
Chapter 162: Different ways of using magic

Chapter 162: Different ways of using magic

Following basics, Zamia started talking of the types of magic which were not part of any element.

Nature magic was one of the classic types which was often misclassified. This along with many other magic types, such as dream , space, void, demonic, summoning, divine, and others were all different types of magic. Magics that did not have to do with elements, but rather with abstract things such as thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and life itself.

Nature magic was part of the last one, where mana was used to react with life. Normally this was a positive reaction, such as healing. But it could also be negative, such as poisoning.

\'Instead of calling elements to form, nature magic purely turned mana into usable energy for a life form. In the case of healing, this helps the body heal, while poison would instead hinder the body\'s functions. The higher the Tier of a heal spell, the purer the energy supplied.\' Zamia said as she wondered how to share this properly, without going into to much detail.

\'These two are not the only forms of nature magic, there are many more. The second most common probably being rejuvenation magic which delivers energy to the body in a neutral way. Allowing the body to use it as needed, not for one specific purpose.\'

As they reached this point Eldrian found that he needed to log out. Stopping Zamia he apologized, \'Sorry, but it seems my time for today is almost up. Can we continue tomorrow?\'

\'Sure, it will take some days for the women to be able to undertake the journey, and we have only touched the beginning. We still need to go into how different races use magic differently. While I might not know exactly how they use it, I have seen many use it. So I have a rough idea.\' Zamia said, happy to have something to do while the rest were readying for war.

For Alicorns, this was not getting their gear ready, but more about figuring out how they would fight. Where was it worth fighting, when was it worth it. Would they offer help to the kingdoms, or only hinder the stronger beings of the Kako.

\'Thank you...\' Eldrian did not know how to express how grateful he was for the knowledge she was sharing with him, for free. He did not know how much he would be able to learn, but he felt it was far more than any normal mage would be able to teach him.

Pushing his excitement down, Eldrian returned to his party. Most of the women most serious wounds had been healed, but they were all still in critical conditions.

Eldrian\'s party had made plenty of fires to give them some source of heat. Vivian was also with the women currently, still fast asleep.

After having made sure that she was still fine Eldrian told the others that he would be logging off. Or rather that he would be sleeping and return to his world, he had become more used to talk about it over time.

Once he finished that, he logged off. Right as he woke up he changed into his exercise clothes and headed out for a jog. Making sure to always keep to his routine when possible. Not having the lethargy of waking up helped him greatly in being more active.

Right after finishing his exercise, he started creating the post about what goblins did to women they captured. He started of by explaining how he had gotten a hidden quest, which had led him here. Then about the dungeon, the devil an finally their journey into the caves where he saved Vivian.

Here he mentioned that if not for Zamia, the Alicorn, the women would have likely been left to die. Making sure to place emphasis on what that meant for them as he shared the video he had recorded.

Once this was finished he got himself something to eat as he focused on a more pleasant subject. Trying to figure out what was light and what was energy.

To this aim he started watching some videos on how light delivered energy to atoms. Trying to figure out how it could work inside the game, he was certain that there was scientific backing for magic. It might be crooked, but he felt certain it would be there.

While doing this he also took some time off to go have dinner with his sister. He did not share his recent breakthrough, certain that she would not agree with him treating both lives as equally important. He decided to only mention this once he actually knew what it meant for himself.

By the time he could log back in, Eldrian had not managed to learn how light worked, nor how this connected in with magic. But he had learned more about what energy was, how it could take many forms. The most basic was kinetic and potential energy, which he had sort of forgotten. Having thought it would not be important to his future.

He now felt it was important, and as such he had relearned it. Which did not take too long, he even looked more into it. Trying to understand the deeper meaning behind it all.

Especially the E = mc^2 equation.

He felt this was somehow, somewhere, how mana worked. He believed mana might be a free form of energy since magic could literally form things from nothing other than mana. This or he did not understand how things formed through magic.

Back inside the game, he continued to listen to Zamia as she explained how different races use magic. Specifically on why Tier 5 magic was such a milestone for humans and all other static magic users.

At Tier 5 magic became too complex. To try and help Eldrian understand she explained to him how spell modules worked and why she called it a predetermined form of a certain magic. Where after casting, it was not really possible to change the spell.

From this she explained how this was \'fixed\'. It was a crude method which took a great deal of effort.

\'Tier 5 magic is too complex for a single spell module to suffice, since it is only one predetermined form. Where mana takes a certain form, both in arrangement and elements. It would always be static.\' Zamia explained, trying her best to make it simple to understand.

\'But Tier 5 magic can not be static. To try and get around this limitation spells above Tier 5 does not consist of one spell module. But rather a group of spell modules which the caster can switch between. Doing so will allow them a degree of control over the spell.\'

\'As such they need to memorize all the different modules and be able to switch between them. This also requires some control over mana, which is another added burden on the caster.\'

Dynamic magic she explained, stayed mostly the same. Once a person managed to learn it, the rest was simple. The combinations and flow of mana naturally became more complex, but that is about it. The control over the spells stayed the same.

\'Thus the control static magic gives casters is flimsy at best. But with enough practice, they could simulate dynamic magic. Yet doing so would cost them far more concentration, limiting other things they could also do.\'

\'This is the biggest advantage of dynamic magic, it allows us to cast with little thought.\'

With this explained, Zamia declared that Eldrian should now know what magic was. So she went on to explain the different forms magic could take, and why classes were a thing.

Spell magic was magic where the caster formed mana outside of them to form a spell. This was simply called the magic class, as it was the only class where magic was visible. This visible magic where mana formed outside of the body was called spells, obviously.

For the other two classes, the magic was always hidden, its effects might show, but not the magic itself.

The melee class was focused mostly on strengthening the body of its caster. This was not a simple strengthening, it could be anything from bursts of speed, bouts of strength to near weightlessness. This strengthening could even extend to a person\'s weapon, but only while in contact with the weapon.

It was a more bizarre type of magic that was not even close to spell magic. All types of magic like this, where the mana never leaves the person\'s body are called skills.

There were no elements in skills, at least not in pure skills. Things became complicated when the two were mixed, but that was something Zamia did not explain in more dept. Staying at the basics.

The range class was more in line with this mixture, but not really. They had similarities to both melee and the spell classes. But only in the fact that they could use their skills on things they were not touching, a limitation of the melee class.

Like the melee class, the range class also had skills for self-enhancement. But they can also use skills to enhance their weapons, like an arrow in flights. For this, they have to be in contact at the start, but once the arrow has been let loose, it will not lose its enhancement.

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