
Chapter 224 Hey Master! Can You Hear Me?!

"Why," she mused inwardly, her thoughts swirling with frustration, "must they choose this very moment to act?" Her gaze darted to the side, where Sato, resolute and composed, stood outside, diligently overseeing the grand coronation ceremony.

Just as Yuri immersed herself in her contemplation, another voice broke through the tumultuous atmosphere, resonating softly in her earpiece.

"Lady Yuri, can you hear me?" the voice inquired.

Yuri\'s weariness gave way to a glimmer of hope as she recognized the familiar tone. "Veronica," she responded, her voice carrying a blend of anticipation and anxiety, "tell me you bear news to alleviate this burden."

A brief pause followed, laden with anticipation, before Veronica\'s voice crackled through the earpiece once more. "[Yes, I do. I\'m currently en route to the town square. This is information best conveyed face to face.]"

Yuri\'s heart quickened at the prospect of receiving vital information from her trusted confidante. She pushed herself off the wall, her back straightening as she prepared to face the challenges ahead.

After a tense wait, Divanchi emerged into view, followed closely by Veronica. The absence of soldiers behind Veronica raised a fleeting concern in Yuri\'s mind, but it dissipated as quickly as it arose. Relief flooded her being at the sight of her trusted allies approaching.

Yuri couldn\'t help but let out an exasperated sigh, tinged with a hint of impatience. "You sure took your sweet time," she remarked, her voice carrying a mixture of weariness and gratitude.

Divanchi met Yuri\'s remark with a playful smirk. "Relax, I came as fast as I could. Besides, I managed to neutralize five bombs on my way here," she replied, a touch of pride coloring her words.

Veronica, ever composed and composed, stepped forward to share her findings. "That\'s precisely what I came to report," she interjected, her voice laced with a sense of urgency. "During the interrogation, the captured operative divulged crucial information. There are a total of 24 bombs scattered throughout the city, and he provided the precise locations." Her tone grew somber as she continued, "I\'ve already dispatched my men to each site. They should be in close proximity now. However, the challenge lies in safely disposing of these explosives."

Yuri\'s brows furrowed as she absorbed the gravity of the situation. "Twenty-four bombs," she repeated, her voice tinged with a mixture of concern and determination. "It\'s an ominous number, but one we are capable of handling. I\'ll mobilize my elite Soul Hunters to assist with the situation. Furthermore, I will personally ensure that the mastermind behind this audacious act is apprehended. No one interrupts my Master\'s coronation without consequences. They will pay dearly for their transgressions."

Veronica cleared her throat, drawing the attention of both Yuri and Divanchi. With a serious expression, she turned to Divanchi, her voice laced with curiosity and admiration. "Lady Divanchi, if I may inquire, could you enlighten us as to how you managed to neutralize the bombs without triggering the magical source and setting off the explosion?"

Divanchi\'s eyes widened, a hint of surprise dancing within them as if she had momentarily forgotten to share this crucial information. "Ah, right," she responded, her voice filled with a mix of realization and excitement. 

"Well, it\'s not precisely destroying the bombs. It\'s more about neutralizing them. What I did was absorb the magical essence contained within each bomb, rendering them inert. Once that was accomplished, it was a simple matter to break them apart, ensuring there would be zero chance of an explosion."

Veronica nodded, processing the information. Her mind raced with the implications of Divanchi\'s abilities. Turning her attention to the earpiece nestled in her ear, she raised her hand and pressed the communication button. "Did you get all that?" she asked, her voice composed but urgent.

"Yes, ma\'am," came the swift and confident response from her subordinates, who stood diligently in front of each of the twenty-four bombs. The collective expertise and unwavering commitment of Veronica\'s team bolstered her confidence in their ability to carry out the mission successfully.

Veronica\'s expression relaxed, a glimmer of relief dancing in her eyes. The situation had taken a more favorable turn, thanks to Divanchi\'s extraordinary talents. 

With the bombs now about to be safely neutralized and the city\'s safety inching closer to restoration, they could focus their efforts on identifying and bringing the perpetrator to justice.

Veronica turned her attention to Divanchi and Yuri, her voice composed yet tinged with urgency. "The responsibility for the bombs is now in safe hands. My team will ensure their proper disposal," she declared, a sense of confidence radiating from her words.

Divanchi stretched her body, a gesture that betrayed her momentary relief. "Excellent," she remarked, her tone filled with satisfaction. 

However, her expression quickly shifted, seriousness etching itself onto her features. "But now," she continued, her smile fading, "we must focus our efforts on uncovering the bastards responsible for this… they are going to pay".

Suddenly, a thunderous explosion shook the vicinity, its deafening echo penetrating the walls of the building where Yuri, Divanchi, and Veronica stood.

Startled, Yuri\'s gaze snapped towards the entrance, her heart sinking at the sight that unfolded before her eyes. Sato, the steadfast figure who had been participating in the coronation ceremony just moments ago, now lay lifeless on the ground. His head had been brutally blown apart, a macabre testament to the violence that had been unleashed upon them.

Horror washed over Divanchi and Yuri, their eyes widening in shock and disbelief. The weight of the tragedy crashed upon them like a tidal wave, stealing their breath and leaving them momentarily paralyzed.

In that harrowing instant, the atmosphere shifted. The pursuit of justice for the bombings now took on an even more personal meaning. Sato, a loyal companion and trusted ally, had fallen victim to the unknown assailant\'s ruthlessness. 

Their determination to unmask the culprit intensified, fueling their resolve to avenge Sato\'s untimely demise and ensure that no more lives would be lost at the hands of this sinister adversary.

A collective gasp erupted from the crowd, shock and fear coursing through their veins as they witnessed Sato\'s lifeless body sprawled on the ground. Vlad, who stood by Sato\'s side, couldn\'t hide the tremor that coursed through him, though he attempted to maintain a composed façade.

Yuri and Divanchi, their resolve burning brighter than ever, were about to rush towards the altar to assess the situation when a piercing scream pierced the air. Erza, Sato\'s close companion, propelled herself forward with unwavering determination, her dress billowing around her as she sprinted towards the scene of the tragedy.

Reaching Sato\'s lifeless form, Erza sank to her knees, her hands tenderly cupping his cheeks. Desperation etched across her face as she pleaded for a response. "Hey, Sato, say something," she implored, her voice laced with a mix of disbelief and denial. "There\'s no way something like this could take you down... Sato?!"

Her hands trembled as she pressed her ear against his chest, straining to catch any sign of life. Her own breaths came in ragged gasps, competing with the weight of silence that hung heavy in the air. Despite her fervent hopes, all she could hear was the haunting echo of her own breathing, amplifying the devastating absence of Sato\'s heartbeat.

The weight of the moment pressed down upon Erza, her heart shattering with each passing second. Tears welled in her eyes as the reality of the situation washed over her, threatening to engulf her in grief and despair.

With urgency gripping their every movement, 

Divanchi and Yuri rushed outside, their hearts pounding in their chests. They knelt beside Sato, their worry etched across their faces, as they desperately called out to their Master.

"Master! Master!" Yuri\'s voice trembled with a mix of desperation and concern, her words filled with a plea for his response.

Divanchi, her voice choked with emotion, added her own appeal, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. "Come on, at least say something. You\'re a demon lord," she implored, her words carrying a mixture of hope and vulnerability.

To their surprise and immense relief, Sato\'s voice pierced the heavy silence. "You just had to bring that up," he responded, his words laced with a touch of humor.

A wave of joy washed over Divanchi and Yuri, their faces lighting up with radiant smiles. The tension that had gripped their hearts loosened its hold, replaced by a sense of relief and renewed hope.

However, Sato\'s next words shifted the tone of the moment. "Who the hell gave my weapons to the criminals?" he questioned, a hint of frustration evident in his voice. A sigh escaped his lips as he rose to his feet, his determination undeterred.

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