
Chapter 70 - Bed Thief

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Samuel let go of Lena\'s wrists and took a step back so that the princess had enough space to look at her phone. Glancing at her phone Lena saw that it was her father who was calling which meant that it was a call she couldn\'t get away with ignoring because he probably needed something from her.

"It\'s my father calling." She told him realizing that the other couldn\'t see who was calling.

"Better not to ignore that. I need to take a shower anyways." He told her as he took a step towards the bathroom.

"You can stay here if you want or if you leave just make sure to close the door behind you." He told the little queen as he stepped into the bathroom and shut the door behind himself.

Being alone somehow made him more self-conscious about what had just happened in the bedroom. Absentmindedly his tongue over his lips allowing him to feel how warm and swollen they still were. It wasn\'t a situation that he was used to being in, but he didn\'t feel as though he did anything wrong by his actions, nor did Lena seem to mind it.

Glancing in the mirror he saw how flushed his face looked. It was just a kiss but why did his face make it seem like he was more turned on by it then he should\'ve been? He had never really been in this type of situation before so he couldn\'t really reason with himself as to why he reacted so strongly.

He ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath. It really wasn\'t what he needed to be focusing on right then and there. He was there to take a shower and come back out. Hopefully when he did Lena would\'ve left by then because of whatever her father needed or got bored and decided to leave for the night. In order to make sure this was the case, he decided that it couldn\'t hurt to take a little longer in the shower than usual. It would help him to compose himself anyways.

Much to his slight mixed disappointment, Lena was still on his bed when he came out. She had shifted position however so that she was resting up against the headboard. She had leg stretched out straight and the other was tucked up against her chest and acting as a rest for her arms that were supporting her head. Her eyes were closed, but Samuel couldn\'t tell based upon her breathing if she was sleeping or just resting his eyes. He sincerely hoping that it was the later rather than the former. He didn\'t know what he would if she actually fell asleep on his bed.

"Princess, I\'m out of the shower and it\'s getting rather late." He told her, keeping his voice in a low tone so that he wouldn\'t risk startling her if she was actually sleeping. He waited for a few seconds for a reply, but when she didn\'t even stir an inch, he was left to assume that she had actually fallen asleep in the short (twenty-minute) time he had gone to take his shower and he wasn\'t sure how he was going to be able to get his bed back.

Samuel wanted to be able to sleep as well, but he didn\'t exactly feel comfortable moving the princess as he wasn\'t sure how she would react nor did he want to risk waking her up since it seemed obvious to him that she must\'ve been exhausted if she fell asleep in such an uncomfortable looking position.

He decided to go for the second option which would either be to try and sleep in the chair in his room, which he doubted would work very well since he was much taller than Lena was or he could try and sleep on one of the futons or sofas in the greeting room for guests.

He knew that he could\'ve probably gotten away with sleeping in Lena\'s room if he wanted to, but something about that didn\'t feel comfortable to him even though no one else probably would\'ve cared. To him without her being in her room as well it felt like it was an invasion of space. Unlike the room he had been given here which he\'d only used for a handful of days, Lena\'s room was one she\'s occupied for far longer and actually belonged to her since the house was her family\'s.

Hence he decided that for his own comfortability he would make do sleeping out of a bed for a night. It wasn\'t like it was a regular occurrence or at least he didn\'t think it would become one.

The next morning when Lena woke up, she could immediately tell that two things were out of place- she wasn\'t sleeping her room and her body was stiff from the position that she was in.

Her mind was still clouded with sleep so it took her a few seconds to remember what had happened the night before, she didn\'t recall falling asleep. She winced as she opened her eyes and stretched her leg that had been tucked up against her chest. It had fallen asleep from being stuck in the same uncomfortable position for too many hours. Once she saw where she was at, she began to slowly remember what happened.

Scanning the room though, she could tell that it still wasn\'t that light outside yet, but Samuel was nowhere to be seen in the room. Was he already awake or did he sleep elsewhere since she was obviously on his bed? Whatever the answer was, she knew that she needed to get up anyways. Her body was too stiff for her to be able to sleep anymore in it\'s current state.

She stretched her legs over the edge of the bed for a moment or two before she attempted to stand up. Stretching her book as she stood, she felt some of the stiff muscle pop and stretch into a position that was less painful. She needed to keep in mind next time to fall asleep in a more comfortable position.

Leaving Samuel\'s room, her first intention was to go to her own room so that she could shower and change clothes. Even though she was still tired, she knew that she couldn\'t afford to sleep anymore because there were a lot of other things that she needed to do and if she ever intended to catch up, she needed to forgo a little bit of sleep for a while to do that.

The shower helped her to feel better and she dressed into something more casual and comfortable, a polo shirt and slacks since she wasn\'t going to have to head to the office in the morning. There were other things that she needed to take care before that plus she knew that if her secretary needed in regards to the financial issue that needed to be dealt with that he would have no problem giving her a call.

Heading down to the main part of the house, she was still curious to know where Samuel was or rather where he had decided to sleep for the night. The house did have guestrooms aside from the one that he had been given to use, but she got the feeling that he wouldn\'t have known or inquired about it and slept elsewhere.

"Well, well. I see that the bed thief has decided to wake up early." The princess wasn\'t surprised in the slightest to see Leo sitting on one of the sofa\'s with his legs crossed and a book in his hands. He still was getting used to the time difference from being in the UK for so long that he was often awake or sleeping at odd hours as his internal clock worked to adjust to the time changes.

"Where\'s Samuel?" Lena asked ignoring the comment he had made since she was certain that he probably knew where the other was since he had evidentially been awake for a while.

"He\'s in the kitchen currently working on breakfast with Ryan\'s permission of course." Leo replied as he set down the book on his lap.

"I honestly didn\'t think you\'d be one for getting comfortable enough to fall asleep in someone else\'s space." He commented.

"It was because I was tired." She responded with an indifferent expression on her face. Late nights and little sleep time had gotten her used to sleeping in a variety of different places, though rarely did she sleep in anyone else\'s room except for her own.

"If you say so sister." Leo replied with a shrug of his shoulders though the look on his face said that he thought that there was more to it than just Lena being exhausted.

"Either way, you should apologize to him when you see him since he ended up sleeping out here on the sofa. Though they are comfortable, I doubt he slept as well as you did." Lena made a non-comitial noise in response to what Leo said.

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