
Chapter 862 Creating A Horde.

When it all finally came to an end, Hal extricated himself from the tangle of clingy limbs to take a soak in a bath after which he put on a robe and walked over to one of the largest rooms in the mansion. A room designated to his number one.

Hal simply pushed the door open and walked into the room to be immediately smacked in the face by the incredible power of a Harnessing level comprehension of an Abstract Ordinance.

Melinda was cross-legged many feet off the ground and close to the high ceiling of her room and her eyes were closed while both her hands were topped by two green spell circles of her own created spells of her newly gained comprehension level.

This was what Melinda had been busy with for the days Hal had been busy with Harlyn and the other women of the Harem. Gazing up at her, as incredible power originated from her and swirled all about the room, Hal was impressed and reaffirmed that only she deserved to be second to him.

Melinda knew the moment Hal walked into her room, hell, she knew the moment he began to walk away from the slumbering fucked-silly ladies to make his approach but she remained in her pose with her eyes closed.

Her Ankh, a symbol of her bloodline was of a smaller size and floated in front of her chest. Out of the Ankh, shot a beam towards Hal who reacted instantly to parry it only to find the beam avoided his parry and went through him to take a hold of his Life force.

Hal became thrust into a vision where he saw where his life force was located on a massive network and he also felt how close Melinda was to the possibility of cutting him off.

Cutting him off the Network was instant death that lacked the bothers of explosions or actual physical hits. It was an attack that sought out the source of one\'s life and cut it off with little to no fuss.

Melinda had no interest in cutting Hal off and this was especially clear with the fact that she went through the trouble of showing him a vision of what her attack target was.

Hal knew he was in no danger but he went on to use his Sovereignty to force Melinda to do what she had already decided not to do which was to cut him off the network.

"What did you do?" Melinda yelled at him both vocally and mentally before making to fix the damage only for her to watch as the power of Infinity took a hold of Hal\'s still bright but broken strand of life force and connected it back to the network.

At this point, the vision ended and Hal blinked at being back in his body with Melinda now on the ground and staring angrily into his face.

"That was idiotic," she said.

Hal appeared taken aback,

"What? Seriously, do you think you can kill me? Or do I appear suicidal?" he said.

"You should not have done that. It\'s dangerous to play with your life. Some damages cannot be fixed," Melinda said.

Hal looked confused at her reaction,

"Do you think so little of me? I had everything under control. Besides, you started it all by showing off," Hal said with a small chuckle,

"Ugh," Melinda said and turned away from him before she said,

"I \'showed off\' because I believed there was no way you would allow me to do it. Life is fickle, Hal... Even yours,"

With her many days of getting used to her new level of comprehension, Melinda had been treated to the knowledge of just how easy it was to cut a person off their connection to the Life Network but she had also had to come to terms with the fact that she had no way of protecting those she cared about from getting cut off the network.

She had to accept that she did not yet possess the ability to make a person\'s life truly permanent and this was especially worrying for the Dane beauty because the fickleness of Life was true for even the gods themselves.

The gods, while immortal in regards to not having to worry about old age or dying of natural causes, were still susceptible to death.

Melinda had long accepted or at least ignored how powerless she was to stop the death of those she cared for especially when there was a distance between her and them but gaining Harnessing Level Comprehension came with a heightened sensitivity to life which had both merits and demerits.

Hal grabbed Melinda\'s shoulders and pulled her towards himself before using one arm to cross over her chest to hold her tightly against his body.

He had yet to make it to the Harnessing Level of comprehension of any of the Ordinances and his experiences at that threshold were likely to vary from that of all others but even then, it did not take him long to know what the issue was with Melinda.

"You\'ve been delving too deep without rest. Take a deep breath... Relax... Don\'t let worry consume you," he said to her in a soothing tone with his voice as mellifluous as it possibly could be.

Melinda scoffed at the premise that she was letting worry get the best of her but she did close her eyes to take a deep breath during which Hal kissed her temple.

The feel of Hal\'s lips against her did more to help with her issues than any breathing exercises possibly could.

"I\'m not being silly," she said not as a question but a statement of fact to which Hal nodded,

"No, you\'re not. Life is indeed precious... Fickle... But no one can take ours... Not the gods, not Order nor Chaos, and certainly not the mortals of this world.

They are destined to be beneath us. Their struggles are meaningless and their fates are sealed. They just haven\'t accepted it yet,"

As Hal spoke, he pecked Melinda many more times and the rising lust quickly clouded the white-eyed beauty\'s face, and eventually, she pulled herself away from Hal\'s hold to turn around and stare into his eyes with a smile.

"Insatiable," she said.

"A word that\'s true for us both," Hal retorted with a grin before the two wrapped themselves in a tight embrace and locked lips, and in seconds, they had stripped and were locked together on the bed where they prioritized closeness to intercourse.


The Days that Hal spent in the Harem space with a majority of the ladies only translated to one on the outside but that was enough for Tanya Haron to have whipped up her master plan in defense of her family and even put it into action.

Tanya had a scroll opened in front of her and was crosslegged with her eyes closed while she attempted to evoke the power within that scroll.

Had Hal or Ehrlich been present, they would have recognized the scroll as belonging to Beldar the Dystopian and had been what he had used to turn his brethren into obedient monsters.

The ability to open the scroll had died with Beldar and the copy had already been destroyed.

Tanya had kept Beldar\'s body since then and even taken his blood to make into an enhancing elixir she swallowed or used on occasion but now, for what she had planned, she needed the scroll in all its glory.

The plan had been to involve Alchemists but after a trip to her mother\'s office, which had revealed her mother\'s turn to the other side before the disappearance of her sliver of faith in the Haron Family, Tanya got a different idea.

She took her a few of her mother\'s divine scripts and while still unable to comprehend its pages, she was able to use the power of the Monument to churn out a bit of its power.

Tanya decided not to follow the Alchemical route and rather made use of her runemastering to make alterations to the scroll. The alterations she made allowed her to use it and then Tanya was ready.

She amassed a small group and bestowed them with the knowledge and ability to do what she required and had them seek out all capable families in all the Duchys of the Haron Continent and at the estates of all those families, her delegates drew large Rune circles with them all connected to Tanya and awaiting activation.

The Dane Duchy capital was left out and the same was the case for the Dreg and Doxon Duchy capitals but other regions in the Duchys got marked as well.

Thanks to her delegates, a task that large was completed in half a day or even less.

Tanya then went to the sky above the Imperial Palace at a spot that was at the very center of the Haron Continent and there she reached out to all the circles, activated them, and sparked the creation of monstrous hordes who had only one order;

To destroy all that was in their path in their quest to destroy Sapphire City, the center of Hal\'s faith.

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