
Chapter 360 - Life Stories

These women were focusing on Azaroth\'s words completely. Even Tiana was focusing on this story. She had never heard this from Azaroth before and was extremely curious about his past.

She was quite shocked to hear that he had a wife before. And she possessed such Noble thoughts.

Azaroth noticed that he had grabbed everyone\'s attention and continued his story, "You see, my wife had also experienced great pain as she cultivated techniques suited for other elements. There were Ice Sects available during that time, but she could never join one."

"We traveled too everywhere before we finally found a senior willing to impart her Ice Cultivation technique to her. Once she received that technique, she wished that her brethren, those who couldn\'t join the Ice Sects and were forced to cultivate those painful techniques belonging to other elements, would also possess this technique."

"After some time, she expressed her wish to create an Ice Sect and spread Ice Cultivation Techniques for all the disciples. To do her part and resolve this issue by a bit," Azaroth spoke, his voice clearly a little emotional as he talked about her.

His voice suddenly turned deadly calm as he continued, "…Before long, we suffered a disaster, and the Celestials began to pursue her. She saved me at the cost of her life. At that time, I took my vow of revenge. This is exactly why I created this Sacred Ice Aurora Valley Sect."

When Azaroth spoke those words, the women around him were extremely startled. They weren\'t just shocked; they were also amazed at the story they had just heard.

They had seen those corpses underneath Azaroth\'s illusion. They felt that they had witnessed his path when they saw those corpses, but now, they felt as if they saw his heart.

They now understood that this Sacred Ice Aurora Valley Sect wasn\'t created just because it was his wife\'s wish but because he also wanted to create a faction to take his vengeance against the Celestials.

"My enemy right now is too strong. Even knowing his identity will be troublesome for you. What I want is your continued support. Help me build this sect into something great. Something that would be remembered for the generations to come!" Azaroth\'s voice seemed to contain a magnetic charisma that made all these women hear him with great excitement.

At this moment, Helena suddenly spoke out, "Leader, I believe I can speak for everyone when I say that you can count on us! We will definitely help you achieve your ambition!"

Helena was the one who initiated this. She had spoken the words that were in the other women\'s minds. These women were completely convinced by the story and felt like assisting Azaroth on this path.

At the least, they promised themselves to handle the Sacred Ice Aurora Valley Sect to the best of their ability.

Tiana was no different. She was also caught up in the moment and felt extremely motivated to help Azaroth on his path.

Azaroth slowly stroked Helena\'s head, and he spoke gently, "As I said before, my enemy is too strong. You all just need to slowly build up the sect. If you have any recommendations, you can inform Tiana about them. If she feels they are feasible, those ideas will be applied immediately."

Helena felt extremely pleased as her head was stroked by Azaroth. She even held that selfish desire of snuggling up against Azaroth\'s body.

The other women were quite jealous of the attention that Helena was receiving. Some were cursing why they hadn\'t spoken up first.

If they had spoken up at that moment, maybe Azaroth would have stroked their head as well. But unfortunately, the moment had passed, and Helena appeared to be the winner.

"I am truly thankful for your desire to support me further. In return, I vow to deal with any issue you face. Even if it\'s a personal issue, you all will always have the Sacred Ice Aurora Valley Sect\'s support! That, I swear!" These were the last words Azaroth needed to speak before winning the support of all these women.

They were now extremely touched and motivated to do something for the sect.

Azaroth was quite pleased with their expressions. He knew that the story he had narrated would yield some great results.

Naturally, the story he had narrated didn\'t belong to Azaroth himself. It belonged to a warrior who died at Azaroth\'s hands and had his soul read.

Azaroth made some minor changes to suit himself before narrating this story to these women.

He knew that women were somewhat sentimental and stubborn creatures. He was triggering their emotions and guiding them in the direction he wanted.

Because of their stubborn nature, they wouldn\'t give up quickly. They would work significantly as long as they continued to admire Azaroth.

And Azaroth wasn\'t planning to give them any reason to stop admiring him. He had successfully manipulated them all into giving their best to cultivate for the Sacred Ice Aurora Valley Sect.

Moreover, Helena was the one whose will of hard work had seemingly been triggered. At least, that\'s what Azaroth sensed from her aura right now.

If Helena could actually maintain it, she might become a strong and durable pillar for the sect.

The same was also true about Tiana and the other women. Their will had also been triggered but to a lesser extent as compared to Helena.

This wasn\'t due to a lack of emotional attachment to Azaroth\'s narrative. They were equally attached to that story, but they had experienced some kind of trigger earlier in their life.

They already possessed that drive to work hard and cultivate. It was Helena whose will had been triggered for the first time.

Azaroth mentioned a couple of things and made them laugh a little. He wanted to make the situation a bit lighthearted.

The women then began to share their own life with others. Since Azaroth had just shared such a crucial moment in his life, they felt inclined to share their life story as well.

They had some rather familiar life stories. Azaroth wasn\'t surprised to hear any of them.

Most of these women seemed to have gained some unwanted attention due to their physical appearance. Just based on their physical appearance, they had been recruited into the sect.

They mentioned it was some sect disciple pulling the strings to have them join the sect. Because of the lack of ice cultivation techniques, they were forced to cultivate the fundamental techniques closest to the Ice Element.

Those basic techniques were naturally water cultivation techniques. However, as their strength grew, they began to experience great pain during their cultivation.

Their mentors who knew about the core issue just mentioned that it was normal for the Ice Elemental Cultivators to experience this pain. There was nothing they could do.

However, because of their Yin Physiques, even though the technique was unsuitable for their bodies, their progress in cultivation had been rather quick.

They had already learned to endure the pain. Moreover, their mentor would inform them that after they reach the 6 Star Rank, they would never experience this pain.

Azaroth snorted when he heard that sentence.

"What a cheap lie. With those techniques, unless you made some modifications to suit your physique, you would have never reached the 6 Star Rank. Reaching the King stage itself means that you have to be extremely compatible with your element and gain some insight into those elements." Azaroth spoke.

These women were instantly startled. Their faces soon morphed into a look of disgust.

"I knew there was something fishy about them! They were just making use of me! They promised me great benefits and had me complete some tasks for them. And when it came to getting those benefits, they would make some sort of excuse and push it even further." Rosalie spoke with an angry tone.

"Something similar happened to me as well."

"Same with me."

The other women immediately chirped in. Only now did they realize that they were living inside a scam and had gotten out of it due to Tiana and Azaroth\'s sect.

If not for this sect, they wouldn\'t have realized that they were being scammed like this.

"…Master, can those individuals who possess elements other than ice to join this sect?" One of the women gently asked.


I hope you all liked the chapter. Sorry for a single chapter these days. I was a little busy coz of my relatives and all. It\'s pretty much wedding season in India. Hope you all understand. Tell me if you have any suggestions though.. I make sure to read all comments and reviews and try my best to improve. 

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