
Chapter 219 - Deep


LLena felt her frustration building as each second passed. Samuel was taking things far too slow for her liking and the way her dress was hiked up made it hard for her to see.

He had somehow managed to wrap the makeshift tie around bed\'s headboard which limited her range of motion even further.

She felt her breathing hitch in throat as she felt the other\'s hands slip under the waistband of her panties, brushing mere inches away from her throbbing clit.

"You shouldn\'t be so tense when I haven\'t even done anything yet." Samuel teased when he noticed how tensely the princess was holding her body.

"That\'s exactly the problem." She hissed back, tugging to free her hands but to no avail.

"I can see exactly why your brother would call you a little tiger." He laughed.

"I wonder how fiesty you will be after this." He mused as he brushes his fingers her pussy, dipping them slightly between the folds but only for a brief second to tease her. He was amused to see how wet she already was despite them not doing anything yet.

"Such a naughty girl. Already wet and I haven\'t even done anything yet." He teased, tsking at the end as brushed his fingers over her pussy again with his left hand, dipping his fingers in further as he used his to spread her legs a little further apart.

"Naughty? Oh keep teasing like that and you can find out exactly how bad I can be when I get my hands." She laughed. Her tone was huskier than it had been before which he hoped was a good sign.

He presumed by the way her body reacted that she was enjoying what was going on between them.

"And that\'s exactly why I\'m not going to risk freeing your hands." He replied as he dipped his head down.

Pushing her legs further apart to gain better access, he brushed his tongue from the top of her clit to the bottom. He didn\'t miss the way her body rippled and tensed underneath him or the way she bucked her hips slightly to get closer to the pleasurable sensation. He would have to keep it in mind for later.

I think someone likes that." He chuckled in a low voice as he repeated the action for a second time, this using his tongue to probe the entrance of her pussy.

"Stop that." The princess ordered in a short gasp of a voice as her back arched in response to the pleasure that she was feeling.

Samuel couldn\'t help smirking at this. At least he knew that he was doing the right things.

"I don\'t think that I will." He replied back as he shifted his position in order to be able to kiss her again.

The moment their lips connected, Lena found herself at the disadvantage when Samuel unexpectedly thrust two fingers into her tight pussy.

She felt the mixture of pain and pleasure travel up her spine as she arched her back. The other used this as a chance to take the kiss over.

The kiss was shorter than their previous one as Samuel wanted to use this opportunity to explore the rest of her body.

"Don\'t. You. Dare." Lena warned between each panting breathe as she felt her fiance\'s nose brush against the side of her neck rather far up. She knew that if he bit here it would be quite noticeable to anyone else.

"Very well then." He replied though slightly disappointed as he quite enjoyed the reaction that she had given him in the club in response to this.

Instead, he continued to scissor her with his two fingers as he searched for her sweet spot while moving her dress further up so that he could have access to bra and pert nipples that were hidden behind them.

He couldn\'t deny it was a bit of a challenge to move her bra with only one hand, but he didn\'t want to stop what he was doing as with each thrust of his fingers, he could feel that she was getting closer to get climax by how tight she was getting.

A mixture between a gasp and a moan escaped the Princess\'s lips when Samuel\'s mouth began to attack her right breast, nipping it gently before sucking on it. The foreign feeling of intense pleasure was making it hard for her to focus on anything else except for what his fingers and mouth were doing to her.

When he moved to her left breast, he pulled his fingers out causing a noise of protest to escape the other\'s mouth. This noise made him smirk as he nipped down a little harder on her right nipple. He could feel as she tugged against her bindings again, obviously wanting more than what he was giving her.

"Patience, we don\'t want things to end too quickly now do we?" He asked, looking up at her to see her expression. She looked rather annoyed and that expression was what drove him to start peppering little bit marks all over her chest that he knew would leave marks but that no one else would be able to see.

He couldn\'t deny that he was enjoying the power shift and having control at that moment in time. This feeling only heightened when he brought his fingers up to his mouth that had been in her pussy to clean off the juices that had been left and he noticed how bright red her face got when he did this. Things such as that had that kind of reaction on her? Something he would have to explore at a later point in time.

Right now he was just impatient to get inside her. He was throbbing rather painfully himself and the tightness of the work pants wasn\'t helping him. He had to carefully undo his belt before he could any further in order to be able to take his pants off.

He would have thought about giving the princess a show if it weren\'t for the fact that he didn\'t have the patience for such a thing, his arousal was starting to cloud his mind and only one thing was going to be able to fix it.

Lena\'s mind was too hazy to form any kind of coherent thoughts or words as she watched Samuel take off his pants. She knew what was going to be coming next but didn\'t care to stop it. Her body wanted this as much as his did.

Samuel shivered when he felt the cool air touch his lower body. He knew it was only going to be temporary however as he was about to enter something much warmer.

He shifted both their positions and moved her legs so that he would have easier access to what he wanted.

He leaned up to kiss the princess again, making sure that her attention had been shifted to focus on this pleasure before he bucked his hips forward and thrust his entire length to the hilt into her in one quick move.

The princess wasn\'t expecting this and ended up throwing her back as her back arched from the unexpected pain.

She let out a his followed by a small whimper and Samuel could vaguely make out the word \'deep\' escape her lips as she tried to adjust to how she felt with him buried deep inside her.

"It\'s okay." Samuel murmured as he kissed her neck. He could tell by how tight her body was that it wasn\'t yet time to move. He needed to wait until he felt her relax.

He didn\'t wait for her verbal response however and based it upon how she reacted when he shifted his weight. Her breathing was still elevated and her eyes were closed but she didn\'t protest which he took as a sign that it was okay to continue.

Pulling out half way, he pushed back in, rocking his hips as he did this at an angle he presumed would hit her pleasure spot.

He knew he had hit the mark when Lena moaned and her body shuddered. She had been trying to watch what he was doing, but her eyes were too unfocused to pay much attention as her arousal built.

"You like that?" He murmured against her neck as he moved his hands down to grip her hips.

He intended to fully the pace that things went.

He knew though that although she was close to cumming this time that things wouldn\'t end here for the night. There were still many hours left before the sun would be rising.

With each thrust her moans got louder and her pussy clenched tighter around him, the sound and sensation drawing him closer to his own climax. He kissed her again, nipping her lip to take control of it as he knew they were both at the edge.

"Cum for me.." He whispered in her ear as he pulled back from the kiss as he got ready to thrust into her one last time.

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