
Chapter 181 - About Dorothy’s Family

Martha was annoyed. She was close to death, and this Dorothy was so incompetent.

"For a scheming dragon, you really are lacking..." Martha sighed.

"Alright. Repeat this to them. And I hope you can build up from this lie!\' Martha complained.

And so, Dorothy declared what Martha relayed to him.

"I\'m my own grandpa! Through Relational Superiority, I have even killed those Dracanae ghouls in the tunnels! You are my great-grandsons, and those ghouls are your sons, so they are my great-great-grandson! And with the difference in relations, they died! See? They were so far away from me that when I revealed my power, I didn\'t need to assault them with my superiority, but vast difference caused them to die!"

"Great Great Grandson?" One of the dracanaes was confused.

But they were also curious. Why did the dracanae ghouls died and even managed to shout great grandfather?

"You are... lying!" One of the dracanaes declared.

"Am I really? Ha! Such pitiful dracanaes. Of course, you wouldn\'t know! You\'ve never met a real dragon, have you! You were born out of my cells but are you really just my cells? You might have gained sentience from the blood of the other Fallens that died here, But my will is superior! For, unlike normal dragons, I am my own grandfather! If you don\'t believe me, then I\'ll show you. Those other weak ones that are considered to be your children are triply further down the line, and I can kill them even if they are from a distance! Watch!"

"GREAT GRANDFATHER!" Another set of howls was heard, and many sounds of growls and pained screams were heard.

The shouts were terrifying as the dracanae had never heard their allies scream in such pain.

"Talk!" Martha ordered.

"You should be smart enough how to use this!"

"Yes, Master. I know now what to do."

"Dragons live by devouring!" Dorothy declared.

"We always become what we devour! That was the means that allowed us to be Heretics! We fought and killed strong warriors and Saints and soon found our way to Godhood! But think! You know that our race is one of treachery, betrayals, and selfishness! How do you think the stronger dragons kept everyone in check?! What if the younger ones conspired to eat the older ones? To stop this, we created Relational Superiority! The higher my ranking as an ancestor, the stronger I am, and the more I can command my descendants to their deaths! It\'s not just about you being my cells and finding your own identities. Do you think this is the first time that dragons have faced such circumstances? You weak whelps! You have not even grown your fangs, and you there claim this!"

The claims startled the group and caused them into silent.

Dorothy thought that he did a good job.

"Dorothy! Buy more time! Keep talking! I made you say this weird lie so that they can\'t logically follow it. This confusion will buy us time. If we went with a conventional lie or exaggeration, you would soon end up with nothing to say! So keep talking with this absurd lie! It will keep them interested and confused at the same time! The more time you buy for me and my Coven, the better!" 

Martha trusted the deceptive nature of dragons, as was revealed by Kyriachos. If they were such scheming and lying beings, a saint-level dragon like Dorothy ought to have such a simple skill! Their soul was bound together. It was only logical that Dorothy and her would share the same skills at this moment since their souls are bonded to each other.

"You pitiful creatures! You lived their entire lives here! Your weakness is your intelligence!" Dorothy called out.

"The Power of Relational Superiority is a power that we placed that depending on how you are related to us. You will be unable to kill us. If we do sense your will to kill me, then I can use my Relational Superiority to attack you! It is a Soul Attack that you whelps can\'t defend!"

"But you claim to be your own grandfather! That\'s stupid!"

"Stupid?! Ha! It was a well thought off plan!" Dorothy declared.

"Erm... Master. How does one become his own grandpa?" Dorothy secretly asked Martha.

"Right. About that... I needed Lord Kyros\'s powers to figure that one out. Alright. Let me sing it to you."


"Just repeat it back to them. But I\'ll only say the first few verses. You have to confuse them by explaining all the possible confusion in the relationships of this twisted family tree." Martha then began to connect to Kyros\'s power and somehow tapped on the many incarnations of Calaminus.

Dorothy turned to the dragons.

"My father fell in love with a certain dragon. At that time, the dragons already feared me, Orgen Pendragon, but I could not devour my father! So I plotted a means to overcome Relational Superiority! I searched for the mother of this dragon, and I killed and devoured the husband of this dragon. After doing so, I married the mother of my father\'s wife!" Dorothy declared.

"You... what?"

"You heard me! Even among us dragons, what I did became things of great controversy! But I didn\'t care! I sought power to kill my father! I hid the identity of my new wife from him and his wife, who was now my daughter-in-law. Since her wife was my daughter-in-law, that meant my father was also my son-in-law! But that wasn\'t enough to kill my father! So I waited and waited for the opportune time that I could kill him! I waited until my father gave birth to a boy!"

"A boy?"

"Yes! Because my daughter-in-law had a son, what would that make me?"

"A grandfather..." The five chorused.

"Correct! My father became my son, for his son was my grandson. The conflicting nature of our relationship caused the Relational Superiority to fall into a conflicting circumstance. I was stronger in the Relational Superiority when my father had a child because it sealed his relationship to me like a grandfather, and that\'s when I finally killed him and devoured him to be a Pendragon!" Dorothy laughed.

"Wait a minute! What has all that have to do with us?!"

"Fools! Can\'t you sense it?! I\'ll tell you the details. I also gave birth to a son! And I\'m sure you can figure it out from there!"

"???" The five dracanae looked so confused. They began to look at each other to see if anyone among them could explain what that had to do with anything.

"If he has a son, and his son is the son of his wife, which is the mother of his father\'s wife, who is also her daughter... then..."

"What?" Another dracanae just couldn\'t follow the flow of thought.

"Damn it! Now that we are not linked, I have to express my thoughts properly to an idiot like you!"

"Are you even explaining it right? Do it properly! Let\'s start... His father\'s wife becomes his mother. But that means she is also his daughter. And this makes his wife, his own grandmother. So he is right in saying that he is his own grandfather since he is married to his own grandmother."


"I think... I understand."

"And he just said that he has a son..."



"I give up."

"Me too."

"Wait. That creates a strange loop! His son becomes his own uncle because it will be the brother of his daughter, who is his mother... Right?"

The dracanae began to argue at the confusing setup about Dorothy\'s family.

And while that was happening, Martha was finally healed and could move. The orders were sent out. And now was the time to execute the escape plan.

Martha was not confident. She watched at the arguing dracanae but knew that while she managed to buy herself time, it also meant time for the dracanae to consolidate their new power.

"Begin.." Martha sent the order.

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