
Chapter 832 Unabashed Indulgence.

Aspasia walked closer to the rift that was still open out of curiosity and an interest in watching what was obviously a clash of cultivation monsters.

She was only a meter away from it when a force sucked her in right before the rift closed behind her with only a barely visible crack to signify where it had opened.

Aspasia immediately felt attacked by the instability of the space and she tried and successfully combatted it to keep herself from being crushed by the pressure. It took all of her concentration to do this but she could still be a spectator of the battle between her mother and her lover.

Speaking of the battle, after Queen Alvira punched Hal in the face, her fingers became tipped with talons that she attacked Hal with but Hal just moved aside to avoid it and smacked her face with a strong backhand.

Alvira did not get too far back that she was swallowed by a spatial rift only to emerge from another rift she opened right behind Hal to strike him with flaming Phoenix feathers.

Hal waved the feathers aside and then watched as they all dispersed into smaller flaming flecks that managed to avoid the sweeping force he tried using to wave them aside.

The little flecks managed to get close to Hal and touch his clothes and then they all combusted which caused Hal to be bombarded with explosive attacks that he appeared incapable of fighting against.

The explosions had yet to burn out completely that Alvira delivered an uppercut to Hal\'s jaw,

"Take that!" she said in victory but her eyes widened when the Hal she punched burst into flecks of tiny flaming blue feathers.

The real Hal emerged from above her after that and punched her at the very top of her head. Alvira immediately opened a rift in hopes of an escape but her eyes widened even more than before when her rift closed before she could fall through it.

Hal\'s blow connected and it sent her ever lower in the void they were in...

Hal followed up with many more blows, never appearing to be straining himself and never giving Alvira a chance at turning things around.

The advantage of the void they were in was basically how wide and ever-spanning it was. It had an end for sure but that end was not one they would reach anytime soon. The unstable space they were in was basically another dimension where all their impacts would not affect the real world.

Here, the two could let loose the true limit of their strengths (which neither had done so far) and the only danger was causing the space to become agitated and increase its unstable pressure.

However, this danger was not really existent for either of the two or any other expert of their caliber. Innately, their strengths would protect them.









The sounds of landing punches continued the lower Hal and Alvira got with sounds having no trouble traveling in the supposed vacuum of the region they were in.

Aspasia followed after them but had the good sense to maintain a distance.

As a member of Hal\'s legion of women, the Princess was protected by Hal, who despite being in battle was well aware of her presence in the closed space but even then, Aspasia would not risk getting caught in the crossfire.

Anyway, Alvira, who Hal\'s many punches had not really injured despite it obviously inflicting her with pain, got tired of being punched and pushed herself away from Hal with the stretch of her long and elegant legs

The push gave her space but Hal closed that space in the blink of an eye and tried to deliver yet another blow to which Alvira cast a spell with her bloodline energy and out of the spell emerged a razor-sharp feathered wing that stabbed towards Hal.

Hal moved to the side but apparently,  he did not move fast enough as the feathered wing cut long and deep wounds across his cheek.

After the cut to his cheek which caused Hal to stumble backward, the wing changed direction and stabbed into his stomach.

The feathered wing stab went through Hal\'s stomach and came out of his back which caused Alvira\'s brows to furrow.

She had half expected to not successfully stab him or at least witness his body disperse into flaming feathered flecks as a revelation that she had attacked an Avatar rather than the true body.

They had stopped going lower in the void and Alvira watched Hal grab the wing that was now on fire to sear him through his wound.

Not once did Hal wince in pain or even grimace. He just smiled as the red flames on the feathered wings became blue as a sign of corruption by him and with the slightest show of strain, Hal destroyed the wing.

As he did, his wounds began to heal at a speed that was visible to Alvira but would be too fast to follow for a weaker expert.

"You let yourself get stabbed," Alvira said while ignoring how glorious she had found the peek at his abs to be.

"Now why would I do that?" Hal asked with a smirk.

He had indeed let himself get hit if for no other reason than to shock her with the rate of his healing which had absolutely nothing to do with Ordinances. Just the power of his regeneration.

Alvira sighed and then she took off the outer silk garment she had on and had been fighting in so far. The garment was absolved into her spatial time and with it gone, Hal was treated to even more of a visual of her body.

Alvira\'s cleavage was as covered as it was before but the removal of the outer garment revealed her smooth arms, as well as her back, as her gown was backless and sleeveless.

As soon as the outer garment was sucked into her spatial ring, Alvira\'s eyes burned bright with the flames of her bloodline energy as she sprout flaming Phoenix wings out of her back.

Her arms became marked by flaming Phoenix tattoos which made it appear as though her arms were on fire just like her wings and through it all, she felt like she was brimming with Bloodline energy.

To top it all off, an Avatar of a Phoenix appeared behind her and not just for show but to add that extra boost whenever she might need it.

Haloes began to appear around Alvira like an ethereal cosmic construct.

One... Two... Three... Five Haloes!

Were they impressive? Absolutely.

Did they surprise or scare Hal? No.

Alvira\'s talons got even longer and glowed with Divine energy as she charged at Hal and tried to dig into his heart.

Hal stopped her with a Sapphire Blue hand,

"I expected you to be reasonable and be at least a little interested in what I am here to propose to you," he said as he took on his Devil form complete with horns

"This won\'t take long" was Alvira\'s response with a goddess-like smile and killing intent as with her free hand, she summoned a spear that was made up of a cluster of feathers with each one packing the power to kill a Cosmic Saint should they get the chance.

Hal smacked the spear aside with a trident that he had summoned only to be struck with an explosive blast that rocked the entire void as wide as it was.


From the moment her mother let out all of her power-ups, Aspasia had been feeling oppressed and at the feel of the blast and the shockwaves that struck her, the Princess felt as though her organs were about to rupture.

Of course, she was able to survive it as she was not the target but this was the first time she would feel her mother go all out, as a Demi-god, in this manner.

If Alvira had expected this explosive attack of hers to definitively deal with Hal, she was in for a surprise.

In fact, as the force of the blast pushed him back, Hal grabbed Alvira\'s arm and pulled her against his body while he let the force move them as far away as it wished to.

As they moved, Hal wrapped his arms around Alvira\'s waist and tightened his hold on her as he whispered into her ear with a body that had suffered no injuries from her attack,

"Isn\'t this nice? Don\'t you just wish to embrace the closeness?" he asked and as soon as he tightened his hold just a bit more, Alvira burst into flecks of cosmic energy mixed with bloodline energy.

As the flecks of energy dispersed, two spell circles appeared, and out came attacks that aimed to succeed where Alvira\'s explosion had failed.

"You\'re not the only one with Avatars," Alvira said in regards to the Avatar that had just dispersed in Hal\'s arms.

As she spoke, the spells trapped Hal and stopped him in place to be struck by their attacks but two arms made of Devil energy stretched out from Hal, grabbed the attacks, corrupted them, and refined them for him to absorb.

Another arm made of Devil energy and boasting of Sovereign authority stretched out towards Alvira and grabbed her by the neck but before it could pull her to Hal, flaming feathers began to sprout along its length.

The feathers exploded and destroyed the arm just as Alvira used Spatial warping to pull Hal closer and stab him with one of the flaming Phoenix wings at her back.

She succeeded in stabbing Hal but then reality warped, the stab never happened and Alvira now had her wings around Hal in a sort of embrace.

Hal had an arm around her waist with his hand resting on her butt while he kissed her and she kissed him back.

Alvira\'s eyes widened at the change in reality and she wanted to push Hal away immediately... Alas, the pleasure she was gleaning from his kiss had an expected strong effect on her.

Surely she would eventually summon the strength to pull away but until then, she unabashedly indulged in the current reality and thrust her tongue into his mouth to initiate an oral wrestle...

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