
Chapter 140 138. Kaliya The Serpent

Ganga didn\'t explain to her son, She already can tell that the arrogance of just power gets in his head.

He might not show it but the fact that he is the strongest man in this Aryavart currently is a thing her son not only blindly believes like others but is also proud of it.

There is a high chance even he is not aware of this but that is not an excuse for her to ignore this big thing, as this will going to influence the decision-making of his and that would set off the new trouble for Hastinapur.

She now kinda feel bad that she was not there to teach her son more about this stuff, though she taught enough but it seems not the complete knowledge of it.

\'Hope they will go easy on him this time. He is my son after all, I can\'t watch him get hurt.\'

Ganga thought in her mind as she send the message through her divine sense to someone who she knew can teach the whole and complete lesson to her son, and let him understand he was in fact not the strongest man in the Aryavart.

"But mother… Okay as you wish Mata."

Bhishma wanted to say something but seeing the stern look of her he shut his mouth in fear, After all no matter how old he has become he still respected and was afraid of his mother like always.

"Please forgive me for my intrusion Devi but can you tell me why the Hastinapur border is sealed off? I had an appointment with someone but he has not come to me yet, I am worried he is in trouble."

While mother and son were going through stuff, a voice broke their conversation. They both looked at the man who was somehow able to sneak that close to them without alerting them.

They looked up at him and he was looking very ordinary man unremarkable, There is nothing special about him other than a fact his aura was little weird. 


"How dare the dweller of water and enemy of humanity doing here? Do you have a death wish Naga? Go away I don\'t want unnecessary bloodshed on this holy ground of Hastinapur."

As the warrior Bhishma instantly knows this is no man but the enemy of humans the Naga, The holder of poison they used to end the many lives of innocent beings.

"Forgive me Chief Of Hastinpaur army, If it was someone else I wouldn\'t dare to break the rules but I am really worried about that kid, And one more thing, Your threat does not scare me.

Yeah I can\'t beat you but you can\'t kill me either. At the end you will be the one who is lost even after winning the fight, So be civil and just let me know why the border of Hastinapur is closed."

Kaliya answered with a neutral tone, There was no fear or arrogance in his voice, What was there was nothing but an overwhelming confidence in his words.

It as if Bhishma really tried to fight with him the losses will be Bhishma not him.

\'Please, Please fall for it.\'

Well that was just a front, Inside in Kaliya\'s heart storm had been set off, He had no idea why he spoke like that to the man known as the strongest of all Aryavart.

When he felt the terrifying power he did not know why he felt that the little guy who threatened him with his life might be need him.

Yeah, he was feeling worried for someone who blackmailed him with his life, And the funny thing is that Kaliya didn\'t even know why he like that little guy, He just felt good in his presence.

The mere thought of him being hurt and in trouble made him anxious and here he came running searching for him, he wanted to sneak into the Hastinapur but found out it was a shield by the force field.

The field look very weak but he didn\'t had the guts to break it as he knew who made this shield, So he was waiting around sniffing for any information about it when he saw two people.

He just casually walked upto them, It was not until he got too close to them he saw who these people really were, But it was too late as they might have also sensed him until now.

So he gritted his teeth and walked to them and asked casually, Hoping they would buy his buff, if not all he could do to beg for mercy from Devi Ganga, She looks like she can forgive him.

Though he did not lie, Bhishma really can\'t kill him, At best he be able to cut few dozen of his heads but then he had to deal with the dozens of different kinds of poisons spread across the whole kingdom.

But he too is not fine, losing his dozen heads means he will fall into a weak state, In which he isn\'t able to camouflage his presence anymore making his natural enemy Garuda know his location.

And seeing he is not in the lake near Yamuna where Garuda can\'t come unless he wants to die because of the curse given to him by Muni, Kaliya was certain he will also die but not in the hands of Bhishma but Garuda, the mount of Lord Vishnu.

"Do you think I am that stupid to fall for your simple trick? Can\'t I see your bluff? There is no one I the son of Ganga, The student of Bhagwan Parsuraam and the Maharathi rank chariot warrior can\'t kill."

Bhsima was offended by the words of Kaliya, How can there be someone, He can\'t kill?

He is the one who fought and won against the man who massacred the evil kings from the whole world 21 times, and that man no one else than his own teacher/Guru Bhagwan Parshuram, The 7th Avatar of Lord Vishnu.

And as Goddess Ganga thought, Even without Bhishma being aware of the pride of being the strongest got into the head of her eldest son.

Right now Bhishma urged his bow to come out but to his shock, his bow did not follow his command at all, and refused to come out. This just angered him and took out the sword and was ready to rush towards Kaliya.

Who was on the surface calm but sweating buckets underneath his disguise.

"Stop!! Did you forgetting I am also here? Put down your sword."

Ganga timely intervened when Kaliya was also about to pull out his wipe to fight off with Bhishma, She stood in front of Kaliya facing him with her back as in front she was staring at Bhishma in anger.

Before she was just 90% sure that Bhishma let his pride control himself but now she was 100% the power got into his head, She had to make him realise that before it would be too late.

However there is fear that it was already too late, As this mindset was fermenting there for quite some time.

\'Nope not easy, Let them do what they wanted to teach lessons to by stupid son.\'

Ganga decided when they came here she would not interfere but and let them teach Bhishma and make him aware that he was in fact not the strongest in this Aryavarta.

Bhsihma here seeing his mother fuming retracted his swords and without saying anything walked back, He knows he was in the wrong as the being like Naga live in the water bodies making his mother kinda like their queen.

And being that, He tried to attack the Naga who had yet to harm or thought of harming anyone, So he did not argue, He was just triggered by the words of Kaliya.

But not the one Ganga thought, The words triggered him were the fact that Kaliya called him chief of Hastinapur army, Which sound good and all but also means he has no say in the inner working of the royal court.

He had no idea if Kaliya did it purposefully or just said it casually in respect for him but anyway he didn\'t like to be reminded that he has no say in the inner workings of the court as he is already interfering in it.

"And you, Naaga, do you have a death wish? If so please find someone else to fulfil that. If you want I can call Garuda, He will gladly take your life away from you."

After Bhishma Devi Ganga turned towards Kaliya who was like before standing there in a neutral pose, Seeing that she could not help but think this serpent might be suicidal.

After all, which person in their sane mind provokes someone like Bhishma, The one known for his might?

But still she did not like that one bit, So decided to trigger the primal fear of every Naga, The natural enemy of their Garuda, who love to hunt Naga down.

Who is also by logic and relation is the Step-Brother of all Naga, Don\'t ask how, Long story.

"Devi, Every being wants to live, I too have a liking of living but like I said the great Bhishma can beat me but can\'t kill me.

But I really don\'t want to fight. I want to see if the boy I met in the morning was on time or now after recent events, I hope you understand my problem."

Kaliya, though utterly terrified hearing the name Garuda, kept his calm on the surface, and answered to Devi Ganga was as calm as he could be at this moment.

"Forgive me but you as Naaga not allowed to enter in the human place but you can give me the information about the boy and I will give you my word I will inform you if he is fine or not."

Devi Ganga looked strangely at Kaliya and spoke to him, As it\'s weird to see Naga caring this much about humans.

"Oh that would be fine, His name is-"


Kaliya wanted to say the name of Karna but before he could say it the force field around Hastinapur broken into bits taking everyone aback not understanding why someone wanted to offend Rishi Durvasa.

Both Devi Ganga and Bhishma were moved quickly and rushed towards the Hastinaour palace as they wanted to witness what is about to happen.

Kaliya seeing this and knowing what kinda trouble he will get into also followed after them praying that no one will pay any attention to him.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .) 

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