
Chapter 358

This woman then said to him : “I am not a real person, I am only the representation of the magic of this place.

As you have already understood Priest, the cradle of magic that created this universe is threatened. When these scepters are created and these two goddesses have learnt to draw energy from this pure place, it will then be contaminated by their evil energy and this place will gradually disappear… And with it, it’s the whole magic that governs this universe that will disappear.”

Miguel frowned then and he asked hesitantly: “Wait, what exactly do you mean by that ?”

The entity that represented the magic of this place explained to him : “The spiritual and divine energy will disappear from this universe, making the existing mages powerless and preventing new ones from being formed. The legendary and divine creatures will disappear and only humans will survive.

The Gods will also be able to survive in the plane of existence that the Creator has created for them but they will lose their power and they will remain trapped there as in a prison.

These two goddesses have no idea of the catastrophe they are about to create, and to try to counteract this threat, I have created another energy source that is located in the world where the new Warrior Spirit of Stage 3 is right now and where the first divine creatures have begun to appear.

You must find this energy source Priest and protect it no matter what, if this place ever becomes contaminated by evil, only this energy will be able to purify and restore the cradle of magic.”

She then teleported them to another place, it was a large room made from floor to ceiling of a crystal that looked strangely like the ore they had found on their home world with Elias and of which his sword was entirely made.

In the center of the room was a pedestal made of the same crystal and a huge diamond was floating just above it, this manifestation of the cradle of magic said to him then : “If ever the worst happens, to purify the cradle of magic you will have to change its heart, which is represented by this diamond. You will have to change it by the one I created and preserved for thousands of years in the world I told you about.”

She said to him : “Fortunately, you have already found and rescued the guide that I had prepared for you, this demon will lead you to this energy source, I will make sure of it.”

Miguel then asked her: “If the worst happens and the spiritual and divine energy disappears, how am I supposed to get back here and find this place to replace its heart ?”

She replied with a smile : “Don’t be afraid Priest, even contaminated a portal can still be opened, use one of the two scepters to open a portal, as for this place, I have already printed its location in your mind, you will only have to wish to teleport there to return here.”

Miguel nodded and then he asked her deadly serious: “How do we destroy these scepters ? They are too great a threat to the cradle of magic, and even if we manage to kill Lilith and Diana, we can’t risk them falling into the wrong hands. But my husband and I have already tried to destroy this divine sword without success… What should we do ?”

Miguel felt himself being sucked away again so he tightened his arms around Yelena and then he heard for the last time the melodious and enchanting voice of the representation of the cradle of magic : “With your husband you possess the 3 most powerful energy reserves in this universe, use them together and aim at the pentagrams… You must destroy the pentagrams to destroy the scepters.”

Miguel was then blinded and when he opened his eyes again, he was back in the gravity room and while the room didn’t seem to have suffered any damage, Elias materialized immediately in front of him and he teleported them in the prison dimension without wasting time.

Miguel was still in shock from what had just happened and when Elias took Yelena from his arms and handed her over to Caleb, he didn’t even react which worried Elias even more.

He then placed his hands on either side of his face and he called out to him until Miguel finally reacted and when Miguel put his hands on his, finally coming to his senses, he immediately asked him : “What happened my love, I couldn’t find you anymore and even our telepathic link didn’t work ?”

Miguel replied to him, looking him in the eye : “You’ll never believe me !”

Elias laughed and he said to him : “After all that has happened to us, you think you can still surprise me.”

Miguel smiled at him and he said : “I think our lives are still full of surprises.”

He looked around and suddenly he asked Ashton when he met his gaze: “Are you the mage who managed to mix his spells with Yelena’s chakra ?”

Ashton nodded and Miguel then said to Elias: “I know how to get rid of these scepters… The manifestation of the cradle of magic told me that we have to combine our 3 energy reserves together and that we have to aim at the pentagrams to destroy them.”

Elias then asked him : “Wait ! Wait, Miguel, not so fast… What manifestation of the cradle of magic are you talking about ? Tell me everything from the beginning, okay ?”

Miguel nodded and after taking him in his arms to reassure him that everything was fine because he could still feel his anxiety, he then told them what had happened.

He explained to them how Yelena with her artificial energy reserves, which all together formed a pentagram, had managed to open a portal leading to the cradle of magic, or rather he told them that it was the cradle of magic that had took this opportunity to bring them to it, because it had called Yelena its vessel.

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