
Chapter 835 Control Has Blinded You. R-18

What Aspasia was doing was the perfect example of preaching with visuals. After her encounter with Hal during what was supposed to be the night of consummating her marriage, Aspasia was of the mind that it was in the best interest of her mother to accept the call to Hal\'s side.

Aspasia had seen the light and was convinced that there was no victory without Hal. There was no hope of her clan ruling the Nexus world with Hal\'s plans in play and it would be better if the clan just surrendered to him.

With her mother as the target and most important to fall for the ushering in of this new era, there was a need to preach the goodness of Hal\'s cock. The sexual gospel had to be shown in all its glory and her visual message was being aided by the arousing scent that Hal just naturally gave off.

The scent had had the chance to pervade the room and had especially had the chance to be breathed in by both Alvira and Elenor while they conversed about Hal\'s decision to bring them together in his quest to get his hands on the Dystopian Nexus stone.

Unlike Alvira who still had reservations about what was going on between her daughter and Hal right in her presence, Elenor was much more clear and accepting of the arousal she felt and she showed it with the stealthy tweaking of her nipples.

Elenor had been on the receiving end of the pleasure Hal could induce much more than Alvira and for her, whatever she could feel was coming was a long time coming and she could not be bothered to attempt to resist.

*Gluck* was the sound Aspasia made as she took the entire length of Hal\'s immense cock down her throat to constrict and lure out the goodness within those full apple-sized balls of his.

"Well done," Hal told her with a brush of his hand through her hair, and afterward, he delivered a hip thrust that further lodged his cock within her throat as he let out the seeds she desired to taste.

Feeling the warm seeds travel down her gullet and into her stomach was the nail to the coffin of Aspasia\'s building climax and it rocked her body and caused her to spasm while Hal continued to fire his seeds down her gullet.

When the supply finally cut off, Aspasia raised her head off Hal\'s cock slowly while making a point to stroke his cock with her throat as it came out while getting the very last drops it still had to offer.

When she dislodged it from her mouth, she gave the organ a few strokes while Hal delicately grabbed her chin and lifted her head so that her face was facing his,

"Your mother appears confused. Illuminate her" he said and Aspasia nodded with enthusiasm,

"Absolutely," she said and released Hal\'s cock to skip over to her mother who appeared to have only just noticed how the mood in the room had completely become sexual.

Whatever topic of discussion there was would have to wait while Hal took the two female Dystopian Continent rulers for himself starting with Elenor who had sashayed her way to him and was now taking off the extravagant cape that was the most formal of her entire attire.

The thought of leaving never once crossed Alvira\'s mind. Confused she might be and a little reluctant she might feel but her curiosity and arousal remained with the latter increasing by the second.

"It\'s like I said, Mother, he makes a lot of good points. You\'ll get to feel them soon" Aspasia said and turned her mother\'s chair around in a manner that Alvira felt way too smooth and too easy.

Alvira\'s chair never had armrests and so were perfectly accommodating of Aspasia straddling her mother with her legs hanging off the sides of the chair.

"What are you doing?" Alvira asked.

"Teaching you for a change," Aspasia said with a hand trailing the side of her mother\'s neck,

"Teaching me what?" Alvira asked doing quite well in ignoring the pleasure Aspasia\'s fingers were causing her to feel,

"Teaching you acceptance," Aspasia said with a smile and dipped her head to pepper the smooth skin of her mother\'s neck with kisses and suckles all of which Alvira could not even protest against even if only vocally.

The room they were in was changing even more by Hal\'s reality warp but no one paid it any heed. Even Hal only seemed to have eyes for Elenor\'s delectable body as she straddled him on his grand conjured throne which had the space for accommodating those awesome thighs of hers.

Elenor could not care less that she was not in the familiar region that was her residence and was rather in an enemy\'s territory. All she cared about was that she was finally going to get what she had craved for at least a year now.

She cast a spell with a wide grin and conjured a leash made of red and black devil energy which added to the kinky aesthetic of the leash in the first place.

Elenor clamped the leash around Hal\'s neck with a snap of her fingers and pulled him towards herself which not only had her breasts press against his chest but also had their lips connecting in a passionate kiss that was not hindered by Hal\'s enduring chuckles.

When they finally separated, Elenor asked with a grin as she tugged on the leash,

"What\'s funny?"

"The fact that you think a leash gives you control," Hal said and punctuated his words with laughter while he nonchalantly cut the flimsy pieces of garment that Elenor had on.

As he cut off the garment pieces, the leash slacked and he was able to lean back on his throne.

Elenor did not bear the cut pieces any heed and her breast jiggled enticingly as she pulled on the leash again to get Hal\'s face an inch from hers as she said,

"What would you call this then?" she asked and passed the deathly energy of her deathly Ordinance through the leash and into Hal\'s neck. The energy was meant to nullify his thought processes and make him much more susceptible to her suggestions. Making him a sort of sexual living zombie.

Hal laughed loudly at that and then warped reality slowly so that Elenor could see all the changes as they happened but yet be powerless against them.

They left the grand conjured throne for a massive bed that was a result of Hal\'s previous nonchalant reality warp.

There, their positions changed with Elenor now on all fours and the leash changing hold from her hand to Hal\'s and from Hal\'s neck to her own.

The leash became a mix of three colors; Blue, Black, and Gold, and gave off Power that Elenor could never hope to replicate.

Hal still had his robe on but it was open wide now with his cock at the sphincter entrance of Elenor\'s seductive butthole.

"The control you used to have over your sexual partners blinds you to how out of your depth you are with me. If you ever get control, as unlikely a possibility as that is, know that it is because I gave it to you and not because you successfully wrestled it from me." Hal said and then thrust into Elenor which cut off the words she had been about to say as she arched her back at how deep Hal got with that single thrust.

"Wh- Ahhhhnnnnnnnn... Ohhhhh FUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!" Elenor yelled with her yell interspersed with pleasure moans and groans as Hal continued pushing into her to get his pelvis ever closer to smacking against that trembling and delicious ass.

"Nngghhh- I\'m not submissive"  Elenor managed to say as Hal\'s progress in her ass continued. She truly believed that and despite the absolute joy and pleasure she was gleaning from Hal spreading her ass so deliciously, she retained that stand.

"We\'ll see..." Hal simply said before he finally completed the journey with his completion announced with a victorious pelvis-asscheek smack;


That victorious smack resulted in the jiggling of Elenor\'s asscheek and each delicious fold delivered her with a jolt of pleasure that spread all over her body but especially attacked her pussy that was flooding and heading towards a squirting climax while she clenched her ass even harder around Hal\'s cock.

Hal groaned with immense satisfaction and paused while he tugged on the leash around Elenor\'s neck which forced the Devil chieftess to even further arch her back which was not only a wonderful sight to Hal but also added to the wonders of the session in ways that could not be explained.

Hal then drew back and pulled his cock halfway out before pushing forward once again to commence the pounding that had Elenor howling in pleasure from the very start while Hal kept a tight hold on the leash and pulled it back aggressively as he fucked her in the ass.

At her level of cultivation, Elenor could never actually choke from the leash alone, and the pressure on her neck that should have been uncomfortable and a nuisance was pleasure-inducing on account of Hal,  so the more Hal pulled at the leash and fucked her, the more accepting the Devil Chieftess was of her position and she did not even know it.

Meanwhile, Alvira was under oral attack by her daughter who was taking the task of preparing her for Hal very seriously.

Alvira\'s gown was now off and her nipples were especially receiving attention from Aspasia\'s energetic tongue.

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