
Chapter 115: A disappointment

Chapter 115: A disappointment

{krialer, please let me know if you want an NPC or player named after you. You are the top donater this month and now its time for your reward. You have until the 31st of march to reply to this. Please do not miss the opportunity again.}

I look at this man with scrutiny. I have no idea who he really is and why he thinks that this is a good idea. He is either very strong or underestimating me. I\'m going to be on the safe side and say he is strong, I don\'t want to use inspect on him because then he\'d use it on me. He\'ll see that I\'m tier 1 level 51 and become serious, I\'d prefer that he keep underestimating me. "I\'m guessing the guys I killed earlier hired you. I didn\'t think there were so many people like them, you must really care about them if you came all the way out here to kill me." I know he was hired and this is strictly business, but I want to try getting into his head. I watch the confident smile on his face sink behind the true meaning of my words. I basically told him that he is scum like the people that hired him.

In all honesty that\'s true, in his own way he is just as bad as they are. He looks at me hard and I can see the anger in his eyes. "We all do what we must to make a living. If that means I have to work for such individuals so be it." He is just making excuses to justify his character and life choices. A morally compromised person trying to justify their reasons is a common thing. I don\'t know how such a low life got this strong, but every dog has its day. I see no reason to continue this conversation. I don\'t intend to let this person leave alive either, I have to lay down the law of not messing with me. If everyone sees that then I shouldn\'t have anymore trouble. This guy is probably the strongest in the area.

I slowly draw my sword as I stare him dead in the eye. Many of the players that are surrounding us in the park back away to give us room. He takes out the longsword on his back and gets into a stance, but then he relaxes. He starts to whisper something to his subordinates, and then he gets behind them and lets them take the lead as he sits and watches. He is playing it smart now, his group is getting ready to attack. I can tell they are strong, but not enough to do anything to me. The weakest of the group immediately charges forward for a probe attack. To everyone else he is moving fast, but to me he is moving slow. His entire approach is in slow motion to me, and now I see the gap in our powers. If I knew they were this weak I wouldn\'t have even drawn my sword. They are high 20s and low 30s, I overestimated their power.

He is close to me now, and the tip of his blade is almost at the center of my chest. I can see a small smirk on their leaders face, he thinks its already over. I raise my hand and catch the blade between my index finger and thumb. Time speeds up again and wind blows from the force of his attack. Everyone realizes what just happened including their leader. I get a notification of someone inspecting me, and I look to the leader and see his face. "What the fuck were they thinking... Trying to antagonize a tier 1 level 51 player..." Many close hear his mumbles and I soon hear many notifications of people inspecting me. I watch the faces of the surrounding players have different reactions. I\'m pretty pissed that this has happened. I watch the leader get up and prepare to join the fight, but I wont go easy.

I swing my blade and dismember the man in front of me, he falls to the ground dead. A pile of body parts and organs isn\'t a sight to behold, but that\'s just a byproduct of my power. I could\'ve killed them all without even using my sword, that actually sounds like a good idea. I sheath my sword and loosen up a little. "I don\'t need a weapon to kill all of you, my stats out number yours by the thousands. I think using my hands will be a good way to demonstrate not to mess with me." Many of the players close that inspected me cringe at my words. I look at the face of the leader and see him in slight distress, he must be trying to think of a way out of this. I know the way to make sure he doesn\'t go anywhere, knowing who he is will be invaluable. I use inspect on him to see his name as well.

[V lvl.36]

7000/7000 HP

So his name is V. I watch him start to panic now that he knows I know his identity. "Perhaps we can come to some sort of arrangement! I\'d hate to see us waste each others levels fighting! How about we just forget everything that happened here and go about our separate ways!" Sounds like a true politician. Everything that has happened so far is just proof that people of low morals don\'t let things go. I just sigh and relax my body slightly, I watch him have a look of hope on his face. He\'ll be sorely disappointed. I begin to relax and stand up straight, however I burst forth in speed and start to attack without remorse. None of them are fast enough to do anything about it, the two players in front of him I target first. I grab their heads and slam them against the ground, their skulls are crushed under the force and my hands and my hands are now covered in blood and pieces of their brain.

I don\'t let V say anything as I target him next, I use my right hand to grab his neck and lift him off the ground. He is choking to get words out, I use my left hand and drive it through his chest and out the other side. He looks dead already so I drop him and his body hits the ground lifelessly. I look at the rest of his subordinates and see their fear. "It would be better if you didn\'t run. I\'m not in the mood to chase you guys down." That instantly makes them try to flee, but before they can get out of my range I draw my sword and kill them all. Three sperate people get diced up, and now all these guys are dead. I look around and see the huge crowd of people full of fear, I sheath my sword again and make my way out of the park. I don\'t think anyone is going to help me with questions now. I have notifications for exp and I can see my bar has raised from these guys and the ones I killed for mom.

+7% exp

I now get much more exp thanks to my half exp debuff being removed. I haven\'t looked at my exp player stat in a long time, well a long time for me. I open my player stats to see where I\'m at.

[Slayer (Zern) Lvl.51]

[Exp: 45/100%]

[Title: The Son of Arch-Angel Michael (Hidden),+3 more]


[Strength - 2095][Endurance - 2045][Dexterity - 2125][Speed - 2240][Focus - 13,545]

[Health: 16,560/16,560][Mana: 135450/135450]

[Stat Points: 270][Armor rating: 500]


[Passive Perks]

[Inheritor of the Sword] [Son of Heaven] [Slayer of Evil] [Holy Willow Trees Savior] [Finder of Legends] [The Divine who has Legend] [Destined for Greatness] [Dungeon Diver] [An Overachiever]

[Active Skills]

[Heavens light Lvl.7 325/700] [Protected by Heaven Lvl.7 225/700] [Slash Lvl.17 4500/8000] [Parry Lvl.1 80/100] [Double Strike N/A] [Kingslayer N/A] [Raging Machine N/A] [Winged Glory] [Angelic Flight]

Everything is looking good in terms of development, I just have to get back to my original continent soon and start progressing. It does suck that I have to go to the Holy City for my divine mana aura, but that is going to be a tough quest. It isn\'t going to take me long to get there, but I\'m getting impatient. I\'ll power up my family soon and be on my way, it\'ll be nice to take Hailey with me. She is going to be the first person from the players to know my secret. I know she\'ll do a good job and keep it, I can trust her more then anyone else. With that current threat taken care of I should find me a place to stay until the dungeons open up, I can really use a place that is quiet and isolated. The roof of a skyscraper sounds like a good idea. Players are swarming the skyscrapers though, so that\'s out of the question.

I\'m going to find a good spot in the forest to be alone. There are some nice hills to the east of here and I could hangout there till the dungeons. I speed up and start to run at high speeds towards the hills, it takes about 4 minutes to get there. I get to the top of the tallest hill around and set up a little camp. I start a campfire and take a seat, I look out to the city in the distance and enjoy the old looking city. When night falls the stars will look beautiful right behind it, this is going to be a fun adventure. Dungeon diving with my family is something I never thought I\'d get to do, and now I will. I know that many people will undoubted start to look for me after that show in the park. So keeping a low profile from here on out is the best move. So now its just time to wait.

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