
Chapter 144 <Supreme Clairvoyant>'s Foresight

As Allen was thinking of how fucked up the <Supreme Rapist> was going to experience after he framed that guy, he heard a telepathic message in his head which prompted him to check the telepathy chat group.

Asty: Emergency! I have bad news! I just received a gruesome foresight that made me want to throw up.

When Allen and his classmates heard Asty’s voice in telepathy that was filled with horror and urgency, all of them were now listening to what he was going to say.

ɴ[0)ᴠᴇʟ After all, Asty Yttri was the <Supreme Clairvoyant> so his foresight or clairvoyance had a high chance of occurring, and for him to be in a hurry to say his foresight, meant that there was something he saw in the future that made him want to change it.

Asty had said to them yesterday when they were introducing each other that he mostly never cared about his foresight since it was as normal as it could be most of the time.

So Asty being urgent in telling them his foresight meant that what he saw in the future was out of the norm compared to his usual foresights..

Allen: What is it, Asty? Don’t hesitate to tell us and we will try our best to prevent the future you saw from happening.

Allen truly meant what he said since if he could help his classmates with his <Supreme> talents, then he wouldn’t hesitate to help them as long as it only slightly inconvenienced him.

Allen wasn’t a hero who would save everyone but it didn’t mean that he was heartless enough not to help those who are close to him or have connections with him.

Asty: Oh, hi, Allen. You have my utmost respect. I have to thank you for avenging a poor soul who suffered in the future timeline. After seeing the future, I have decided that I will join the resistance against the Supreme Academy.

Hearing Asty’s comment, Allen could suspect that he indeed helped his classmates in the future when they asked for his help.

Asty: Before I tell you all about what I saw in the future, I will need to tell you the secret about my <Supreme Clairvoyant> talent. But before I do so, I need to ask all of you a question since it concerns my trust towards all of you.

Allen and his classmates waited for what Asty was going to ask them as they felt that it was important so all of their attention was towards listening to Asty’s upcoming question to them.

Asty: Do all of us here support Allen’s cause in defying the Supreme Academy? Because I will only tell the secret of my <Supreme Clairvoyant> talent to those who support Allen’s plan.

When Asty asked that question, his classmates were deep in contemplation as they all knew that if they ever defied the Supreme Academy, it was a point of no return.

As for Allen, he knew that what Asty was going to say was his life’s secret for Asty to even put his trust in Allen which only meant that Allen had done something in the future which earned Asty’s trust in him.

Lei, Buza, Hugh, Derick, Charles, Carrion, Eros, Arthur: Yes!

All of the boys in the telepathy chat group except for Allen agreed since he had already agreed to join in the resistance against the Supreme Academy since he was the one who founded it.

Sophie, Hildegard, Selene, Aimee, Jade: Yes.

All of the girls in the telepathy chat group except Iris agreed since it was already a given that she had already agreed because they knew that Iris was Allen’s lover and maid. So it was already assumed by them that she had already agreed to join Allen’s resistance towards the Supreme Academy.

It was quite surprising for Allen that all of them agreed to join him in his defiance to the Supreme Academy since he himself knew that it was a point of no return. Allen even expected that most of his classmates wouldn’t join his cause so he was startled that all of them agreed.

And the reason why Allen didn’t doubt his classmates in lying that they agreed in joining his cause was because of one thing. When Allen had implanted the telepathy chat group into their minds, he had added a lie-detecting feature that was only visible to him.

So if his classmates lied when they chatted, he would see a red highlight on their name and which part of the message they lied about.

And in the case where his classmates spoke in unison like previously, the name of those who lied would be highlighted red and the part of the message where they lied would also be highlighted red.

It was a feature that Allen added secretly so that he would know whether his classmates were lying or not and it was something he added so that he would know whether one of them betrayed the rest.

Of course, Allen still didn’t have any means of knowing who betrayed them or not but he could easily detect it by asking his classmates whether they betrayed him on his plan or not since he could use the lie detecting feature to find out.

Anyways, Asty was delighted after hearing his classmates’ responses since he knew that he could trust those that joined Allen’s resistance to the Supreme Academy.

Asty: Since all of you agreed to be part of the resistance, then I will let you know that I trust all of you because of that so don’t break my trust. Since I will know beforehand when you guys will betray the group or not due to my foresight.

When Asty warned his classmates about that, his classmates weren’t fazed by his warnings since in the first place, they never planned to betray each other especially when they are going up against the entire Supreme Academy.

The entire Supreme Academy had thousands of <Supremes> that they could command and there were no more than 16 in their group so they needed all the help they could get and betrayal wasn’t an option.

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