
Chapter 283 The Merger

There was chaos and incredible change all around. The people on the island and the soaring cities were shocked. Suddenly their world was destroyed, and millions of lives disappeared into the void as if they didn\'t exist.

"What the hell is this?" Luar exclaimed, looking back. He saw the vast ocean collapse into many particles and gradually evaporate.

"Oh no, Overion, Last Light, is this the end..." Gisle muttered. His face was as pale as a sheet of paper. He was expecting anything but a disaster of this magnitude.

"Gisle, calm down, look over there." Forgotten walked over to him and said.

Gisle turned around and saw a huge soaring island in the distance. It was Overion. Because of the horizon earlier, the city was not visible, but the angle of view changed as it rose up and the ocean partially disappeared.

"That\'s Arkadale!" Eva exclaimed.

Besides Overion and Arkadale, two other cities remained intact. The Map of the Azure Path appeared and was fully assembled in them. This was the main and only condition for surviving the merging of the worlds.

However, some lands also remained intact. It was a chain of several islands that emanated a formidable and ancient aura. These were the lands beyond the dark walls that had collapsed during the beginning of the apocalypse.


The sky shattered into hundreds of shards, and the soaring lands headed toward the island as if to their core.

Everyone was mesmerized and terrified by the scene. They watched at outside their world. The same thing happened to others.


Each of the Pillar races had its own world. Elves, Vampires, Ashens, and others. There were a few exceptions, of course. A world was a type of space, and the most important condition for a space to become a World was partial independence from the World of Darkness.

Only one condition had to be met. The space had to have enough power to gain this independence. In most cases, the power of a space depended on its size, but not always.

Some small spaces also had the status of Worlds, even though they were dozens of times smaller than the World of Elves or other races.

During the merging of Worlds, anything that was not a World or not directly related to the World of Darkness was destroyed.

As Overion, Arkadale, and other cities collected the Map of the Azure Path, a strong connection to the World of Darkness was established between them.


The representatives of the Pillars were as shocked as the people in Overion or Merge Island.

Their worlds broke into several pieces and headed to the same point from different directions. Thousands of threads stitched together a new reality, except for which only the spaces of the World of Darkness would remain.

However, one space strong enough to be considered a World did not budge. It floated on its own, detached from the chaos going on.


A crack appeared in the sky of that space, but suddenly a black flash flew there and was outside the spatial barrier.

It was a tall girl with long black hair and a wide black cape. She was strong enough to move safely in the open zone.

Opposite her stood a tall man with pale skin, short blond hair, and a long golden halberd in his hand.

"Are you trying to resist the will of the World of Darkness?" The man said coldly.

The girl smiled, "We don\'t depend on you."

"Hmm? Do you think your World can withstand the energy storm that will descend upon you?"

"Hahahaha." The girl suddenly laughed, "Even though you\'re an Arkan, it looks like you don\'t even know what World you came to."

"What does it matter? All Worlds must be connected, I am only doing the will of the World of Darkness, and you will not be able to resist. If you continue to oppose, I will break down your protective barrier by force."

"As you say." The girl said, and her aura began to intensify.

Her hair and cloak fluttered upward as if from a strong gust of wind, and two seals appeared on her arms.

The man frowned, and his halberd glowed brightly. It was a soothing yet menacing light, capable of burning anything. The man stepped forward and swung his halberd.

But, suddenly, he stopped. Or rather, something made him do so. Several dark hands grasped the halberd and the man\'s limbs.

An eerie and ancient aura emanated from them. The man\'s flesh, like the halberd, began to melt and rot, and he was in terrible pain.

"What\'s going on? Where did you get such power!?"

"Did you believe you could attack the World of humans and walk away alive? Join the other Worlds? What would be the point of that? We were banished long ago! As a follower of the King, I will get rid of the wretched parasite who wanted to destroy his creation!" The girl exclaimed and clenched her hands into a fist.

Several dark hands thrust into the man\'s chest and pulled out his heart from the other side. There was nothing he could do. The girl\'s strength was not something he could resist.


"What happens next?" Teresa muttered. She was scared, she could see that the gradually soaring islands were flying higher toward the vast emptiness.

"There\'s no need to panic." Gisle said he had already come to his senses and roughly understood the situation, "We\'ll probably stay alive, but no one knows what will occur next."

Gisle\'s words reassured the others, but only partially. In that situation, it was impossible not to worry. Everyone was worried about their lives and the fates of their friends who were left behind in the cities that had taken off.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

Suddenly space shook, and a blue, energetic stream appeared. Soaring lands headed into it, and their speed increased greatly with each passing second.

Dozens of islands eventually entered one space, and a bright white flash blinded everyone.

When people opened their eyes, they saw that it was over. In the distance, there was no more ruined sky, darkness, soaring islands, and other signs of the merging of the world.

In front of them were vast lands, familiar as Overion and unfamiliar coming from other Worlds and some spaces.

It was quiet. Only the murmuring of water from the great waterfall behind the island could be heard.

Then a message appeared before everyone.

[The merging of Worlds is complete.]

[Welcome to the World of Destiny.]

Everyone was shocked for a while, but Gisle came to his senses and began handing out instructions.

He didn\'t know what dangers might await them in this place, but he urgently had to mobilize troops and find out what territories surrounded them.

Wain was as shocked as the others. Merge Island was no longer floating above the ground. It was between other lands and a waterfall, the end of which was not visible because it was too high.

Wain looked at the waterfall and tried to calm down and gather his thoughts. He was always trying to organize his actions and figure out which direction he needed to go, but something new and unexpected kept happening.

This had been going on since the moment souls appeared in his homeworld, a dark mist appeared. He started the apocalypse in another world and ended up on a strange island that was the catalyst for creating a single world from other worlds.

\'Huh, life really isn\'t predictable. What do we do now? Wain pondered.


Suddenly there was a massive explosion in the distance, the shockwave of which created strong wind currents. The trees swayed from side to side, and Wain\'s cloak fluttered.

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