
Chapter 94 The Second Trial Begins

The Second Trial Begins

Xue Bai had no good feelings for the Wang Clan, and while his father and the Wang Clan hadn\'t broken off all relations yet, that was only on the surface. Both groups wanted nothing more than to kill every single person related to the other.

Wang Yichen knew that Wang Yin was killed by somebody from Xue Feng\'s camp and was furious. While Xue Feng still wanted to avenge Xue Bai from when he was almost crippled.

So Xue Bai seeing such talented Wang Clan members who were going to join the Soaring Sword Sect, how could he let them live? They obviously weren\'t joining the Sect to help it. Most likely, they were spies to be planted inside to do just the opposite.

And even though these Wang Clan members most likely didn\'t know why they were ordered to join the Soaring Sword Sect, they would in time. Either once they rise to a prominent position or their Demonic Sect backers make their move into the Southern Continent.

However, one way or another, if they joined the Soaring Sword Sect, they would only create chaos and mischief, so stopping them beforehand would only help Xue Bai in the long run.

Unaware of their imminent demise, the Wang Clan members eventually walked away from Xue Bai, but not before throwing a myriad of insults his way.

However, since the crowd could tell that Xue Bai disdained even talking to them, it only looked like a pathetic attempt to protect their pride and reputation.

As the airship flew closer and closer to their set destination, Luo Ye made his way to the deck where all of the 5,000 participants were waiting.

"Potential Junior Brothers and Sisters, since we won\'t reach our destination for another hour, I will take this time to explain to you the rules of the second trial!" Luo Ye shouted, gaining everyone\'s attention.

And with no one daring to miss the rules, they all became mute and awaited Luo Ye\'s explanation.

​ Like most of them guessed, the second trial involved a demonic beast hunt. Before entering the forest, each participant would receive a token that was linked to the Array Formation surrounding the forest.

In the forest, every demonic beast, small or large, was intrinsically linked to the array, meaning at the event that should a monster die, the Array Formation would notice. So for the participant to gain the points of their defeated prey, they would have to go to its corpse and place their jade token on it.

After which, they would be able to gain the points that the demonic beast was worth.

For points, the ranking was very orderly and easy to understand.

Early Stage Muscle Nourishing Realm 1 point.

Middle Stage Muscle Nourishing Realm 5 points.

Late Stage Muscle Nourishing Realm 10 points.

Peak Stage Muscle Nourishing Realm 15 points.

Early Bone Strengthening Realm 50 points.

Middle Bone Strengthening Realm 100 points.

Late Bone Strengthening Realm 150 points.

Peak Bone Strengthening Realm 200 points.

Early Organ Tempering Realm 500 points.

Middle Organ Tempering Realm 750 points.

Late Organ Tempering Realm 1000 points.

Peak Organ Tempering Realm 1250 points.

If it came to the case where someone killed a Qi Sea Realm beast, they would instantly be allowed to join the Inner Sect.

As not only were there very few Qi Sea realm beasts inside the forest but also having the strength of the Qi Sea Realm was the minimum requirement to join the Inner Sect.

After Luo Ye finished explaining the next trial, he asked if the crowd had any questions. But since there were more than 5000 people on the deck, his open-ended question turned into a shouting game.

Sensing his mistake, Luo Ye unleashed his aura and forced the crowd to calm down.

"One at a time, and if anyone asks a stupid and nonsensical question, then don\'t blame me for being rude!" Luo Ye snorted as he followed up.

After that, more than 80% of the questions were retracted. While they didn\'t know what a stupid and nonsensical question was, no one wanted to be the one who was used as an example.

"Senior Brother Luo, during the trial, what should we do if we plan to team up!" Someone yelled out.

"A good question! But the answer is simple. The token has a feature to trade and give points. So if you are teaming up with others, have the leader be someone trustworthy and split the points fairly." Luo Ye answered.

After that, one of the Wang Clan members would ask a question.

"Senior Brother Luo, what about deaths? Surely during an exam this size, deaths are unavoidable." The Wang Clan member spoke, but throughout his entire question, he had his gaze locked on Xue Bai.

Luo Ye, with how astute he was, easily noticed that there seemed to be some bad blood between the two parties. And though he knew Xue Bai had an extraordinary identity, he didn\'t want to have the Young Duke to have an easy time.

So as to give the Wang Clan member the green light, Luo Ye replied, "Of course! Deaths are naturally going to be unavoidable in such an environment. So as to stop some unnecessary deaths, we are also going to give every participant a flare! If you shoot this flare into the air, either my fellow Inner disciples and I or an Outer Elder will come to assist you."

The crowd, hearing that they had a safety net, had their hopes up, but Luo Ye continued his sentence before they could get relieved fully.

"However, depending on where your flare is shot from, it could take a few minutes for someone to assist you. So take the flare with the knowledge that it isn\'t instant. Of course, if you shoot out your flare, you are disqualified from this year\'s entrance exam." Luo Ye finished.

The Wang Clan member who asked this was all smiles, and as to try and instill some fear into Xue Bai, he looked over and sliced his finger across his neck.

But sadly, the Wang Clan was met by a fast-asleep Xue Bai, who hadn\'t seen anything he had done. Flushed from the embarrassment, he quickly looked away and paid attention to Luo Ye.

The Q&A would continue, and after having to kick out a few idiotic participants, the airship finally reached its destination. And after they landed on the outskirts of the forest, Luo Ye gave them a warning.

"Before you all go into the forest, I am going to warn you all. While killing a Qi Sea Realm demonic beast will instantly allow you to become an Inner Disciple like me, it is also the fastest way to die an unnecessary death." Luo spoke solemnly. "A Qi Sea Realm demonic beast is something on a completely different level than one in the Organ Tempering Realm. Not only can they release Spiritual Qi from their body, giving them a ranged attack, but they also have a demon core giving them more than enough endurance to fight an extended battle."

Unlike the thunderhawk that Xue Bai found in the Secret Realm, demonic beasts, like humans, aren\'t able to release Spiritual Qi from their bodies, as they can only reinforce themselves with it.

So when going against a demonic beast who had not only the physical strength advantage but also a ranged advantage, any participant going against a Qi Sea Realm demonic beast wouldn\'t have any advantage other than intelligence.

And to prevent ignorant deaths, Luo Ye specially warned the participants from going against one.

After the warning, Luo Ye waved his hand, and to his command, a group of Soaring Sword Sect disciples started to hand out the tokens and the flares to the participants.

"Potential Junior Brothers and Sisters, I wish you all good luck!" Luo Ye yelled out to the 5000 participants before rudely kicking them off of the ship.

They had the rules explained to them, were given the tokens needed to keep score, and were explained how the flare works. So like a mother bird pushing their children out of the nest, Luo Ye left the participants to themselves as he controlled the airship to fly up once again.

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