
Chapter 264: Sallys Vengeance III

Chapter 264: Sally\'s Vengeance III

{I want to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and the other is a new story with a basketball system. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

{My mother is in the hospital after suffering from a stroke. This is the second stroke she\'s had in her life. The first one happened when I was 12 in 2013, and that was on the right side of her brain. This time it\'s on the left, and I have to put my plans on moving out by my 21st birthday to take care of her again as I did in 2013. The benefit this time is I have money and a car to do the hard things. So thank god for that. It\'s been really hard on me the last few days and I just want to ask for people to pray for my, easyreads, mother. If you don\'t believe in that, then keep her in your thoughts. Thanks to all the loyal fans still reading the story.}

Cera is standing behind me, and I feel more confident when he is behind me like this. It\'s nice to have someone\'s never-ending support. "None of you would know me... Your father did... He took everything from me... Now, it\'s time I have retribution..." I individually look at each of the brothers, and the one I want to kill first is the one that looks most like their father. I draw my blade and activate one of my skills. It makes the edge of my blade razor-sharp. "You. Stand up." The fat ugly man shakes in his seat. He\'s having a real hard time following orders.

He slowly rises from his seat, and a scowl appears on my face. The more I look at him, the more he starts to look identical to his father. I burst forth in speed, and I drive the tip of my blade into his groin. "RRAAAAHHH!!" He immediately starts screaming. I twist the tip of my blade and make him scream out in pain. He falls to the ground, and I place my foot on his fat stomach. He can\'t move very well due to his weight. "PLEASE STOP!!" I twist and grind the tip even deeper in. His father didn\'t stop, and I\'m going to make him feel the pain.

His brothers are trying to avoid eye contact. "You\'re all going to pay for the sins of your father! I\'m going to make your suffering long and make you wish you were never born to that monster!" I can\'t help screaming out as I continue to cause the fat son pain. He has since gone quiet, and his eyes are wide open, and his breathing has stopped. That\'s when I notice that there is a big puddle of blood coming out of the genital region. His lower area is disfigured and a mess, no longer recognizable as a man\'s lower area.

I straighten up, and I realize I\'m out of breath. I start taking deep breaths, and now I\'m feeling a little tired. I see the stiff face of the fat man, and I kick his body hard. Sending it flying into the wall and breaking through it. Cera is watching me, and he has a calm expression on his face. He slowly nods his head in approval. I look at Hailey and see she has her head turned away from the brutal scene. They are brother and sister, but Cera is much more accepting of brutal tactics and torture. It makes me wonder what caused the major difference. I turn my attention to the rest in the room.

As Sally looks for her next victim among the James brothers. Cera and Hailey are watching the brutal scene. Cera has a calm expression and is watching Sally vent all her pain and rage into the moment at hand. The history of Sally and her past is something many people would be uncomfortable knowing, let alone being with that person. Many people will say the current acts happening aren\'t the way to handle the situation. Cera believes in a practical approach. Confronting and dealing with the very source of her pain is a direct way of helping her get over what\'s happened.

I watch Sally move onto the next brother, and Hailey and I are just going to stand guard and let her do what she needs to do. I can see by Hailey\'s reaction she doesn\'t agree with such brutal and torturous tactics, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime event for Sally specifically. She\'s too sweet of a girl to inflict something like this on anyone other than the James family. "Are you sure this is the way for her to deal with this..." Hailey whispers to me as Sally begins to torture another brother. Hurting him in a similar way to the first one she killed.

I never specifically said Sally should torture them. How long she should take and the method to kill them are all up to her. This is the conclusion she came to. Whether consciously or subconsciously. Either way, she needs it. "Sally\'s been through more than our entire family times 5... Let her handle it the way she wants to. You can leave the room if you can\'t handle it. I won\'t hold it against you..." Watching this kind of torture is something not a lot of people will ever experience. Let alone willingly watch. So if she needs to leave, then it\'s fine.

Hailey releases a deep sigh and tries to drown out the scream coming from the current brother she\'s on. She\'s already finished with her second victim and is now on the third. "No... I promised Jasmine that I\'d witness their suffering for her... Do you think Jasmine would\'ve done something like this..." I don\'t know Jasmine. However, people are capable of incredible cruelty. Take the James family, for example. Take the scene in front of me, for example. Sally, who\'s the sweetest girl I\'ve ever met. It is causing pain on a scale a man never wishes to endure.

What I find surprising is how they aren\'t trying to escape in some way, how they\'ve just given up on trying to survive. Losing the will to live. Only cowards don\'t fight for their lives. Submitting to an early death really says a lot about the will of these brothers. It\'s okay to be ready and willing to go when you\'re old or suffering from an incredibly painful and incurable medical condition. If you\'re young and not one of those. Only people like the James brothers would act in such a way. Only fighting when victory is assured and giving up when it\'s not.

While the events in the room continue, Kelly is on her way to one of the more distant rooms in the mansion. She\'s being disturbed by the screams of her brother\'s. She finds a room far enough away from the screams and takes a seat on one of the comfortable chairs. She\'d rather be home right now, but there are many things to discuss once they are done in there. She leans back in the chair and takes a deep breath. A smile slowly crawls onto her face. The reason for this smile is one that she\'s been dreaming and planning for a long time.

I\'ve finally done it! I\'ve won, and the barony is mine! All the wrongs that my father and brothers have created and caused... I\'ll be undoing them all. Destroying the slave market here and freeing all the slaves. "I\'VE WON YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!" I scream out in victory, and I wish in all my bones that my father can hear my declaration in the Underworld where he\'s at. I stand up and walk over to one of the mirrors in the room, and I look into it. My face is still swollen and bruised in some areas. I look at them as a sign of my accomplishments.

I look so much like my mother, minus the swelling and bruises. I\'m glad I never looked anything like that horrible man. "I did it, mom... I won..." I can\'t help the sudden appearance of my tears and emotional pain. I lower my head, and I begin to weep like there\'s no tomorrow. My mother gave everything for the possibility of this. My heart breaks in the realization that I\'ll never be able to share in this victory. That I\'ll never be able to have a drink with my mother in victory. "I love you... Mom..." I wipe away all the tears, and I choke a little.

She\'s the best mother I could\'ve ever asked for. I fix my clothes and wipe the snot from my nose. I look around the room I\'m in, and there are many old things that I\'ve never seen. I don\'t go to my brother\'s estates very often. I don\'t like the feeling of not having a single ally nearby. That\'s all over now. I wait for time to pass, and after a couple of hours. I think it\'s been enough time for them to have handled my brothers. I leave the room and start walking towards the meeting room, but there are still screams going on. Sally is taking her time, and I don\'t hold that against her. I just have to wait until she\'s done.

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