
Chapter 116: Catching up (1)

Chapter 116: Catching up (1)

Eldrian rushed to class as soon as he woke up, skipping breakfast and his normal morning routine. Thanks to him rushing he managed to make in time for his practical, but still missed his first class. This did not bother Eldrian too much, but he felt greatly relieved that he had not missed his practical. Missing too many of them could result in him falling.

I can\'t let that happen again.Eldrian felt, feeling that he had to decide which he would prioritize in the future. On one end he knew university was very important, but then again, so was the game.

Eldrian still felt that he might be able to make something from the game, heck he had almost made 200 dollars from his previous posts. But they had all mostly died out by now and he did not have new information that he could freely share.

What he had learned as a High Elf would likely not help most players, at least not for a long time. While it would even be situational to other High Elves.

He could try and explain his way of using magic, but he felt most would fail to follow his explanation. Since it was largely based on a feeling.

There was also the situation that the game had no guarantee of being stable and long-lived. While this is normal with games, normally the company itself would be aiming for it to be long-lived. Miracle Corporation was not doing this, making it less of an appealing option to Eldrian.

So what if I can\'t make a living from it. I can still enjoy it and make some side cash! He tried to reason as he went through his day. When meeting Erik later during the day, Eldrian found that Erik had actually also had experienced similar cases. His actually having happened more often than Eldrian\'s. But Erik\'s class attendance was also not nearly as strict as Eldrian\'s.

Erik had been forced to make a choice of abandoning his post in the medical bay twice already. Both having been when monsters rushed the city in a chaotic siege. Luckily for Vuetvale the monsters were still just a frontal wave of wild monsters, not a true army.

Erik did not think they would be able to hold once the true monster army sieged them. He could only hope that it took a long time, enabling him to become stronger.

Through these experiences, Erik had grown far more mature. He had also become much stronger, having learned a few offensive spells for when monsters broke through to the medbay. He was also close to becoming a Tier 2 player, at least that was according to his experience.

With no player having reached Tier 2 yet they suspected there was something else blocking them.

Eldrian was shocked and amazed at what he heard from Erik. While he was not on the frontline, he had seen more blood and injured people than most doctors. It was certainly enough to give someone PTSD, luckily Erik had somehow been handling everything extremely well.

Eldrian even felt slightly bad that he had gotten Erik into the game, yet Erik seemed strangely happy.

"I have experienced so much. While much was unpleasant, it truly helped me see another side of the world in reletive safety." Erik had said while they were talking, being happy that he actually had lived through this. Planning to fall back on this when he wrote.

Eldrian did not really understand why Erik was happy, but he was relieved by this. Some players who were with Erik in Vuetvale had actually given up on the game. This normally happened to those who treated the game as a second reality. It was really hard for them when they made friends with NPCs. Only to see them getting killed later on.

It had broken a few players. Some of these players simply quit the game, other rerolled on the creation. Hoping to spawn in a more peaceful city.

Players who only treated it as a game were all having a blast in Vuetvale. It was easy to gain experience, even if they died every day, they would still make a profit.

They were given spells, skills, equipment and XP. It was basically a player\'s wet dream.

Hearing about the players who had quit Eldrian grew worried. God, if that happened to Vivian. Eldrian thought, remembering how cold Old Sword had been.

No! Please no! Eldrian felt his heart being clenched as he thought of this. His worry growing, he wanted to run home to deny this as soon as possible.

"Eldrian!" Erik shouted, bringing Eldrian back from his spiraling thoughts. "Are you alright?"

"No... I just realized how shit this game can be." Eldrian replied, Erik quickly agreeing with him. He had a similar situation with Akarui. He saw her as his little sister by now. He wanted to protect her and give her a peaceful life.

This had led to him pushing himself far more than most players. Similar to Eldrian. Withhow hard he had been working in the game and his relatively safe position he had quickly climbed the ranking in Vruntis\'s ranking. Making it to the top 5, which was quite easy since Vruntis only had half a thousand players.

Coming back from campus Eldrian quickly filled his stomach and jumped right back in the game, finding that the entire camp was already awake. He had at most only half an hour left or he would have been abandoned.

"Finally back." Eldrian heard Old Sword say as soon as he left the tent. Old Sword\'s back was towards the tent, sweat flowing down him as he stopped his practice for the day.

Eldrian still found the situation weird with how logging in and out worked, especially close to NPCs. While the developers had sent an oracle through the gods to explain why players disappeared, it did not really make it an easy topic to discuss.

"Sorry," Eldrian replied, happy to see that Old Sword\'s mood seemed to be better than the day before.

"How strong are you?" Old Sword questioned him as he turned around to face Eldrian.

"I-I, I don\'t know." Eldrian stuttered as he replied truthfully. He considered himself strong for his level, but not strong in general.

"Why did you come?"

"I-I, I wanted to help." Eldrian stuttered again, feeling a stifling feeling similar to when he had first met Old Sword. The same way that Old Sword had tested him way back then.

"You wanted me to teach you?" Old Sword asked coldly, causing Eldrian to shiver.

"Well, you did say..."

"I did, but that was before things became crazy. I don\'t have time to teach you..." Old Sword sighed after saying this. Eldrian could see that Old Sword was simply stating the truth while trying to hide the pressure he was feeling.

"You don\'t have to teach me, just guide me. That is how Dave helped me learn to use magic, h-"

"You already learned how to use magic?" Old Sword looked up with a start. He had never thought Eldrian would actually learn that fast. Having not used Observe on Eldrian this was news to Old Sword. He felt it was impolite to use it on someone you knew.

"Yeah." Eldrian cast Floga and started playing with it, Old Sword\'s eyes lighting up after seeing Eldrian actually being able to use magic. And not just use it, but actually also control it.

"By all the gods! You will be able to become a hero!" Old Sword shouted as he rushed to Eldrian, catching him in a large hug and lifting him from the ground. Eldrian felt extremely weird being hugged by the sweaty Old Sword.

Putting Eldrian down, Old Sword recovered his composure. "Sorry about that, it is just great to hear some good news."

Not knowing how to reply Eldrian simply stood quietly while wondering why Old Sword had reacted as he did.And what did he mean some good news? Is there bad news? Eldrian felt his heart clench again as he started trying to mentally prepare himself while Old Sword continued on enthusiastically.

"You don\'t understand why it is such a great thing, do you?" Old Sword questioned, receiving a nod from Eldrian. "High Elves generally take years to learn how to use magic. And this is only after they have fully grown. Yet you already managed."

"Bu-" Eldrian wanted to point out that he did not really manage all that much, but Old Sword cut him off.

"How long did it take you? A few weeks?"

"Closser to a mon-"

"That does not matter, how do you use magic?" Old Sword cut in again, causing Eldrian to struggle in keeping up with the conversation.

After taking a few seconds to get used to Old Sword\'s enthusiasm Eldrian started explaining how he to first learn how the mana felt, how it changed along with the spell\'s formation. This along with the spell module, keeping the mana flow inside of it correct and saying the word of power, Eldrian would normally be able to cast a spell.

"Oh Gaia... Did you really learn all that in these few weeks?" Old Sword asked in disbelief at the end. What Eldrian had just listed was more than what Old Sword had needed to learn to reach Tier 5. While the added difficulty of Tier 5 spells certainly made that gap far larger, Old Sword was still astounded by what Eldrian had said. More so by the time it had taken him to close the gap.

"Yes, I learned all that. But it is still not enough, I am struggling to learn a new spell. I can\'t find how the mana should change. I am stuck halfway."

"What spell?"

"Frost needle. I believe it would be a good one to use in close quarters."

"It is. A bit weak though. But it can really work well, do you know Inspect?"

"Yes, but I keep failing to use Observe."

"That does not matter, for now, cast Inspect and look at me as I cast Frost Needle."

Eldrian did as he was told, failing to see what Old Sword was trying to accomplish. Old Sword started casting Forst Needle after Eldrian cast Inspect.

Looking with total focus Eldrian saw a piece of ice forming in front of Old Sword. It formed seemingly out of thin air, slowly growing in size until it was as big as Eldrian\'s pinky.

That size is perfect.Eldrian thought as he kept looking at it. Wondering why he had to cast Inspect, his answer coming after a few seconds when he actually received information from Inspect.

[A small piece of ice formed from a hybrid water and darkness spell.]

"Wait! Hybrid!" Eldrian shouted involuntary, too astounded by this piece of information.

"Is that what had been blocking you?" Old Sword asked, having hoped Eldrian would be able to learn something from this. He had simply gambled since only Magic-Inspection would allow someone to see mana. But that in itself was a far more difficult spell to learn.

"That would explain why I have been messing up." Eldrian wanted to directly start practicing but stopped himself, he still had many questions. The first few being is Vivian alright and can he become Old Sword\'s apprentice.

Eldian decided to ask the latter first, wanting to get formalities over with before going to a more emotional topic.

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