
Chapter 94  A New Era

Chapter 94  A New Era

He flew away from the island with his fire wings and hid his body with a black cloak. The appearance Arthur had now resembled a powerful mage.

Wisa had told him the route the ship would take, so not that hard to find the ship, although it still took him a while.

After 3 hours of flying, Arthur finally spotted the ship, the same one he had used a long time ago when he arrived.

There was no one strong enough inside to notice his moves. The youths there were happily resting inside their rooms when Arthur arrived.

"Lesser Invisibility."

A magic circle formed in midair and enveloped Arthur, making him vanish from the eyes of others.

The spell was still tier 1, which meant that healthy people could see through his invisibility, but it was enough to deal with those students.

Arthur hopped inside the ship and went to the storage room. He noticed there were 2 empty rooms, but he did not have the keys, and busting the door open would bring lots of attention.

"This will have to do it for the night. We will reach Odemore by morning, so it isn\'t a big thing."

He grabbed a few potato sacks to act as a bed and slept.


"Ahhh, my back."

One of the worst nights Arthur had. He got used to sleeping on a comfy bed, and now the potato sack made his back hurt.

He grabbed a quick snack from his magical poach and waited for the ship to stop moving.

Arthur calculated everything, and right after he finished eating, the ship arrived on the island, and the captain yelled, "we are here!" so that everyone could hear and leave their rooms.

"This is the time."

A crowd of 60 youths. It was many people, and no one noticed the addition of Arthur, who sneak in using his invisibility spell and disguised himself among the youths.

The black-hooded cloak helped a lot, as people remembered someone with blond hair.

"Just follow the path and you\'ll should reach the school." The captain said.

They all followed the same cobblestone path. Only two people knew about Arthur becoming a student, Jane and Wisa. All the others did not know he did that.

It would not be a simple task to act as a student, and also as the president of the academy.

"What if I need to be in a place as a student and as the president? Is there a spell that allows me to create a clone? Probably." Arthur thought.

That would suck, but he could avoid that, at least for now.

After they walked for some time, they finally reached the mansion, where harmony was waiting with an orb on hands.

An orb that had one function only, and that was to test the aptitude of the students. The Myriad of Faces could also help Arthur cheat on that test and enter the school without problems.

He did not want to draw much attention, but he also did not want to have problems coming at him, aka bullies. So, after much consideration, Arthur felt that having a 4 grade talent was the best.

A 3 grade talent was too low, and problems would come knocking. A 5 grade talent was too high, and people would pay too much attention.

It was just a disguise, after all. Arthur had a level of talent that the magical orb couldn\'t even comprehend.

"Hello everyone. I\'m Harmony. I\'ll call each one of you to test your talent. Come, touch the orb, and if it shines at least 3 times, you are in."

The students went as they were called and tested their talents. That batch of students was extraordinary. Out of the 60 youths, 45 passed, including Arthur.

When the orb shone 4 times, showing he had a 4 grade talent, some people were surprised, but not that many people.

One thing that helped Arthur was the other students. There was a youth with 5 grade talent, and others with 4 grade, which made people think having a 4 grade talent wasn\'t that special.

If only they knew Arthur was in a different realm than all of them…

Harmony made the usual tour after testing the talents, and Arthur pretended he did One youth raised its hand, and said, "what about that room?"

not know the mansion.

"This is the office of one of your teachers, Jane, and that office is from another teacher, Wisa." Harmony said.

One youth raised its hand, and said, "what about that room?"

The student pointed at Arthur\'s office.

"That is the office of Mr. Arthur, the president of this school. He\'s a powerful and mysterious man, busy too. You\'ll meet him, eventually."

"A reminder, don\'t go knocking on his door, or make him angry." Harmony said.

All the students were amazed after hearing about such a mysterious figure, and when they went asking about Arthur in the dorms, all the old students exalted Arthur, but also told them about Theodore\'s story.

"That is why you don\'t want to get Mr. Arthur on his wrong side. This can ruin your time here."

The old students felt it was their duty to educate the new ones about the rules. Arthur listened to all of that and had to hold his laugh.

Arthur had talked with Jane and Wisa beforehand about getting a room for him in the dorm. But with the amount of students arriving, he had to share his room with someone else.

That would make his life harder when changing his identities, but whatever. He would find a way in the end.

The roommate he had was a guy named Philip, a thin youth with black hair and rounded glasses. They chatted after knowing they would share the room, and they both liked each other.

Philip was an easy-going person, so that made everything easier.

"I\'m so excited about the classes tomorrow!"

"Me too."

Arthur lay down on his bed, thinking about his next move.


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