
Chapter 776 An Understatement Of Worry.

*PAH* *PAH*  *PAH*

The positions had changed once again with Melinda having completely sourced out all of Hal\'s seeds within her grandmother\'s pussy and Hal now had her lying over Isabella who was indulging her in a make-out session.

Hal had lined up the two pussies and was alternating between the two with such speed and precision that both women felt as though they were getting fucked simultaneously.

As the intensity continued to increase with the bodies of the two women still ablaze with golden flames, the two women took a break from their make-out which just added to the loud disturbance they had already been causing in the Dane territory.

They had been at it for hours now and it was already public knowledge in the Dane Territory that the Dane Patroness and her granddaughter were having a very vocal celebration of the recent victory.

It was hardly a wonder who they were celebrating with especially when there had been many times when his name had been yelled out along with many pledges and vows.

Neither of the three currently at it in the Dane Patroness\' bed chambers was bothered with the use of noise-canceling runes as none of them gave a damn that anyone heard.

The ladies were especially much indulged in the feeling of Hal\'s body to give two fucks what anyone outside the room thought.

Hal, though, was thinking a bit differently in the sense that he was not averse to the idea of hammering it knot tears of both Devon and Damien that their mother was his.

He was especially not averse to Devon knowing that both his daughter and mother would forever pick Hal as their number one priority.

Anyway, very many hours later was when the sounds of pleasure finally ceased but the session was obviously not at an end with Hal taking them into the Harem space for a much-needed continuation.

He was not yet satiated and neither were the two Dane Women...



Imperial City...

Imperial Palace...

The Emperor as well as the rest of the Harons were recovering from the attack of the Dystopians with the recovery of the Emperor being about knowing more about what had happened and having plans moving forward.

The thing was, there was no understanding of what had happened, and having the entire Imperial City searched for understanding had not helped.

There was just no way the Dystopians could have made it into the Imperial city... Or there should not have been a way.

The Emperor was not a wielder of the Space Ordinance but there were quite a few of them in the Haron family and it had long been established that the two continents could only be traversed by foot.

Only within the borders was the use of Teleportation circles or spatial ordinance possible.

Both continents had gone to great lengths to defend their borders from outsiders but that protection would have quickly become useless had it not been for a primal division between the two continents.

Their separation was not something they just ran with but was forced on them by forces beyond their control... The Nexus world appeared to be alive and this division was proof, somewhat, of that fact.

Somehow, the only way a human could enter the Dystopian continent was as a slave completely under the power and control of their Dystopian captors and the same was true vice-versa.

In fact, for the Harons, the most Dystopian thing they had were in the form of Demon beast infestations whose numbers they were always quick and ready to cull.

If someone were to come up with an idea of playing the long game, they were almost destined to fail.

Take the Dystopian Devils for example; They were founded by human slaves but they did not attempt an overall takeover of the continent but rather came to a compromise and took control of a part of the Dystopian continent... They then turned their sights on the human continent just like every other Dystopian.

They were now more Dystopian than humans and surely, there must be a force behind it all to keep both continents powerful in their domain and locked in eternal conflict with each other.

There had been sneaky invasions before but they were never successful and always killed off before they could be too much of a long-term nuisance.

An example of this was Beldar Dystopian who had met his end at the hands of Hal during an operation planned by Tanya.

Anyway, the border Arrays were important but were not nearly as important as the primal force intent on keeping both Continents forever apart.

This was not actually factual as there was no way to really confirm but there was some evidence that the Nexus world was always meant to be divided.

One was the fact that the Monument of Ordinances, for as long as history has been recorded of its arrival in the Nexus world and eventual departure, had always acknowledged the separation between the continents and enforced it.

Another was the legend of the Nexus Stones with each one granting faith in each of the continents.

Anyway, the presence of such a frightening Dystopian force on Haron ground either meant that Dystopians were hiding somewhere on this side of the Nexus World, behind the border arrays,


It meant they somehow had found the key to seamless travel between the two continents... Someone had beat the restrictions of the Nexus World.

The second option, while being the most worrying was the most plausible.

In case of the first option, a Continent-wide search had now been ordered, and even before reports came back in, Amador was skeptical that there would be anything of note to report.

He was already leaning more into the second and more grim choice with him firmly believing that there was no way such a large force of Dystopians were on the continent.

He felt that he had, at the very least, kept enough hold of his domain to ensure that such was an impossibility.

Besides, the attack that had come through the portal to allow the escape of the last few Dystopians was the sort to worry even him and he did not worry easy.

That attack was well out of the range of the Cosmic Saint realm. That was the attack of a Demi-god and he was willing to bet that it had come straight from the Dystopian continent.

Somehow crossing great distances with this revolutionary transportation method.

What understandably annoyed him the most was that the enemies had been able to get their hands on this gem and they(the Harons) were stuck on the terrible receiving end.

Amador knew fur sure that the attack had been to know more about the strength of the Harons while killing a good number of experts along the way.

He saw the way they had quickly run off even though they had a Demi-god expert who could step in and send out an attack... He could tell that they had not come for an all-out war.

They came to know the Haron family defenses and Amador feared they(the Harons) had been caught lacking.

"A majority of the attacking Dystopians were of the Devil Tribe. The monsters they used are the signature of their tribe.

What we have just witnessed is a sliver of the strength of just one of the ruling Dystopian Quad.

There are still three other powers who are likely just as mighty, if not more mighty in fact" Amador said as he held a conference with the Haron Elders. The strongest fighting force the Haron family had.

"It is indeed worrying," said one of the Elders.

"That\'s an understatement," Amador said.

"You are right. But we are not totally at a disadvantage either. We have means. We have experts. The absolute number of saints to fight for the continent, in case of another attack, is massive.

They caught us by surprise but surely they have not really been met with our true might" said another Elder.

Amador furrowed his brows,

"You have all been removed from society for so long so I don\'t think you are the ones to be making these assessments.

You are not wrong though.

That said, the actual worrying part of it all is that, if we are to be attacked suddenly like we just were earlier today, we would not have the time to mobilize the experts from the other continents.

If the Imperial city is captured and we are truly razed to the ground, the continent will likely descend into Anarchy.

Sure, the Duchys will rise against the Dystopians but they will be doing it for themselves at that point and not for us as we will be gone" Amador said.

"So what are you suggesting?" asked an Elder and Amador sighed,

"That... Is unclear at the moment. It will be highly unrealistic to call all Cosmic saints on the continent to the Imperial city but we are going to need their strengths at the ready regardless.

I- we will think of something. We have to" he said.

Once the meeting with the Elders was over, Amador tried to contact Makena of the Silver Moon Sect but she was unavailable to respond to his call.

,m This was not out of the ordinary for Makena as she was usually busy consulting the future of the Continent but Amador was angry at her unavailability because her visions and predictions had not really been helpful so far.

He was in that mood when his first son, Creten Haron requested an audience claiming he might have information of importance.

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