
Chapter 50: Rules of revival

Chapter 50: Rules of revival

Finding a nice place to rest Eldrian and the stranger sat down for a little. They were sitting at the top of the wall, with their legs resting over the edge. Giving them a nice view of the backside of the battle. Looking at all the corpses in the dirt as well as the burnt forest Eldrian realized what had happened to all the other players.

\'This is gonna be an issue.\' He thought, feeling like this was most certainly going to create a rift between NPCs and players. While the relationships hadn\'t been nice in the beginning he had felt it would start becoming better soon.

Especially after this battle, he felt that some players had shown that they could stand up. That they aren\'t just thrill-seekers and reckless people.

Eldrian could already feel a shift in NPCs\' view of them. He felt this in the earnest support the stranger was offering him. Even staying here, probably to make sure he was fine.

But now Eldrian felt certain the players would become aggressive towards NPCs. He also believed this won\'t be an isolated issue. And from there he believed the normal hate spiral will take control. Leading to strife and more hate.

\'This is going to suck. I\'ll try to soothe it after logging off. I hope I can...\' Eldrian mumbled to himself, turning to the stranger after finishing these thoughts.

He had a few questions he wanted to ask. Having found his revival very strange.

"Thank you for helping me, I am Haru." Eldrian first decided to introduce himself, feeling like it would be improper not to. Especially since he was about to ask for more information and not just help.

The stranger only replied a few seconds later, "Oh, sorry. I was just thrown by all this death. I wasn\'t even aware of this part of the fight."

Eldrian was surprised to hear this, but he believed the stranger. Simply because he had a look of pain or loss on him. It certainly wasn\'t the look someone would have, unless they felt sad for the loss of life.

"I am James." The stranger added after a few more seconds of silence.

"Nice to meet you, and thank you for helping me," Eldrian responded, finding it awkward to start asking questions. He kept silent for a while before just coming out with them.

"I have a few questions if you wouldn\'t mind answering them," Eldrian said.

"Sure, I don\'t mind. But I can\'t stay too long, I need to head back. I just wanted to confirm that you were alright."

"Oh alright, then let me get straight to it. Do you know why resurrection was so different for me?"

"No, I do not. You seem to exhibit the same symptoms as normal people would. You also have a unique status."

\'Unique status?\' Eldrian questioned, turning his mind to his interface and looking at his stats. He quickly found the massive debuffs he had.


[Strength: 52.5/105]

[Agility: 57.5/115]

[Constitution: 52.5/105]

[Intelligence: 55/110]

[Spirit: 52.5/105]


[HP: 26/52.5]

[Mana: 16/52.5]

[Stamina: 6/60]


[Fatigue: Level 7]

[Magical Fatigue: Level 6]

[Total Fatigue: Level 5]

\'How the hell are my attributes less? Is it due to this new status effect, Total fatigue?\' Eldrian questioned as he now found himself too weak to use his weapon. Curious he decided to try and wield it a bit later. He believed it should be possible, as he remembered reading something about it before.

But he was very sad to see how weak he was now. Especially his stamina and health. It basically left him defenseless.

He shelved these questions and complaints. Not managing to get any more info from the interface he decided to try and ask for some.

"Are you talking about Total Fatigue?" Eldrian asked, seeking confirmation first.

"Yes, normally people who revive would have Great Fatigue. While Chosen generally has no status ailment. Or rather we have found no reports on it yet. You are the first."

"Do you know what Great Fatigue does to people?"

"Generally it makes them tired, needing more sleep for around a week. During this time they will have less stamina, and in some cases less mana. We also know that if someone with Great Fatigue dies again, then reviving them is impossible. Unless it is done really early."

"How early would that be?"

"Less than a minute. Two at max."

"Dang, that seems impossible in a fight."

"Which is why they wouldn\'t be allowed to fight, unless the situation is really dire."

"Wait, why would you prohibit them from fighting?" Eldrian asked, feeling like this was a weird rule. Many had died even without having been under the debuff.

After a moment of silence James answered, "Oh, I see where you are confused. Many people might die, but as a rule, we don\'t want to take the risk of permanent death. While many still die, it is a small thing the higher-ups decided on. To tell you the truth, I don\'t really know why it was made a rule."

Eldrian nodded his head, finding the answer reasonable. He then started thinking about what to ask next while he digested what he just heard.

The first fact was that he will be tired, which he already felt very much. The next seemed to be that this will take a while to heal, not just a day like the other Fatigues. The last part concerned him a bit.

He had experienced resurrection very differently from other players. From all the online surfing he had done, he knew they normally went into a temple of sorts. From there they could see their avatar as well as their stats. But they aren\'t able to leave their temple until they resurrect.

But for him, it had been simple darkness. With him not even having realized that he was unconscious. He had felt like hours had passed, yet at the same time like it had been less than a second. It was very difficult for him to even understand what he had felt.

This fact scared him. Having never been a religious person he found this thought to be very scary. He believed that death was just that. Absolute nothingness, and he had seemingly been in that state for over 20 minutes.

Thinking of this he burst out in a bout of cold sweat.

Seeing this James asked, "Are you okay."

"I-I, I don\'t know. I think I just realized I might have died for real." Eldrian said, stuttering in the start.

James looked at him weirdly, "Of course you did. That is why we had to revive you."

"But-but, it isn\'t the same as what normally happens."

"What are you talking about?" James asked in confusion.

"Sorry, I don\'t know myself. I just got scared for a moment. What else was different in my case?"

"I don\'t know, I didn\'t revive you. I am only a helper, the highest healing I can do is a severe cut. I can\'t even heal a broken limb. Only cuts..."

Hearing this Eldrian was quite surprised while finding the first part normal. Seeing as he didn\'t feel a high-level person would take so much time on him. But he was surprised about the healing part.

"Why can you only heal so little?"

"Little, well I guess it is little. But only in a military context. If given time I can heal bones and treat diseases. But in this setting, where minutes are what you have, I can only close up cuts within the time."

"What tier are you then. If you don\'t mind me asking."

"Oh, um I am a Tier 2 novice apprentice in Healing magic."

\'Tier 2, and he can\'t heal broken limbs. Fuck! I hope Vivian will be fine.\' Eldrian mumbled, having realized that the bill for healing a lost arm was more than he had thought at first.

Seeing Eldrian\'s worried look James quickly realized Eldrian\'s worries. "Relax, I am sure Vivian will get good enough care." He said as he patted Eldrian\'s back lightly.

This helped Eldrian calm down and return to his previous questions.

"Do you know what others felt or lived through during their death? Before being revived?" Eldrian asked after thinking for a bit.

"Mmmm, it depends on the time between their death and resurrection. And their religion too."

"Wait, why would it depend?"

"I think it is due to the limitations of resurrection."

Seeing Eldrian\'s quizzical look, James continued.

"In normal cases, normal healing magic can bring someone back if it is within less than a minute. After this more advanced magic is needed. Up until 5 minutes, normal resurrection spells will still work. After this time it will require very high-tier spells to resurrect someone. Even this is limited."

"If I remember correctly, the spells for before 5 minutes are only tier 4 revival spells. Tier 5 healing spells can also work in certain cases. But if someone had been dead for over 5 minutes then a Tier 5 revival spell is the minimum requirement. And this will generally work until 15 minutes. After which higher tier spells will give some extra time. I think 5 minutes per tier."

\'Wait, then how did I survive? Or how was I brought back rather.\' Eldrian asked, feeling weird when he thought that he was brought back to life.

\'The spell tier required would be 7, seeing as I died for over 24 minutes. But that means no one here is strong enough. Unless I am mistaken. But why would someone spend so much effort on me, a Chosen?\'

\'How the hell does it work then? Is it different due to me being a player? But why is everything else the same?\'

"Back to what they experienced," James said after having given Eldrian some time to digest the information. He had seen the surprise and confusion in Eldrian and thus given him some time.

"Generally the people would say they just felt like a second passed when they had been dead for less than a minute. If less than 5 minutes then they normally say they felt like a soul with no place to wander. While if more than 5 minutes, then there are cases of them having entered their religions\' resting place."

\'Wait, does that mean I am in the first or last group?\' Eldrian asked himself. Wondering if his religion affected his experience, or was it just the first normal case.

\'I am starting to think something is very wrong.\'

"Do you have any other questions?" James asked, to which he got no answer. Eldrian was completely focused on this issue.

Seeing Eldrian\'s focus James decided to leave. It didn\'t look to him like Eldrian needed help anymore and he didn\'t want to wait until he finished thinking. He had to be at his post to help others too.

So Eldrian was left alone on the wall, deep in his own thoughts.

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