
Chapter 360 Someone To Save You

Kyros woke up and trembled as he recalled the last memory he had. He was falling to his death. He felt the intense pain all over his body. He glanced down and could feel that his entire body was bleeding and wounded.

His vampire regeneration was not working.

He saw himself in a strange, dark, and damp cave. There was a small light by the side that illuminated the room.

Next to him were three more beds, and Kyros could tell that Listrel, Lea, and Mechiel were the persons bandaged and badly wounded.

"Two days." A voice spoke to him.

Kyros turned his attention to a man seated at the side. He was holding a strange staff. It had a raw crystal object at the end of this staff.

"I was unconscious for two days?" Kyros asked.

"Yes. I see that you are smart enough to keep up. Luckily your allies are alive. Who are you, and where did you come from?"

Kyros closed his eyes to recall the scene of his fall.

"This is... the extreme west of the Midland regions. So that\'s why there are elves here..." Kyros deduced.

"Answer my question, human." The elf voiced out in an angrier and more demanding tone.

"I was from a place called Middle. There is a portal that leads to another world in the Lowland Planes. These four are my allies. But it seems that whatever ancient trap I awakened hurled us further into this place."

"Middle? The Lowlands? I heard that the Lizardkin races hailed from a place called Middle."

"It\'s been a long time since we\'ve been on the Planesworld. But, truthfully, we never thought we would return."

"Then answer this... What was that power that you used? That power that you used to break your fall seemed to have been a power that surpasses level 40 attacks. And we could not find any object among your items that could have released that attack."

"Items? Forgive me. For when we were in Middle, we could activate attacks on our own. How long have we been gone since the changes in this world? I heard that the residents of that Middle said time passed differently there." Kyros didn\'t want to speak of unnecessary things that would prolong the conversation. He lied so that the elf would explain the current state of this new world.

"You can create Force and Magic? What was the last thing you remembered when you were still here?" The elf was shocked.

"I\'m too weak and wounded to confirm if I can release Force and Magic. But from what I can remember, the Midlands had fallen as the Eldrich race destroyed Omega." Kyros recalled the discussion that there would be a merging of all timelines that were thrown away and believed that the future state of the world of Kyros\'s past life would have continued in this Timeline.

"That... was around two years ago!"

"Two years?" Kyros was stunned at first. This was the same amount of time that passed since he reincarnated. He spent two years traveling through time and talking with Calaminus, mastering all forms of knowledge.

"Many things have happened since that time, warrior. Strange magic has caused this world to fall into chaos. The Celestial Light that gave light to our Planesworld shattered. The blessings of gods and devils were all lost. You probably think that you can\'t release Force and Magic because of your wounds, but the truth is, whatever blessings you thought you have vanished!"

"So that\'s it...!"

"Not long after that war, strange beasts of fire and ash arose and appeared all over the place. Everything they touched decayed and burned. Light Dependent and Dark Dependent were all devoured by this beast. It created a collapse of the Planesworld that you know! These creatures were purging the Eldrich, the humans, and all of creation!"

Kyros recalled the state of the scroll that he had seen. The appearance of these creatures may have been the manifestations of the reality of the world inside the scroll—the Scroll burning and charred.

"What do these beasts look like?"

"They had all kinds of forms and shapes. Some were giants. Some were small, like insects. They had a leader that attacked everyone. They took no prisoners as the people they killed would become them."

"So my powers are lost... It seems Planesworld itself is dying..."

"Where is Middle? Perhaps it can be our new home. Anywhere is better than this place."

"No. That place is smaller than the Planesword. You can explore all of Middle in a little over a year. Creatures of similar form appeared in that world. But they had Entropy instead ash and fire. These beasts are probably invading the planets. And the gods and fallen who we acquire power from is either fighting them, has been weakened, fled to another realm, or killed." Kyros explained. He knew the truth that no gods or fallen existed in this world. He was probably the only one with a Code and Corruption.

The elf sighed.

"I would have preferred those Eldrich would take over and won that war. At least, we could serve them..." The elf recalled the past.

"What happened after the war?"

"The war never finished. I don\'t know what happened to you, but just about the time you went into that place called Middle, people started to turn into these things. Some who were strong enough to be called heroes were transformed into these beings."

"Anyone important?"

"Yes. People like the king of the Planesworld." The Elf chuckled.

"We don\'t understand what happened. We believe it was a plague of some sort. But many important people suddenly turned into these wild creatures... This happened to both sides. Those in the light and those who served the Eldrich and even among the Eldrich themselves."

"What happened after that?"

"The Eldrich and the rest of the Dark Dependents began to fall from their battles. Eventually, both sides allied. At first, there was conflict. But after a month, we all knew that we would all die if we didn\'t work together. There was some alliance and an effort to fight back against these beasts. But it has always been a losing battle. So many people would suddenly turn into these beasts. It lasted for about three months. People would be your friends, and you just took a nap, and when you woke up, they already turned into these creatures that would eat you and turn you into them."

"Since we are here in the far western regions of the Midlands, then I guess this alliance didn\'t last? Logically, survivors would migrate to one region. Yet, it\'s been two years, and you are not dead or in a place where many people gather."

"Good deduction. But it\'s not that the alliance didn\'t last. Regardless of where we were, both sides became unlikely allies just trying to survive. But some kingdoms went dark, and there were no survivors. The catastrophe of these beasts caused numerous kingdoms to fall all of a sudden. We can\'t even contact nearby kingdoms as the lines of communication were cut or destroyed. Even our kingdom fell. We went into hiding. We were constantly moving away from these beasts. We don\'t have a choice. We suddenly became weaker and could not fight back. So you don\'t have Contained Magic from the days of old. We were hoping you had a way to save us." The elf explained.

"You saved me because you believed that I was someone that could save you?" Kyros asked.

"Of course. But it seems we held on to pointless hope..." The elf chuckled.

Suddenly, Kyros\'s dark sword and armor suddenly raced back to him.

"Oh, I wouldn\'t be too negative." Kyros stood up as his entire body began to heal at an incredible rate.

The Power of Mysterion that was hidden when they entered this realm was revealed.

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