
Chapter 236 - Awakening Patrick's Bloodline

After ingesting the Blood Boiling Pill, Patrick immediately entered seclusion. Azaroth mentioned that he would need to endure torturous pain for three days three nights.

Patrick believed Azaroth\'s words and understood that the pain would truly be very intense. He couldn\'t underestimate it.

Yet, his excitement easily suppressed his fears. His excitement of reaching the 5 Star Rank was far beyond his fear of pain.

He had endured torturous nights during these 10 years. He wanted to do something about it. He tried… But it was all for naught.

Any path he picked felt like a dead end. From a certain perspective, it felt like someone controlled the scenes to prevent Patrick from becoming stronger.

That was indeed true.

Hugo Corlett, the great elder\'s grandson in the Origin Sect, and currently the youngest elder of the Origin Sect. He could be considered Patrick\'s love rival who had more or less succeeded in getting what he wanted.

The woman Patrick was in love with. He successfully seduced her and toyed around with her.

Hugo Corlett had always been jealous of how Patrick possessed a bloodline superior to his own.

He was also very angry that he couldn\'t win against Patrick in competitions. Thus, he decided to do what he could and strike Patrick so heavily that he could never stand again.

He thought that maybe he should transfer Patrick to the branch in Veninza City. It lacked resources, and the spiritual energy was also rather thin. However, he soon felt that he was underestimating that guy a bit too much.

Even though the branch in Veninza City didn\'t have many resources or dense spirit energy, Patrick could still reach the 5 Star Rank soon.

To prevent this, he needed to focus on Patrick\'s mind and attack it so hard that he would never be able to break through.

Fortunately, he knew how he should get that.

He knew Patrick was in love with a woman. Well, he did fancy the woman as well since she was rather pretty.

She was an inner sect disciple of the Origin Sect. Her name was Cara. Hugo Corlett knew that he could use her to break Patrick mentally.

He used his grandfather\'s influence to transfer him to this branch in Veninza City.

Cara was still an inner disciple of the Origin Sect. Even though she liked Patrick, she couldn\'t leave behind the main branch for the branch in Veninza City. The main branch was much more superior to the other branches.

During this time, Hugo Corlett just had to prevent Patrick from contacting Cara. The first thing he did was have someone smash Cara\'s Voice Transmission Array Stone.

This would prevent Patrick from contacting Cara. And even if Cara got a new Voice Transmission Array Stone, she wouldn\'t be able to contact him unless they could contact each other.

Thus, Hugo Corlett prevented any of their letters from reaching each other.

Most of Patrick\'s comrades back in the main branch had already been bought by Hugo Corlett.

Thus, Hugo Corlett succeeded in separating him from Cara.

After that, Hugo Corlett created various instances so that he could interact with this woman. He helped her on each occasion unconditionally.

As an example, he saved her father from bandits. Well, the bandits he hired, that is.

Her father had suffered great injuries at the bandits\' hands and was grateful to Hugo Corlett for saving him. When he found out Hugo Corlett was the son of the Great Elder of the Origin Sect, he was even more thankful and excited.

When Cara found out her father had been attacked by bandits, she immediately rushed to his position. Her father told her a rather exaggerated story of how Hugo Corlett saved him.

Cara believed most of what her father spoke and was very grateful to Hugo. She even went to thank him and invite him to a meal.

This was merely one event.

Hugo Corlett had a lot of time to arrange such events to interact with Cara.

Their relationship began to progress smoothly. It reached the point that Cara began to hang out with him naturally. She stopped talking about Patrick or even missing him altogether.

Hugo Corlett knew that Cara\'s feelings for Patrick were reducing. However, she wouldn\'t accept him unless something drastic occurred.

In the next couple of days, he gave Cara\'s close female friends some resources and informed them of their tasks.

Those friends then informed Cara about Patrick and how he was doing in Veninza City.

They told Cara how they had family in that city, and they mentioned that there were rumors that something was going on between Patrick and a lady from a rich merchant family.

Cara remained calm. However, she didn\'t know why but she felt relief as she heard this information.

She had her own guesses about Patrick. Patrick had never written to her since he went to Veninza City. Deep in her mind, she felt that he was cheating on her.

Even though she had written to him multiple times to inform him of her new Voice Transmission Array Stone\'s Code, he still never contacted her.

Her friend\'s words confirmed those guesses. She was so sure of her guesses that she never even tried to confirm those words.

This was rather convenient for Hugo Corlett. Hugo Corlett knew that he should strike her while the iron was hot.

The two met up and had some drinks together. Cara told Hugo Corlett what she thought about Patrick and how she felt when she heard he was cheating on her.

Hugo had already slipped a weak aphrodisiac in her drink. It couldn\'t be too strong since she would become suspicious of him then.

The drug was used in just the right amount, so she would feel horny.

The drug worked like a charm, and Hugo Corlett led Cara to an empty room where they both fucked each other like rabbits.

After that moment, Hugo knew Cara was in the palm of his hands. However, he still decided to be careful, so he spent nearly 3 whole months to deeper his feelings with Cara.

The tale of capturing Cara could be considered to have ended.

But since the tale had ended, the conclusion had to be shown to her former partner.

Thus, Hugo Corlett took Cara to Veninza City and met with Patrick.

When Patrick saw Cara latched onto Hugo Corlett\'s arm, he received a great shock. He didn\'t raise his voice and ask her what happened.

He could imagine that this man took advantage of this transfer to capture Cara\'s heart.

It was at that moment his heart shattered.

When Hugo Corlett saw his distressed look, he knew he had succeeded. The man he hated so much finally had that defeated expression on his face.

Moreover, Hugo Corlett knew that this man couldn\'t get over this event at all. He could be considered finished.


However, it had been nearly 10 years since that incident.

Patrick vividly remembered that event that had crushed him. Today, he was enduring great pain as he swore to himself \'Revenge! I will crush him just like he crushed me!\'

As for Cara… He didn\'t have any thoughts about her.

He was over her at this point. In these 10 years, he had just felt that it wouldn\'t yield any results no matter what he did.

However, Azaroth had changed things for him. He allowed him to see the light of hope again by awakening his bloodline completely!

And this pill which was boiling his blood… It felt as though it was activating all the latent power in his body.

After 3 days and 3 nights of enduring that torture, Patrick left his room to take a bath.

However, this time, there was a determined expression as well as a bright radiance on his average-looking face.


A/N: Check out my insta: reveriecreations04

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