
Chapter 91 91. It's Reasonable


A shocked shriek rang in the dining hall, Everyone turned towards the culprit just to see beyond shocked Surya disguised as a sage with an open mouth looking at Rishi Durvasa in shock.

Surya was really taken aback hearing the words of Durvasa, How can his son be the Avatar of any god? How can any god take Avatar in by another god? It\'s not only not possible but it\'s even weird to think about it.

He really has no idea where Durvasa is coming with this. Yeah, Karna has a supreme charm, Has a sovereign constitution and is born king but that doesn\'t mean he is the Avatar of any god?

That\'s because he is a kinda god himself, As he was born to two godly beings, It\'s just that he was born as a mortal now, So he definitely can\'t be an Avatar of any god.

"*Ahem* Forgive, I-I become excited there for a second, Please look past my blunder the great Sage."

Surya realised that he was being stared at by others right now, This made him panic a little as Durvasa was also looking at him but unlike Karna, he didn\'t have any smile on his face, He looked at him sternly.

This stare of Durvasa made Surya skip his heartbeat, He quickly apologised wanting to be informed by others for now, He didn\'t like the attention he was getting from Durvasa.

It\'s nothing but a miracle that he did not see through his disguises, Surya was afraid that if Durvasa Rishi stared at him any longer he might expose him, and at that time no one can save him.

The crime of lying to Durvasa even though he didn\'t technically lie as he is Aditya (Son of Aditi) but he doubts Durvasa see that way, There is no doubt even before he starts explaining Durvasa is done with giving him a curse.

"You dare- "

"Rishi Durvasa explains, what do you mean by I am an avatar of some god? This is slender, I am Karna, The son of Radha, Radheya and nothing more…well I am also AngaRaj (King Of Anaga) and Vasusens (The one who was born with wealth).

Yeah, other than that I am nothing else for now."

Durvasa like Surya expected a bit of happiness from his interruption here. Durvasa in rage was about to roar and show why people are so afraid of him by giving Surya a curse but Karna spoke up with a wrong voice asking the answer from Durvasa.

Karna really felt wronged, He did not want to be associated with any god, it\'s better to stay away from those as far as possible. Who knows if Indra got a sniff of it and came hunting for him?

He really can\'t take a risk about Indra because Indra might not be good on the battlefield. There are times when he runs away holding mighty Astra like Vajra in his arms from the battle.

But there is one thing he is good at that is trickery, Indra loves to use tricks to defeat his opponent which in itself is not that bad deal but even trickery has a limit.

Karna gets to know that there is Rishi Vishwamitra (The Friend Of the Universe), As the name of sage he loves everyone in the world as a friend and because of his personality, he wanted to stop the constant war between Asura and Deva (Sura).

He thought that the Asura\'s were fighting because Deva got the Swarga (Heaven) while they got Naraka (Hell), So Vishvamitra decided to create a new Swarga for Asura as well, This will destroy the reason for the war once and for all.

So he started his penance for the creation of the new Swarga and because of his nature, he has an immense Karma, Which helped him create the new Swarga on his own without anyone\'s help.

As time went by, The new heaven started to be created, It just started to build but that new heaven is as good as the older one. Well along with the new universe with the new Lord Brahma (The Creator) because there can be only one Swarga in one universe, So Sage was creating an entirely new universe just using his power of penance.

Indra didn\'t like that one bit, So as always he decided to interfere but knowing what will happen if he disturb a revered sage like Vishvamitra, He send Apsara named Medka to seduce the sage, And as expected it worked, After all, no matter who the person is, Apsara\'s are irresistible.

Medka is successfully able to stop Sage from completing his work, Sage and she fall in love and later even have a daughter but then Indra does not like that, Seeing the task given to Medka has been completed he asks her to come back.

But until that point even Medka fell in love with Sage and refused to go back, So as Indra being Indra revealed why Medaka has come to Viswamitra to Sage, Sage obviously heartbroken knowing that tricked and used like that.

Medka wanted to explain but she found out that there is nothing to explain. She indeed comes here to seduce Sage and break his penance. Seeing there was nothing Medka had to say, Sage cursed her that she will be forever be separated from him and their daughter and go away.

After that, Medka to heartbroken, had to go back to Swarga as she is Apsara whose beauty only belongs in Swagra.

This is a story told by his mother Radha to Karna, So the fear and disgust he had for Indra even more expanded in his heart. Yeah, there is a reason of why Indra did it for the greater good but Karna didn\'t care.I think you should take a look at

The action even if for the greater good ruined the life of 3 people for good. If Indra really thought of the greater good, He should have put away his arrogance and pride and gone to Vishwamitra and requested him to stop.

"So much anger for gods? Why?"

Durvasa was surprised by Karna\'s answer. In his mind, it would be a good thing to be called the Avatar of some god. After all, gods are divine beings and well respected here.

So it was completely out of the ordinary for someone to be offended by calling them this name, But for some strange reason other than being angry and ending up giving Karna a curse, Durvasa politely asked.

Others have now become numb to his duality, All they can say is that having a good face really matters even in front of a man like Durvada. Even Durvasa was amazed. He wanted to get angry before but he just wasn\'t able to get angry at Karna.

Anger wasn\'t able to rise as he lay his eyes on Karna, He was not sure if it was because of this boy\'s charm or because of some other reason but the fact remains that he can\'t get angry at this boy.

"No, No great Sage, I respect the Deva and gods, They are doing their job, I only hate and disgusted Indra because-"

"That\'s enough, You don\'t need to say anything more after Indra, It\'s totally understandable, I apologise for getting it wrong, You are just a boy with divine charm right?"

Karna, hearing Durvasa quickly answered, He really respects all the gods out there, The only exception being Indra that too because Indra wants him dead, It\'s reasonable to hate someone who is after your life, right?

But Durvasa did not let him finish, As he said Indra, it was enough of justification and reason for his hatred for Indra, At first Karna was confused about why Durvasa said that then remembered, It was Rishi Durvasa who taught Indra a very big lesson for disrespecting him.

There is a huge feud between Indra and Durvasa though now Durvasa does not care but Indra surely does, After all the punishment given to him was not light but he does not have the guts to express his dissatisfaction in words.

"Priye, I think some Mayavi (Illusionist) Asura is tricking us, I refuse to believe Rishi Durvasa apologised to someone other than Lord Shiva."

Surya leaned to his wives and said to them as he was ready to jump on the "Asura" and beat him in disguise as Durvasa and thinking of harming his son.

"Wait! Swami, they are the real Rishi Durvasa."

"Yes, Please Swami don\'t beat Durvasa, It will not end well."

When Sandhya and Chhaya see what Surya is about to do, they quickly hold him back, refusing to let him make a big mistake like that. They are away from their child, they don\'t want to be away from their husband also.

"But- "

"No, but, I don\'t know what happened to Rishi Durvasa but they are the real ones."

Surya did not understand why his wives are stopping him, isn\'t it proof enough that the man standing there apologised to know they are not real Rishi Durvasa? So why are his wives preventing him? Karna might be in danger.

"No they are the real deal, Don\'t do that Arya."

Chhaya said again, not allowing Surya to move forward, holding him once sneakily.

"So you hate Indra, That\'s more of a reason, Here I ask you to be my, Shivansh (Part Of Shiva) Durvasa\'s student, I will teach you to be the strongest in this world."

Durvasa here took a break before he with a wide smile announced what he wanted to ask Karna.

(A/N : I am sick because I went outside in the rain (Tonsils), So I can only write this one chapter, the usual size chapter.

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day ) 

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