
Chapter 1008 The Fall Of The Throne

For most, the main goal was to reach the God Stage, at this level of power one could live for hundreds or even thousands of years and still enjoy all the benefits of this world. However, those who reached it were disappointed, as they were still helpless before their Progenitors.

Progenitors remained in their position for hundreds or even thousands of years, until they died or passed their power to an heir. The case of Ezrin\'s and Amitiel\'s was unique, for no race other than the Angels had ever experienced such a significant change in their hierarchy.

No one would dare attack them, for even if they were victorious, which was almost impossible, the wrath of the entire race would fall on the attacker. However, for one man following his own path, it wasn\'t such a serious problem, and he was willing to go for it.

"Well... Since you decided it yourself, then I don\'t have to worry about the wrath of Olax\'s or Arox\'s, do I?" Polosa muttered with a hard look at Sven. Even if she was the Progenitor, there were adversaries in this world that she would not want to conflict with. 

"Sure. If Olax and Arox find out I betrayed them, I\'m sure they\'ll come in to finish me off themselves and do anything for it." Sven shrugged nonchalantly, "However, let\'s be realistic. That\'s not going to happen."

Polosa frowned, "Why not?"

"Isn\'t it obvious?" Sven threw his head back slightly with an arrogant look, "The dead can\'t talk. That\'s what\'s waiting for you. Today is your last day. The world I want to live in doesn\'t need people like you."

Crackle. Crackle. Crackle.

Polosa clenched her fists so hard that trickles of blood spurted from them. Her aura gradually grew while her beautiful face contorted into an angry grimace. She looked like a demon from hell that wanted to tear Sven apart.

"Oh... Did I make you angry? Don\'t you like that I think you\'re nothing more than nothing?" Sven said calmly, without even looking in her direction.

"Arrogant bastard... If you want to fight, fine, I\'ll show you how wrong you were. Never before has an outsider defeated a Progenitor, do you really think you can do it?" Polosa smirked slyly, but her words didn\'t embarrass Sven one bit. 

"I\'m going to defeat an opponent much stronger than you and help win the war for someone who could kill you without using the Form, so yeah, I\'m confident in my abilities." Sven exhaled cold steam, "Anyway... Let\'s end this pointless talk and get down to business. You know my position as well as I know yours, so try not to die too quickly."

Sven\'s mouth corners headed upward, forming a sly smirk that sent shivers down Polosa\'s spine. However, she quickly came to her senses, and a luminous green aura appeared around her, filling everything around her.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

At the same moment, everyone in the fortress felt a violent tremor as if the most powerful earthquake in hundreds of years had begun.

"What\'s going on...?" The Royal Guards were puzzled as one of them muttered.

"Dammit, I knew you were planning something!" The Guard on the God Stage exclaimed as he pointed his spear at Marlis and Osvald, "Answer me what you did or I will kill you right here and now!"

Marlis and Osvald looked at each other, they didn\'t know anything, but they quickly guessed that something had gone wrong.

"Hey, no need to be so aggressive, we\'re a little baffled too, moreover what makes you think we\'re the reason for this shaking?" Osvald said with a slight smile, scratching the back of his head, "It\'s probably just an earthquake, that\'s all. Calm down."

Guard frowned as he gripped his spear tighter, "You think I\'m an idiot? We Plants can easily sense any earthquake, the strongest and the weakest! This is definitely not one of them!"

The situation gradually became more complicated, the Guards were ready to attack Marlis and Osvald, while, they did not know exactly what they were supposed to do, however, after a while everyone got answers to their questions.


Two flashes erupted from beneath the ground, piercing through dozens of floors as well as the sturdy walls of the castle, which could withstand even the monsters of Fifth Chronicle. One flash was green, spreading a pleasant aura, and the other was white, exuding majesty.

"Well, well, this looks like it\'s gone to the worst-case scenario I ever thought of..." Marlis muttered while shaking her head.

"What are we going to do...?" Osvald muttered uncertainly with a glance at Marlis.

Marlis shrugged, "I don\'t know. Let\'s see for starters. We don\'t need to be in this fight anyway, Sven can figure it all out on his own."

"Bastards! I knew you couldn\'t be trusted!" The man exclaimed as several Guards ran up and pointed their spears at Marlis and Osvald as well.

Marlis sighed, "Well, unfortunately, Sven didn\'t tell us what we should do in such a case... I guess he didn\'t expect it to happen himself... So, let\'s just take the best seats in the audience."

"Yeah... I agree." Osvald nodded. He didn\'t really want to fight the Plants since it wasn\'t their sincere desire, they were only wary because of what happened to Sven and their Queen.

"What...? Do you really think you can get away from us?!"

Marlis nodded, "Sure, and I don\'t advise you to attack. I think you\'d better watch the fight and see who ends up the winner."


Marlis waved a hand as a stream of green flame appeared in front of her. The Guards instantly attacked, but their spears couldn\'t penetrate the barrier.

"What...? How is that possible? Isn\'t she on the God Stage as well as we are?" The man muttered in disbelief as his eyes went wide.

"Hah, you\'re too careless, just as Marlis said, you\'d better not follow us. We\'ll just watch, and I suggest you do the same." Osvald smirked as the flames turned into a torrent that engulfed them completely.

In the next moment, a blob of green flame appeared a few hundred meters from the castle, as Marlis and Osvald stood on the platform. They paid no attention to the Guards and watched with curiosity as the battle between the two incredibly powerful opponents began.

"Shit! We\'ve got to catch up with them and stop them!" Guard exclaimed furiously as his aura intensified. He was ready to use his Form as well as the others.


Suddenly Arden\'s palm fell on his shoulder. Guard turned around, about to be outraged, but Arden\'s cold gaze stopped him.

"Arden... Is something wrong?" The man said with a slight shiver.

Arden let out a slight sigh, "I hate to admit it, but perhaps these two are right. The battle between Queen and Sven Hellem isn\'t really our level. We\'d better watch and follow the fight."

"But... How on earth...!" Guard exclaimed.

Arden raised his head, looking at Polosa, "Our Queen will surely win, however... only if she remains as generous and radiant with kindness as before..." Arden muttered, staring at Polosa\'s frown, which made him grimace.

The other Guards didn\'t quite understand what Arden was talking about, but they decided to agree with his words. Though four of them were on the God Stage, Arden was an authority to them, they respected him almost as much as their Queen.

\'Agh... Has this day really come?\' Arden inwardly muttered, looking at Polosa with a slight sadness in his eyes that gradually grew deeper, \'Was my father right, and does any ruler lose his sincerity sooner or later, and his heart begins to slowly rot?\'

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

Two of the most powerful energy sources made space shake. All weak creatures within a radius of a few kilometers could easily lose consciousness or shake in fear so much that they couldn\'t move.

"Bastard... You came into my world and decided you could do anything here, decided you could insult me and threaten me... That was your biggest mistake in your whole fucking life!" Polosa exclaimed furiously as a faint red glint appeared among her green eyes.

"Hah, what a dirty mouth you really have. It\'s even ironic, though it looks like you weren\'t always like this. It\'s just that over time you\'ve wanted to get real power and not just be an idol for the millions of inhabitants who don\'t want to fight at all, haven\'t you?" Sven smirked, insidiously as he narrowed his eyes.

Polosa didn\'t respond to his sneer, she wanted to let out all her rage, and she was going to do it right now. She hasn\'t fought in a long time, but she used to do it quite often and has tremendous power.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

The ground beside the castle trembled as huge flowers began to grow from beneath it, they were truly gigantic plants capable of throwing shadows even at the Dragon in Full Form.

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