
Chapter 824 Death Phantom


The dark blade of energy came down on Death Phantom with tremendous speed. Wain was serious as he attacked as hard and fast as he could.

Death Phantom watched it with curious looks as if he want to know what Wain\'s energy consisted of. Then, Death Phantom swung his scythe, just at the moment when Wain\'s attack should have reached its target.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

Space trembled as the scythe blade passed through the dense layer of energy with ease, splitting it in two. At the same moment, the scythe flashed a white light and all the energy surrounding Wain\'s sword vanished as if Death Phantom had removed it at will.

\'What the hell...?\' Wain\'s eyes went wide as he was in disbelief.

Crackle. Crackle. Crackle.

Then, the scythe blade collided with the dark sword, shock waves shaking the space as a piercing sound like the cry of a ghost rang out.

\'Shit... It hurts pretty bad...\' Gladius muttered with a frowned look.

\'What...? This is the first time I\'ve heard you say such a thing... Is there any way this creature could hurt you?\' Wain asked in a worried manner as a wave of shivers ran through his body.

\'Not really. It won\'t be able to break me, but since I still don\'t have my main shard, this scythe could leave some cracks on me if our encounters are long.\' Gladius said calmly, trying to show that it was okay, but Wain realized that the situation was much more serious.


Suddenly the roots nearby began to move as several of them plunged down on Wain like spears. They aimed straight for his heart intending to pierce it, while Death Phantom held Wain in one place.

\'Gladius, I hear you. I will try to face the creature\'s scythe as little as possible.\' Wain inwardly muttered as his pupils narrowed.

He ducked as the roots whizzed over his head, sinking into the stone floor. Death Phantom felt Wain\'s grip loosen, so the ghost applied more force, but Wain\'s silhouette had already blurred.

Wain turned into several clots of darkness as a moment later he was on the biggest root from where he could reach all the others.


The roots instantly reacted to it and about ten of them attacked him. Wain jumped as the thin roots slithered into the big one, then dark streaks appeared on them and most of them were cut into many pieces. However, the thicker ones were able to remain whole, though with deep cuts.

\'Perhaps I can cut them now, but I must do it as quickly as possible. Moreover, it will take me much longer on the most massive roots, and they are the ones that protect the grain...\' Wain wondered with a complicated look as he stepped forward.

His eyes grew as cold as ancient glaciers as his gaze drifted toward the central seed from which the roots continued to grow.

\'Gladius... I\'m not sure what\'s going to happen now, but it\'s probably going to hurt quite a bit. I don\'t want to do it, but I definitely will.\' Wain said in a serious voice as his aura headed toward the three jaws on the blade of the dark sword.

\'Don\'t worry. I had to face the claws of a Dragon Progenitor once. It was bloody dangerous, but I\'m still here, so don\'t hold back. Do what needs to be done.\' Gladius spoke confidently as a slight smile appeared on his face.

"Sure. I won\'t let you down." Wain said as a dark flame flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, an eerie eye opened on the hilt of his sword, just like the one on Wain\'s crown, and the jaws on the blade trembled.

"What is he going to do...?" Virion muttered with a trembling look as he pointed at Wain and shouted, "Go! Kill him!"

Roots instantly obeyed his will as they rushed toward Wain, but Death Phantom was not so obedient. He turned to Virion, piercing him with his eerie gaze for a while before turning around and walking slowly toward Wain.

\'Fuck... This artifact is so powerful it practically got its own mind... He\'s trying to learn... Damn, I need to hurry or this could become a real problem.\' Virion said to himself as he bit his lip to blood with a frowned look.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

The air beside Wain rippled as the three jaws opened wide. At the same moment, there was a piercing scream as if from hundreds of sacrificial spirits. It sounded like a howl at the beginning of the world\'s end.

Virion had to cover his ears to keep his eardrums from exploding. The Scream was so terrifying that some of the audience took a few steps back with frightened faces.

"Damn... It seems the longer he fights, the closer he gets to the true power of the Nameless King." Alucard said in an arrogant manner with his arms crossed.

"Yeah... Even though it\'s still very weak, like a drop in the ocean, but it\'s definitely it... The last time I felt something like this, my heart was in fear. Agh... This could be one of the best fights of my life." Gael uttered with a slight smile on his face while shaking his head.

"Sir... What is it...? I\'ve never been so scared and cold... Even my flames don\'t help me..." Alia muttered with a panicked expression as she was surrounded by streams of white fire. Krakos was in a similar situation.

"Alia... Does it look like it\'s cold out here?" Gael asked with a sly smile on his face as he pointed at the ground.

Alia used so much energy to get rid of the cold that the stone under her feet had already melted and almost begun to boil.

"If there were a monster on the Absolute Stage here, so it would instantly burn." Gael said in a careless manner.

"Then why is this happening...?" Alia asked while in disbelief.

"This col, this scream, trying to freeze your soul, not your body, so only true power can warm your soul." Gael muttered while looking at Wain.

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