
Chapter 72

After Axel transformed into his human form due to activating the effect of Ring Of Humanity, Allen, Realius, Axel, and John decided to part ways so they could finish their task a lot sooner.

Allen was the first one to leave as he used his , , and to teleport himself to the Philippines.


A human wearing average clothing was currently walking in the crowd of hundreds of people. Just when the crowd reached more than a hundred, the human transformed into a vast green octopus as its sharp-tipped tentacles pierced through the brain and hearts of the people within its vicinity.

Of course, the alien’s rampage wasn’t left unnoticed as a warrior immediately arrived at the scene. That warrior was capable of using aerokinesis or also known as wind manipulation as it used the wind to swiftly dodge the tentacle attacks of the green alien octopus.

The alien octopus was at Low Realm Peak Stage while the warrior was of the same power level as the alien octopus. But even though they were of the same power level, it was clear that the warrior wasn’t experienced enough to defeat the alien octopus as the warrior couldn’t continue dodging all of the alien octopus’ attacks.

The warrior was incapable of dodging any further as the green tentacles surrounded the warrior and one huge tentacle was currently thrusting toward the warrior who was trapped within.

The warrior mustered all of its aurae as it created a spherical wind barrier around himself. The huge green tentacle came in contact with the spherical wind barrier as the collision between the two caused a sharp wind friction sound as the huge tentacle tried to penetrate through the wind barrier.

Slowly, the wind barrier was weakening from the continuous attack of the huge tentacle as the warrior was showing signs of aura depletion. His aura reserves were almost empty and what was left was used to maintain his wind barrier.

The huge green tentacle slowly penetrated the spherical wind barrier as the wind resistance of the wind barrier was weakening.

The warrior knew that his impending doom was near so he only sighed in relief. Why? Because all of the people near the tentacle monster had already evacuated to safety.

The warrior was a proud Filipino and he couldn’t allow himself to leave his fellow countrymen in need when he had the power to do so. He knew that in exchange for his life, it was worth it as he was the only one compared to the hundreds of people that had already evacuated.

At least, he wouldn’t shame himself for his identity as a proud Filipino. He did a noble deed and he was proud of himself for doing that.

Who knows? Those people that he had saved might follow in his footsteps and also save those in need. If he inspired them to do the same as what he had done to save more lives, then he wouldn’t mind the sacrifice he had done.

The Filipino warrior’s aura was depleting but his face didn’t show any fear. He had already known of his inevitable end so he had already surpassed his fear and what was left on his face was an expression filled with resolve and satisfaction.

He had already done what he could have done. And his sacrifice wasn’t in vain as the people that were previously near the alien octopus had already evacuated. So with that in mind, he released his wind barrier as he accepted his inevitable death.

“I did what I can. The future generation will handle the rest.”

Those were his last words as the thirty-year-old Filipino man accepted his death. The sharp-tipped green tentacle approached the man’s abdomen but before it could pierce through his stomach, it halted.

The Filipino warrior was confused but in an instant, he saw that the huge alien octopus was obliterated as its body was cut into multiple pieces.

Floating above the corpse of the huge alien octopus, was a young teen with deep blue hair and icy blue eyes. He was wearing a school uniform of an unknown academy but it was of a green and black color scheme.

The young teen held a kitchen knife in his right hand that was drenched in green alien blood that was from the huge alien octopus that the young teen had diced into countless bits and pieces.

The green alien blood from the kitchen knife dripped slowly into the ground as it made a low-pitched splashing noise. Similar to the noise you can hear from a water tap that wasn’t closed tightly.

The blue-haired teen slashed his knife sideways to his right side as the blood from his kitchen knife splattered on the ground, cleaning off all blood stains on the kitchen knife.

The teen’s clothes and other parts of his body were not covered in green alien blood, despite the horrific mess that was his surroundings. Only the thirty-year-old Filipino warrior was not spared when the young kid diced the alien octopus, and his body was not bathed in green alien blood.

Before the warrior could register what just happened since it was too fast of development for him, the young teen looked at him after he had cleaned all blood from his kitchen knife, with respect in his eyes.

“You have my respect and no stranger ever has the honor of earning it except for you.”

The young teen said as he waved his kitchen knife which disappeared into thin air after the young teen’s hand gesture.

“You didn’t shame your identity as a Filipino as you didn’t leave your fellow countrymen in need. Our heroic ancestors would be proud of your noble deed.”

As he approached the gallant Filipino warrior, the blue-haired teen spoke with admiration and respect in his voice. He placed his hand on the right shoulder of the Filipino warrior and quickly released it before walking away from him.

The young adolescent waved goodbye without looking back at the Filipino warrior as he vanished into thin air, leaving only a few words behind after the Filipino warrior felt his power level climb to Mid Realm Peak Stage.

“Consider that as a gift from me in reward for your noble deed.”

The Filipino warrior would never see the blue-haired teen again, but his experience with him fueled his desire to serve his country and fellow countrymen for the greater good!

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