
Chapter 270 Massacre [2]

There was chaos on the roads. The roads had been getting harder to run on due to all the flesh and blood splattered around.

People were running for their lives, trying their hardest for their desperate attempt to live. The numbers constantly decreased as they ran. Some cut their legs cut off and fell on death\'s door, some were chopped in half while some were swallowed as whole.

One of those running survivors was Gazef Soghill. He was clenching tightly to his right shoulder to stop the bleeding since his arm had been tore off while running by a beast—it it hadn\'t been for another person who directly fell in front of that beast, he would\'ve been dead by now.

But since he got the chance to live, he had to everything in order to make the most of it. And right now he was doing just that.

He had his two sons with him, one reaching his mid-teens and the other was around thirteen years old. Both of them were Gazef\'s up most priority, and all he wanted to do was somehow get the two of them out of this hell.

He didn\'t care about his own life that much. A part of it was because he was already almost dead due to the blood loss and there was little time left before his body stopped moving.

However, he didn\'t really had to wait for that long. A beast that was running ferociously on the walls of the buildings next to him marked Gazef as its target and jumped on him.

Gazef wasn\'t looking in the direction but straight ahead as his sole goal was to get his sons out of here. Therefore he was unable to see or dodge when the beast slapped him on the back with its wide claws and smacked him to the ground.

The surface of the road where he fell shattered from the intensity of the hit. Gazef\'s spine was probably shattered due to the impact, but before that happened he was able to successfully shove his sons away from himself and the beast.

He didn\'t do it deliberately, rather his subconscious mind did it for him.

"Dad!" the younger son screamed as he looked at Gazef. He wanted to run off to him, but the older sibling was keeping him from going there.

Perhaps he was mature enough to know that going there would mean nothing. That, or it was just his selfish human nature surfacing and preventing him from going there since he was sure to lost his life.

"R…R-Run....as far as you can," Gazef said in a trembling and broken voice before the beast above him ripped him to shreds with its razor like claws.

"No! Dad!" the younger sibling cried, a burst of tears flooding out of his eyes. But by this time even his body was telling him to run.

Before he realized it, he was running away with his older brother. Leaving his dad behind and watching as the beast ate.

"Don\'t look back! It\'ll all be useless if we didn\'t make it out alive," the older sibling said.

He clenching his younger brother\'s hand more tightly and increased his running pace.

But running wasn\'t going to do nothing. The road was already filled with many people who were sprinting for their life. And even worse, the people from the nearby buildings and house had also realized what was going and deciding to escape, making the road blockage even more intense.

Therefore if they wanted to escape successfully they first had to find a way with not much people around. The older sibling knew this and was acting according to it. Soon he found what he was looking.

A small opening between two buildings; a side alleyway. In a rush like this not many people would be able to spot small openings like this thus they will mostly be empty, or less crowded than the main streets at the least.

It made for a good hiding spot and a escape route. The older was aware of this and ran toward that alleyway. For a second his eyes only saw the entrance of that alleyway and the way in between, the rest of the world was overshadowed.

No matter how mature, he was still a kid. Naive enough he left his guard down and if he caught the attention of any demon beast at the moment, he wouldn\'t have had any time to get out of the way.

However, as fate may have it, nothing of sorts happened. He sneaked inside the alleyway and pulled his brother as well.

The alleyway was dark but it was enough space for three people to walk side by side, thus they didn\'t face any problem while running away. Though, he had to stop when his younger brother suddenly came to a halt.

"What happened? We have to go!" he said, urging his brother to keep.

"I…I cant. W-We left father behind…mother is at home too, and she doesn\'t know about this. Everyone\'s…dying....everyone\'s gonna die," the younger sibling sulked.

In all reality, nobody could blame him for acting like this. In fact, for a thirteen-year-old he had done fairly well to avoid breaking down until now even after seeing his parent die right after his eyes.

Not many kids were strong enough to do that…not many adults were strong enough to do that.

"But we have to go! If we got caught as well then father\'s death will be for nothing. You remember what he said at last, right? He told us to run, as far as we can. We have to do that," the older sibling said.

But at the core of things, he was as scared and worried as his younger brother. He was putting up the tough guy act because he couldn\'t afford to cry in front of his brother.

"I can\'t. My feet won\'t move, they\'re numb. I\'m scared!" the younger brother said as huge drops of salt and water dripped down his cheeks.

"I\'m scared, I don\'t want to die!"

"It\'s alright. It\'s alright. You don\'t have to be scared, you won\'t die. I\'m here after all. If any beast is coming for you, they\'ll have to get through me first!?" the older sibling said with a forced smile on his face as he pointed at himself with his thumb.

"You\'re lying! You\'re scared too! I know! We all are going to die!" he cried more violently and screamed.

"No, you\'re wrong. Everything will be fine—"

A splash of blood slapped the older brother\'s body when a demon beast came from the sky and landed right above his brother.

It flattened his brother\'s body and what his eyes gazed at now was no longer his \'brother\' but a lump of flesh and blood.

The beast looked at him and growled as he stepped off his brother\'s meat and took steps toward him.

The older didn\'t got nothing to say, he wasn\'t even able to run. His brain was still functioning somehow thus his body moved back with a few, unmeasured back-steps.

But since he was going without looking backward his feet stumbled and he fell. His head smacked the ground, and his eyes caught the sight of the sky.

There what he saw squeezed out the little life that was left in him.

In the sky were portals—the same as the one that had opened on the street. But the difference in size was like day and night. They bigger and wider than anything ever build; even bigger than the castle gates.

But it was not just their size which scared him, the numbers. The portals numbered in hundreds, no. Thousands, probably even more than that. And from those hundreds of thousands of portals were coming out hundreds of thousands of demon beasts.

He lay on the ground, looking up with his dead eyes as the demons rained from the sky.

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