
Chapter 245 Lair (1)

"That is…. Actually a good point." Myriad Arrows nodded.

Both of them glared at the thick shroud that was as dense as it could be around that one area.

With both their weapons out, they took a few steps toward the mist. With each step, they could barely see anything else.

They were only a few steps away from each other, and yet, they couldn\'t even see each other anymore.

"Can you hear me?" Myriad Arrows called out, but he heard no response.

"This must be why everyone split up in the first place. No one can hear who they cannot see." Myriad Arrows thought to himself.

Still, he continued walking forward. In his hands, an arrow was docked onto his bow, as his eyes glinted with expectancy.

He was just waiting for the right time to strike. The moment he saw a monster, he was ready to go all berserk.

In this pink mist that surrounded him, there was complete silence. Nothing could be heard. Not even his own breathing.

"What kind of skill does this monster even have? So interesting. But this might be to our advantage. If this is their main skill, then they might not be great fighters. I mean, if they are also great fighters, then how is their creation even justified?" Myriad Arrows chuckled as he told himself.

With every second that passed, he went even further and further.

As he did, the impossible happened. The mist got even thicker. Even thicker than before!

Now, he couldn\'t even see the ground beneath him, or his own hands. He only knew that he was holding his bow and his arrows because he could feel them.

"Damn, this is not the best place to be an archer right now. Without any sight, what good is an archer?" Myriad Arrows cursed.

"You…" suddenly, Myriad Arrows heard a raspy sound, and felt something hold onto the cloak behind him.

Startled, Myriad Arrows suddenly moved, his bow knocking on something probably his height.

"It\'s me, you fool." A muffled sound came from the pink mist. That something was still trying to hold onto his cloak.

"Kierch?" Myriad Arrows asked. He still couldn\'t see anything. At this point, he was basically blind, and probably, so was Kierch.

"Yes. I can\'t see anything. It is best if we stay silent and walk forward together. We are certainly going in the right way." Kierch said.

"Yeah. I can\'t see anything too. Let us just keep moving. This pink mist is quite irritating." Myriad Arrows nodded as he continued walking.

The tug of his cloak was also a little weird to him, but what could he do right now?

He just kept walking, his hands gripping the bow even harder.

"When I see those monsters, I swear to god… Well, I don\'t know where I was going with this, did I?" Myriad Arrows shook his head and took one more step.


A gust of wind blew on his face. All his hair was swept back as he felt all the pink mist in the world trying to push against him, trying to send him away.

"We are here. This is definitely it." Myriad Arrows nodded as he took one more step, against the wind, trying to pass by this one obstacle.

And yet, the resistance was getting only harder. The wind was blowing way too hard, like it had a will of its own.

There was no response from Kierch. Perhaps one reason was that the sound of the wind was too deafening for anything to be heard by anyone at all.

The wind cut across Myriad Arrows\' ears and Myriad Arrows had to concede one step to this power.

But before he could move back, he felt a palm behind him, slowly pushing him forward.

It was Kierch, supporting him as he moved forward.

Myriad Arrows smiled as he took another step forward, instead of backwards. His arrows were ready and docked, but he didn\'t want to fire before he knew exactly what he was facing.

A monster with the ability to control the wind, to make a pink mist that could block of one\'s sense of smell and sight? He was truly interested in seeing what kind of monster was responsible for this.

"How do monsters like this even exist? I played so many games before this, but this is the only time I have heard of something like this happen. It is way too weird." Myriad Arrows told himself perhaps for the fifth time that day.

As he was saying this, he took one more step. With this, the torrent that forced itself onto him grew even stronger. It was too strong to even move against.

If Myriad Arrows gave way now, he would fly back not two or three steps, but all the way back to where he started.

There was no way he would give up this footing.

But as he was thinking this, he could feel the palm behind his back slowly loosening.

"Is Kierch giving up? That fool! If we give up now, how can we hope to ever take care of these monsters? If we can\'t even get to the lair of the monsters, how can we battle them?" Myriad Arrows cursed.

"Kierch\'s palm left Myriad Arrows\' back entirely, and he was left to fend for himself.

"Ah. Looks like I was let back by this man that Shadow King loves so much. Damn it." Myriad Arrows sighed.

He shook his head as he was about to raise his foot, trying one last, useless, attempt to step froward.

But it was all for nothing. He was getting pushed back already, away from wherever he needed to go.

"Come here!"

Myriad Arrows suddenly heard a muffled voice, and a hand grabbed his own.

He was suddenly pulled to the right.



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