
Chapter 387 Saving A Dead Ally

The Reptilian Kingdom of Serpent Pond was one of the few kingdoms that had survived and thrived far better than the rest of the world. They had a nation surrounded by water that burst from the springs down the earth.

Throughout the two years, they retained much of their population, and the Brimstone Beast could not conquer the land.

The reptilian race fought on the water and crafted numerous weapons that could fire the water. But recently, a massive amount of Brimstone Beast began to attack, and their tactics had changed. An intense heat had appeared over the land, and a terrifying drought had occurred.

The waters began to recede, and the brimstone beasts that had somehow gained sentience waited from afar to wait for the drought to make their invasion easier.

,m A young man saw the drought and the poor state of the lakes and could only sigh. He walked towards the deepest and coolest part of the kingdom. Despite being a human, he was given authority to move toward the throne of the king because of his special case.

Many tall, slender lizards appeared and bowed at him as he passed.

Finally, he arrived at the throne room, which was built on a tall cliff where the waters continually flowed out at its peak. The amount of water that surged out had become weak, and it wouldn\'t be long till it couldn\'t spout the water as it was reaching its limits.

"King King Lizard 3..." The young man bowed at the king, named King Lizard 3.

"Ah... It\'s you..."

"You seem to be more... relaxed now."

"It\'s... simply accepting our fate. I have done everything that we could to increase the power of water, but now, we know that there is no hope. Everyone is pretty much living as they please these days."

"I am sorry."

"Oh no... Never be sorry, young one. Your story brought hope these past months. You awakened one day and lost the Brimstone form, and we saw a Brimstone beast turn back to human! And because of that, hope was born. Out of that hope, I have seen the full potential of our race. I have never seen love return. Amid such catastrophe, hate and resentment vanished. And everyone simply began to love and appreciate each other. It\'s as if the brimstone brought immense joy to us all." The king laughed.

"Your story brought such hope. Maybe even as we are being consumed, one day, we will break out just as you did! Tell me, have you gotten your head in order?"

The man laughed.

"Yes. I\'m sorry for confusing you. But I actually began to make sense of it after a few weeks of sorting my head. I believe your people have told you of my theory?"

"Yes! Indeed! I was amazed, but when you told us, we were rather busy fighting for hope. So forgive us for not listening. But now do tell us, transmigrator! Please, delight us with your tale! Your tale of two memories! If this is another world, and you have crossed it, I pray that we will be in that other world you spoke of when this battle is over!" The salamander king requested.

A young man stood up and bowed.

"I have two memories. The first one explains how I got here. I lived a terrifying life in the Lowlands. But we managed because we have a strong and smart lord. Their family was really something. Bad luck would constantly follow us, but we managed. But everything changed when the fire nation attacked."

"Fire nation? The Brimstone Beast?"

"Err... Sorry. I think my arrival here is causing my head to act crazy sometimes. No. It wasn\'t the Brimstone beast yet. It was the age before the Eldrich revealed themselves and hid behind the orc armies that attacked the Lowlands. Anyway, the war escalated, the family I served died, and I fled. I heard later that there was one surviving member of my previous master who had risen and become a strong warrior. But, I was already a slave and found myself in the Midlands. Eventually, I was sold to the human kingdom to the east of here. The merchant master was on his way here when the Brimstone beast turned, and I think I became a Brimstone Beast."

"Oh? Are you from the Lowlands? That\'s quite a journey."

"It was. But my second memory has the same memories as I did, but it all changed at one point. In that timeline, I met the son of my lords earlier. It didn\'t make any sense since the year that I met him in my other memory was a year when he shouldn\'t have been born yet! But there he was. And he was not afflicted by many diseases. He was very strong! He was so strong and had a terrifying bloodline! He turned me into a vampire!"

"A vampire? Honestly, we\'ve suspected that you were. But it didn\'t make any sense because you seem and feel very much like a human. But there is something in your scent that made us consider that."

"You think I\'m a vampire?" The man was confused.

"We didn\'t really think anything of it. Are you?"

"I don\'t know..." The man then began to close his eyes.

On the far east, the battle against the Brimstone Beast continued.

Kyros began to draw out the power of a slain beast. He was slowly learning how to take in the souls of the beasts and take them for himself. The power of his Life Core was growing more and more powerful, and the tree in his soul had grown bigger.

But despite that, Kyros had a worried expression.

"This is bad. At this rate, we won\'t reach that place in the schedule I think would be safe. There is just too much Brimstone Beast, and they have become wiser."

"So we will lose the Serpent Pond kingdom?" Mechiel appeared and asked him.

"Unless they fight harder and increase their morale, we would be too late," Kyros answered and gazed at the far east.

All of a sudden, Kyros felt a strange connection.

"Hm? My Coven?!" Kyros exclaimed, and he flew to the great heavens to avoid the Brimstone beasts and the purging energy.

As he rose high, he could now sense a faint force.

Kyros suddenly charged towards the east.

"Everyone! Keep fighting!" Kyros shouted as he left.

The three were confused at Kyros\'s actions but continued to fight.

Kyros flew and flew, and numerous massive Brimstone Beast began to fly and chase after him.

But Kyros ignored them all and charged to the distance.

Finally, the Dark Link managed to connect.

Kyros recognized the source and the soul that he was trying to connect to.

"Hems?!" Kyros shouted.

Back in the Serpent Pond Kingdom, Hems suddenly jolted as he heard the familiar cry.

"L-Lord Kyros?!"

"Hems! It is you! You\'re alive! This is amazing! Where are you?" Kyros shouted. He couldn\'t understand it yet. Unlike Hemsey, who died, it was still possible to resurrect him. But Hem\'s soul dissipated, and it was impossible to resurrect him! Yet he was here!

"I am here at Serpent Pond! Lord Kyros... If you are here, then... that means those strange memories... Were they all true? What happened?! Where are we? What\'s going on?"

"Calm down! Listen, is there a great threat of Brimstone Beast near you?"

"Yes! The water here is drying up! The king and the kingdom have given up!"

"Don\'t! You have to make them fight! You have to tell them to hold on! I am on my way! And I have brought the kingdom of Vey and the Kingdom of Castle Rock with me! Fight and survive!" Kyros shouted.

Hems suddenly smiled.

Around him, the numerous lizardman was glancing at him for suddenly shouting strange things.

"He\'s here! My lord is here! I am a vampire! I am a member of his Coven! I am a part of the Coven on Crack!" Hems suddenly cheered.

"What?" The people around him were confused.

"Oh... Wait. Sorry. That\'s the wrong name. I am part of the Coven of the Nephilim! We are vampires! My master is Kyros Steele! A man of many miracles! And he is here!"

The crowd was giving him strange stares.

"My king! Don\'t lose hope! Help is on the way! We have to fight and survive!" Hems urged.

"Hems. Tell them to look to the east. A pillar of light will be the proof that help is on the way!"

"My king! Look to the east! My lord that commands the light and the dark will show proof that he is coming!" Hems shouted and pointed to the far distance.

Kyros was flying to the highest heights he could reach and channeled the power of Light and activated [Skotos Eis Phos] to turn his dark side into the light.


A massive pillar of light shot out of his sword and pierced the sky.

At the very great distance, the darkness and fiery brimstone colors that could be seen over the horizon had another color. A very thin white light shone.

"By the gods! It\'s true!" The king saw and exclaimed.

"Lord Kyros, the Nephilim, is coming! Everyone! We should fight! He is bringing the armies of the Vey Woodlands and Castle Rock with him!" Hems shouted.

"You heard him! Make a decree to the nation! A mighty hero, the Nephilim, is coming to save us! Everyone! We will fight! Hope remains!"

The kingdom was alerted, and the pillar of light that many noticed proved as a sign. Morale was back, and the kingdom prepared for war.

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