
Chapter 337

He saw Miguel looking at the remedy he held in his hand and Alan didn’t add anything else and he concentrated intensely again, he saw the first golden particles around the wound and some had even already started to spread over her heart, damn he thought, this was much more serious than he thought at first.

He immediately contacted Colin through the communication stones and he said to him, ‘As soon as I remove the golden particles from her heart, make that area your priority or we will lose her.’

Colin told him that he was ready to intervene at his signal and when Mykael felt the first golden particles penetrate his hand he felt an intense burn but he gritted his teeth and just hoped that his son could handle that kind of pain.

Colin acted immediately as soon as Alan gave him the signal and he told Miguel to guide him as Alan did so he could heal the wound as soon as he removed the golden particles.

Alan, once he was sure that he had finished removing all the golden particles from the woman’s body, fainted and Mykael caught him and passed him to Erik who had stayed with them and he took care of him immediately.

Mykael then asked him curiously : “How do you feel ? This is the first time you’ve been able to hold your Stage 2 for so long.”

Erik then told him: “I’m exhausted, but following Kevin gave me the willpower I needed to push my limits, I’m glad I was able to help today.”

Mykael then ruffled his hair and he said to him: “You both were very helpful today, you should be proud of what you have accomplished.”

When Colin finished treating Iris and that although she was still unconscious she was now completely heal, he said to Mykael: “Maybe you should go and take your son’s place, if it was painful for you then it must be even more painful for him.”

Miguel and Elias had already joined Kevin and Axel and Colin hurried to join them to continue to finish healing the injured.

Mykael patted Erik on the shoulder and he said to him: “Get some rest with Alan, when we’re done healing everyone I’ll take you home.”

Erik thanked him and he settled Alan more comfortably in his arms, his man had worked hard today, it was rare for Alan to pass out, he was a person who knew his body and his limits well, so today he really had to push them to the max.

When Mykael arrived near Kevin he patted his son’s shoulder and said to him: “Let me take your place, you and your friends had done more than enough today.”

Axel nodded and he let his father taking his place without saying anything. He and Kevin had already treated two of the five Warrior Spirits who were here and he could feel that Kevin was getting more and more tired, so he asked Elias, because Miguel was like Kevin in extreme concentration : “Is Miguel okay ? Kevin is getting seriously tired and there are still two men to be treated.”

Elias then said to him : “Miguel used up most of his energies to isolate the world of the Titans, he was already very weak before he started to heal our men… but don’t worry, our husbands are stubborn by nature, so they won’t give up until they are sure that everyone is out of danger.”

Axel smiled then and he said to him: “You’re right…He will never give up.”

He saw Liam approach him and he immediately asked him: “Do you know what happened here ?”

Liam nodded and told him what he had learnt : “Luckily we didn’t disappear for too long and Ian thought to take the Titan’s head back with him, so he was declared the winner and since I was injured, Solomon, Derek and Kerry took care of the rest, they told the demons to disperse and that the ceremony to crown Ian should wait until I was healed as I was his husband and that he wouldn’t be able to focus on anything else until I was fine.”

Axel nodded and Liam continued to tell them what had happened : “The generals of the demon army were also present and they immediately put themselves under the command of Ian who told them to follow Solomon’s orders for the time being. Our goal today is achieved, the demons are finally free.”

Mykael then asked him: “Liam, you are aware that you have become a divine wolf, right ?”

Liam nodded and he told them : “When Axel evolved, I felt it even though I didn’t see it with my own eyes, and at that moment I felt as if there was no more barrier and when Ian disappeared and I couldn’t feel his energy anywhere, I went crazy and my energy suddenly exploded making me evolve into a divine wolf.”

Elias then said to him: “I had already felt that your wolf was ready to evolve, but you’re right it happened after Axel’s transformation and the appearance of that golden symbol on his chest, with Miguel we’ll find out the meaning of that symbol and we’ll let you know, I’m sure everything is linked to it.”

Liam nodded and then he said to them: “Thank you for saving Ian, and thank you for helping my world regain its freedom… When the time comes, I hope you will let us fight alongside you.”

Elias nodded and he said to him: “You all showed great composure and bravery today. When Ian will have finished making the antidotes, take him home, love him and tell him that what happened earlier was not his fault and that he fought very well.

Don’t forget to remind him that thanks to him, the demons of your world have regained their freedom, and that is no small thing.

And on the other hand, thanks to his kidnapping, we were able to carry out our plan more easily and we gained a few weeks of respite before the big battle… You should rest now, you all deserved it.”

Liam bowed his head to show his respect and he returned to Ian, unfortunately after that he wouldn’t be able to go home right away, Ian had to officially hand over the power to Solomon first before they could return to live at the Sun Sect with their friends.

But after talking to Connor and Derek, he knew it was possible and that was a real relief. Ian would remain their King, but the only obligation he would have would be to protect his people.

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