
Chapter 794 Rowgon, Xenox, Yzene, Slovic And Crene.

The marriage was what the Dragon clan was most focused on but they did not neglect the reason that Sassy was at the Dragon clan in the first place.

Many dignitaries traveled from the Serpent tribe and Pheonix clan and always served to keep the three powers involved in plans.

The Devil Tribe was still choosing to be excluded and from the little that those in the Dragon clan had learned, the tribe had replenished all of the monsters they had used up during the invasion.

In fact, reports were getting in that the Devil Tribe was coming up with an even more effective breed of their mindless monsters and generally just making progress with their Devilish machinations.

Anyway, the moment Sapphire city vanished, Sassy made mention of the event and told the Dragon clan and the other ruling powers that the Haron Continent was undergoing a crisis.

She had made it clear quickly that there was already an impasse and the empire was not currently under attack but did state that this uprising was due to a party interested in taking over the Continent... Another party was throwing their hat in the ring.

"You won\'t happen to know this other party, would you?" Nero had asked but Sassy just shrugged with sly smile,

"Maybe I do, maybe I don\'t. I\'m just giving you reports on events going on in the Haron Continent as with any report I give to you. It is your responsibility to then make of that information however you please" she said.

"And how exactly does this information affect whatever plans we come up with?" asked Addilyn Gord, a Dystopian Dragon General nearing an advancement to the Cosmic Saint realm and sporting royal dragon blood.

"Well, unlike the Haron Imperial Family and Duchy rulers, this party is not suffering from complacency and also possesses means... It will just bode well to take that into consideration when you make your plans.

Not to worry, I\'ll be right here to guide you" Sassy said.

At the time Sassy had this conversation with the dragons, she had had no idea that their priority was somewhere else but the fact that they so readily dialed back invasion plans was what first piqued her curiosity.

For four months, there were expeditions to the Haron Continent but so far there had yet to be a substantial attack.

They were taking things easy... Part of this seemed to be due to the news of the new party interested in ruling the human continent and another part was due to enhanced security.

In the fifth month after the disappearance of Sapphire City, taking things easy gave way to taking action... An army comprising of Dragons, serpents, and Phoenixes attacked a Duchy in the Haron Continent.

This Duchy was not among the four that were closest to the Imperial City and was more of a safe bet.

All Duchys were on alert and expecting an attack but the might of the attack being expected was not exactly fixed.

Destruction rained upon the target Duchy, which went by the name of its ruling family, Rowgon.

The Duchy put up a good fight and lost a lot of good men in the process... Experts fell and the Dyatopians were positively victorious having had fewer casualties compared to those who had attacked the Imperial City in the previous invasion.

On that day, the Rowgon Duchy mourned.

The taste of that victory and the overall reduction of human experts in the Nexus world filled the Dystopians with a lot of high. The fact that there were few casualties made it to that they did not feel discouraged like the Devil Tribe after the previous invasion.

The trio of the Dragon clan, Pheonix Clan, and Serpent Tribe decided to take that enthusiasm and momentum to organize yet another invasion weeks after.

For this invasion, they decided to exclude the Devil tribe once again, or more accurately, the Dragon and Pheonix clans decided to exclude the Devil tribe and use this to further their attempts at solidarity.

Their next attack was on the Xenox Duchy and the result was more or less the same...

Every Duchy on the Haron Continent had learned of the invasion of Rowgon but Xenox\'s preparation was reported to the Dystopians as the easiest to break through and this proved to be the case.

The casualty level was once again low and this was mostly due to the fact that those who had been entrusted with the task of the invasion were all at least at the peak of the Semi-Transcendent realm.

The Dystopians were now on a roll...

By the eighth month after the disappearance of Sapphire City, two more Duchys, Yzene and Slovic, were victims of Dystopian attacks that were still going strong.

Alas, they had now hit four out of the eight Duchys that were considered touchable (i.e not close to the Imperial City), and their range of targets had mow reduced and their next attack more predictable.

It was at this point, that things stopped going well for the Dystopian invasions and the main reason for their downhill was Sassy.

The goals of the Dystopians were clear, they had no interest in taking root in any of the Human continent lands... Instead, they wished to chip away at the collective strength of the Empire which they had been very successful at so far.

The endpoint for them was the complete eradication of all capable experts on the human continent before taking the weak remainders as slaves to be indoctrinated into being Dystopians... The complete eradication of the human race was the goal at which point, the Dystopians could expand and truly take over the Nexus world.

Now, Hal had no interest in such an extreme goal as the main part of his plan involved pitting the two continents against each other so he could take advantage.

At the rate things were going, the Dystopians would be too powerful and the humans too weak to possibly be pitted against each other... There was a need to reduce the use of the tool of success (traveling through the Harem space) but there was also a need to still mostly appear as an ally and this was where Sassy\'s discretion came into play.

Four Duchys and she let the Dystopians run wild but once they set their sights on a fifth Duchy (the Crene Duchy) she organized reinforcements with the help of Lucile and also warned the Duchy.

Now, there was a lot of anonymity used with all things... Even getting the reinforcements was done with the reveal of the smallest of information.

Lucile was most helpful in providing contact with the Duke who had no idea who it was that had warned him but had the good sense to listen.

To be honest, convincing the Crene Duke as well as convincing certain Duchys to send reinforcement had been relatively easy on account of Sassy making use of her master\'s manipulation tactics... She even had a few higher-ups in said Duchys tied to Infinity to make the convincing easier.

The Crene Duchy became the first to put the Dystopians in their place with the use of Artifacts they had received from their helper as well as reinforcements from other Duchys.

They killed multiple Dystopians and drove the rest of the horde back to where they came from.

It was the first loss for the alliance of the Dragon Clan, Pheonix Clan, and Serpent Tribe after which they took a similar stance as the Devil Tribe by refusing to do more if the Devil Tribe was not also participating. That was how much of a loss they suffered.

Compared to the damage and loss they had caused their first four target Duchys, theirs was very small but that did not change the matter of imbalance among the the ruling Quad of the Dystopian Continent. Besides, they had done enough.

Anyway, the Dragon and Pheonix clans had overcome their differences enough to begin taking bold steps in the integration of their two clans.

By the ninth month after the disappearance of Sapphire City, the official announcement of the marriage between a Dragon and a Pheonix rang out. The official message sent to the two other ruling powers read;


The absolute galls!

The Devil Chieftess was irate and unlike the serpent Tribe Chief, she was vocal with her displeasure while threatening both parties involved of stringent action if this plan of theirs moved forward.

"You have no fucking idea what we are capable of!" Elenor the Malignant had said with the urge to unleash her Tribe\'s secret weapon.

Before she could proceed with her threats which the Dragon and Pheonix clans were ready to retaliate against, Elenor had a meeting with Sassy.

"You\'re being impatient," Sassy said.


"I said you are being impatient. You\'re being rash" Sassy elaborated on her words.

Elenor chuckled,

"Don\'t let my yells fool you. I\'m calm enough to know what I am doing. You think I\'m a successful chieftess just by brawn alone?" she asked and she appeared just a tad bit insulted.

"Absolutely not. You are brilliant and I don\'t doubt that but even a brilliant and strategically gifted person like yourself can make a mistake.

Acting against this proposed marriage will be a mistake" Sassy said.

"So, I\'m supposed to do nothing... Just let it happen?" Elenor asked and her tone made it clear how silly she thought Sassy sounded.

Sassy heard the tone but was unbothered as she nodded her head,

"Exactly. Do nothing"

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