
Chapter 184 Don't Start Any Fights, Just Chill~

Arthur: The two of you do know that if we don’t comply with the demands of the Supreme Academy for interrogation, all of us who do that will be on their watch list. Doing so would only make them raise their suspicions about us.

Hildegard: Then if our selfishness causes trouble to this group, Sophie and I won’t hesitate to leave the group to not implicate you all. I won’t risk her safety just for being part of this group.

Hildegard was adamant in preventing Sophie from being handed to the Supreme Academy for “interrogation” to the point that she didn’t hesitate to leave the resistance just for Sophie’s safety.

She didn’t plan to comply with whatever demands the Supreme Academy would bullshit about even if she left the resistance or even sacrifice her life fighting against the Supreme Academy. She would do anything just for Sophie’s safety and Asty telling them about Sophie’s bad end was a wake-up call for her to increase her vigilance towards the impending danger that Sophie and her would face.

As for Hildegard’s classmates, they weren’t surprised that she would resort to leaving the resistance if that was the price for keeping Sophie safe from the Supreme Academy. After all, they knew how loyal Hildegard was to Sophie and how devoted she was to keep Sophie safe.

As for Sophie hearing that from Hildegard, she was touched by Hildegard’s determination in keeping her safe.

As for Arthur, he didn’t care much about Hildegard’s decision as long as it doesn’t implicate the resistance. After all, he joined the resistance to make friends because he was dissatisfied with the Supreme Academy.

Arthur knew that what he said was heartless but he was only being rational when he said that. He didn’t want their group to be implicated just because of Hildegard’s selfish decision.

Aimee: I support Hildegard in this matter. I will also leave the resistance if we have to comply with the Supreme Academy’s demands for an interrogation. We don’t know what they will do to us during the time they drugged us during interrogation and we might even be brainwashed into their mindless puppets.

Eros: I support Aimee in whatever decision she makes. So if she leaves the group, I will leave as well.

Since Aimee, his fiancee, planned to leave the group if they complied with the Supreme Academy’s demands, he would leave as well. For him, there was no point in joining the resistance if Aimee wasn’t a member of it.

Asther: @Aimee, the Supreme Academy is indeed capable of brainwashing <Supremes> to become their mindless puppets since I had also helped in improving the machine they used to do that.

When they read that message from Asther, they were shocked yet again.

Aimee: @Asther, who’s side are you on? Not only the Supreme Academy’s detection devices, but you also helped them improve their brainwashing machine? Are you on their side or the resistance?

Not only Aimee, but almost all of the members of the resistance had the same question as her. They doubted whether Asther even planned to defy the Supreme Academy considering he helped the Supreme Academy improve a lot of their gadgets.

Hugh: It’s not Asther’s fault since I was also forced by the Supreme Academy to help them improve their gadgets and machinery. Not that forced considering I was given money but we weren’t given an option to reject their “request”.

Asther: Like what Hugh has said, <Supremes> such as the two of us who could assist the Supreme Academy are often commissioned to do some of their work. And one of the reasons why I didn’t hesitate to accept the jobs they assigned to me was because I knew that having information about their technologies will be useful when I defy them.

Asther: After all, how would Buza be able to confirm that there would be detection devices in the Supreme Academy if it wasn’t for Hugh and my knowledge about the Supreme Academy’s gadgets?

Hearing that question posed by Asther, they forgot that Asther had already told them before that he had planned to defy the Supreme Academy. So Asther had gathered inside information about their technologies and what better way to do that than be part of the group that create technologies for the Supreme Academy’s use?

By doing so, Asther wouldn’t raise any suspicion since he complied with the Supreme Academy’s commissions without any dissatisfaction which would make the Supreme Academy have more trust towards him compared to other <Supremes>.

Aimee: I apologize for assuming that you were on the Supreme Academy. But Hildegard and my point still stand. Hildegard, Sophie, my fiance, and I will leave the resistance if the resistance complies with the Supreme Academy’s demands for an interrogation.

Aimee didn’t waver in her decision of leaving the resistance if the majority of the members of the resistance decided to comply with the Supreme Academy’s demands.

After all, what’s the point of them resisting the Supreme Academy if they would comply with their demands?

Allen: Don’t start any fights, just chill~. What Arthur said is correct but I won’t risk all of us being brainwashed by the Supreme Academy just to prevent them from raising any suspicion toward us.

Allen: And don’t forget that the reason why I framed the <Supreme Rapist> was not only because I hated his existence, but also to buy time for us to deal with the Supreme Academy. After all, the Supreme Academy will deal with the <Supreme Rapist> since even if they knew that he wasn’t the mastermind, they still needed someone to take the blame for them.

Hearing what Allen said, all of them online in the Telepathy Chat Group especially Aimee and Hildegard was satisfied with Allen’s response to them not complying with the Supreme Academy’s demands. And since it was Allen who said that, Arthur didn’t have any complaints as long as the majority of the group also agreed with Allen which they unanimously did.

Allen: Also, what Asther has proposed about the possibility of the Supreme Academy interrogating all of us is only a possibility. It still isn’t certain whether the Supreme Academy will do that or not.

Allen: @Buza, what about on your side? What’s the Supreme Academy’s response during this incident?

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