healed but, looking at his injuries, she was very pleased with her handiwork.

Hal drew back his hand and aimed his trident as one would aim a spear and then he let it loose.

He had enough control of his armaments to control them telepathically which was what he had done after he had been him into the ground but there was a limitation that plagues his control in that scenario.

The speed he particularly wanted right now was hardly possible through his telepathic control.

Elenor was ready to escape or deflect and parry the trident and she would likely have done so had it not been for the sudden appearance of Hal\'s Sovereign Scepter.

The scepter released a large wave of Hal\'s dominating energy and it made Elenor inactive long enough for the Trident to connect.

From the throw to contact, barely a second passed...

It was over as soon as it began...

The three prongs of Hal\'s trident made contact with Elenor in a vertical line of three deep and wide indentations that started from the middle of her breasts to right above her navel.

When the prongs stabbed through her, Elenor\'s eyes were wide in shock...

She could not believe she had actually been open and inactive enough to get hit...

The unbelievability of the situation struck her much harder than the prongs did.

Hal expected her to just release her true cultivation which would either be a death sentence to him or would be the marking of a definitive end to this battle but that did not happen.

Elenor spat out blood and she grew visibly weaker the longer the trident spent inside her as the hit had been a killing blow that was further aided by Hal\'s Sovereign scepter rendering her weak upon its appearance.

Eleanor grabbed the Trident and the thorns along its stem stabbed through her hand and went further to instill Hal\'s terrifying Devil energy deep inside her.

Despite her possessing a Devil bloodline herself, Hal\'s Devil energy greatly terrified her to her core but she fed on that fear and it only served to increase her battle lust.

Hal could tell from the look she was now giving him that this was not over.

"I find myself liking you more and more," Elenor said with her breasts unfettered and bouncing in passive enticement as she pulled the trident out of her body.

The top prong of the trident had cut through the middle of the flimsy garment that had been covering the Devil Chieftess\' large breasts and the garment had fallen off since then.

It was a testament to the magnitude of the situation that Hal hardly spared the naked, unfettered and beautiful assets any attention.

The middle prong of the trident which had been the longest had wrought the most damage. Not only did it damage organs, but it also went through and came out of her back. The only of the three prongs to do so.

Elenor was yet to unlock the full might of her cultivation and she did not really seem interested in doing so.

Rather, she smiled while she looked at Hal with a glint in her eyes,

"This is finally getting exciting... Looks like you were holding back a fair bit" she said with a gesture towards Hal\'s scepter that was now floating beside him.

"I should go all out too.

Full disclosure, I would like to go higher than this but this is the best I can do at the cultivation I have limited myself to" Elenor was speaking calmly as though she were not suffering life-threatening injuries.

Hal\'s Devil energy was still coursing through her body and feeding her with fear that she was making use of to drive her battle lust to even greater heights.

Elenor grew a horn on the left side of her forehead to complete the set while the patterned red lines that were previously only on her right side, spread all over her body as tattoos.

As she took on a more complete Devil form, Elenor\'s strength returned to its peak which to-do have been impossible even if she took a mending pill which she had declined to do. Also, while her injuries remained open, they had stopped bleeding.

All of this happens in the space of a second after which Hal stretched his hand and summoned his Trident forcefully out of her grip.

Elenor just smiled at the loss of the Trident before she vanished to appear a foot from Hal immediately after and resume the battle with a loud boom that reverberated all about the arena.

From the contact of their weapons spread a sonic boom strong enough to destroy structures...

The arena remained sturdy which supported Hal\'s guess that it had been enhanced which it honestly had to have been considering the many high-profile battles that Elenor had claimed had taken place there.

Hal quickly found himself trapped by Devil spells but he escaped before Elenor could drive her sword through him and retaliated with a kick to the back of her bed which he followed up with a blow from a large fist he formed with Devil energy.

His manipulation of Devil energy and the abundance he seemed to have of it all served to impress the Devil Chieftess but her goal never changed.

With her breasts nonchalantly bouncing as she fought, she would defeat this youngster and teach him some manners...

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