
Chapter 164: The offer

Chapter 164: The offer

"I don\'t know. It will depend on what really happened." Joren replied as he casually took a sip of coffee, as if this did not really matter.

"What do you mean what really happened? Do you guys not keep all the data?" Eldrian asked about something which had been bothering him for a while. He did not really understand why they needed to ask for his permission to get his data. Were they not like any other company which just took it all.

"Ah, I see what you are thinking." Joren smiled as he thought about it, "It is true that we can pull some data down, but we don\'t save everything on a hard drive or something. That would be impossible, there is simply too much going on."

"We actually treat players and NPCs very similar, you only get a few perks through the system. This is also precisely the data we have access to. If you did something without the system\'s help, then we have no idea that you did it."

"What I am trying to say is we know your stats, your kills, your levels, all that game stuff. But we do not know what you said, what you thought, what you felt."

"I hope that answers your question." Joren smiled again, seemingly happy with the way the conversation had been going.

"So, what do you want me to do then?" Eldrian asked, still not understanding what they were actually aiming for through this meeting.

"Well let\'s start with explaining how we managed to be allowed to put the game onto the market. This was highly fought against on higher levels. I know little of what was said. But in the end, it was decided that we would only be allowed as long as a few rules were followed."

Eldrian naturally wondered what more was going on, but he knew that it was not his place to search for the reasons. He was not even part of Miracle Corporations and had no background to support him if he tried.

"The first rule is that no humans, from any country, would be harmed through playing the game. This was an understandable one so it was easily accepted by the higher-ups."

"The next one was that we could not force these humans, who became players, to do anything. They would still have all their rights, which also had to be protected in-game. We have tried to stand by this, but it is harder than we had thought. Luckily we only need to do our best to maintain it, as long as we do not ignore it or actively take your rights away, then it is also alright. "

"The following major rule was that we were not allowed to steal people\'s personal information. You see, the way the technology works can allow us to easily read your minds."

Hearing this caused goosebumps to spread over Eldrian\'s body. He knew this was not an exaggeration since he had telepathically talked with Alicorns. Zamia had even shared some of her memories with him.

"We agreed, but due to how easily we had, those higher up had expected something more was going on. So they squeezed as hard as they could, prohibiting us from using the technology to gather other, less personal, data too."

"Like?" Eldrian asked, wondering what else there could be.

"Well, many things. Your DNA sequence, your physical attributes, your personality, your likes, and dislikes, even your talents and skills. The list can go on and on. We were prohibited from collecting any of these unless we can get the player\'s permission."

"Wait, what do you want!" Eldrian asked, alarmed by just how much they could seemingly collect. He had never thought about it, but now he was truly frightened at the power they actually had.

"Relax, we have no interest in most of these things. But due to this, we can\'t just pull your data, even if you agree. Those higher up would stop us, since it could lead to an acception."

"Rather we want to run a sub-system, following you on your adventure. This will not collect any information related to your real life, but instead only data of your in-game character. If we feel we need something more, we will let you know through the game with a quest like message."

"Okay..." Eldrian said this slowly as he thought about what this would mean. It did not sound too bad, but he felt like many things were still being kept from him. Unfortunately, he did not have much to bargain with to learn more.

"So that is the first part." Joren finished as he ordered himself another coffee. Eldrian having been unable to enjoy his, often too shocked by what Joren had been saying.

"Now, this is our offer. If you are willing to help us in our research, then we will pay you a monthly salary of 4000 dollars."

Eldrian, having just taken a sip of his cappuccino, only barely managed to not spit it out in surprise. "4000?" He asked, after a great struggle to swallow without spilling.

It was simply too much money for him, a student to keep thinking clearly. He would have managed better if it was a once-off payment, but this was a salary. Something which might stay for a long time. The amount was also really good, close to what graduates made their first few years out of university.

"Yes, and I am afraid we can\'t continue talking about the other topics until you have decided to take it or not. The following things we will be talking about are confidential and will need you to sign a nondisclosure. While what we had talked about is still secret, we do not mind it getting out."

There\'s more!? Eldrian did not know how to answer, instead, he asked, "What would I need to do?"

"As I said, we will run a sub-system to monitor you in-game. Trying to figure out why you managed to learn magic and how. We won\'t ask you to do much more than simply play the game. If we do ask for more it will be small tasks."

"These won\'t interfere with your playtime, rather when you have nothing to do you can do them. These things might be casting certain spells, using spells in certain ways, or anything similar. We expect that you simply playing will give us all the data we need. We will only ask you to do these things if it does not."

"That\'s all?" Eldrian asked in disbelief, it sounded too good to be true. He had never experienced this before, but he knew people said that if it sounded too good, then it likely was. Even so, he was tempted to take the offer.

"Yes, that is all. I should clarify though, that is all for the first contract. We don\'t have just the one."

This is really too good to be true. But... It will allow me to take a big step to make both lives connected and improved. Eldrian thought first, before wondering what more they might want with him.

The longer this conversation went on, the more he felt something strange was going on. But he could not find what this was.

"Can we iron out the details of the contract?" Eldrian asked after some silence, having used it to finish his meal and cappuccino. Trying to clear his head and allow himself to make the best decisions.

"Certainly, here is the contract," Joren said, taking out a tablet from his jacket and placing it in front of Eldrian. "If you agree, then simply press here, assigning your fingerprint as a signature."

Eldrian took the tablet carefully, making sure he did not accidentally press somewhere. After which he started reading the contract. It was not long, only two pages.

This bothered him, knowing that most contracts were long and convoluted. But this one seemed to be really simple.

On the first page it detailed who the agreement was between; him Eldrian Seamys Gilbert, and Miracle Corporation. This page also explained how the contract will be enforced and what would happen if either party breached it.

If Eldrian breached it, then he needed to pay a fine of 10 000 dollars. If he was unable then he had to work for them full time.

If Miracle Corporation broke their part, either forcing him to do more than stated in the contract or failing to pay him, then he could sue them through the court. Where, if they were indeed in the wrong, would need to pay out two years of his salary.

This... This seems too simple. Eldrian thought as he read the second page. All he had to do was play at least five times a week for 10 hours. During which he had to have 1 hour open for doing simple tasks they might require.

There was also a clause that stated he could not divulge what he learned about Miracle Corporation and ANW while under the contract. Which Eldrian felt was reasonable, they were a top research company.

Finally, it also stated that the contract would be legal for a year, from where they could decide to continue or not. It being both Eldrain\'s choice as well as Miracle Corporation, who might stop the contract if they had managed to learn what they wanted. Or if the game ended up scrapped.

Eldrian ordered himself another cup of cappuccino as he reread and reread the two pages. Looking for the pitfall or trap.

By the time he had finished his second cup, he still had not found one. So he felt pretty safe in agreeing to the contract. Feeling it would not change anything, it was mostly just positive.

Pressing his finger where required, he felt a small prick. As he lifted it he looked at Joren questioningly, blood slowly forming on his thumb.

"Sorry about that, just an added security. Fingerprints can easily be faked or hacked these days." Joren replied with a large smile as he took the tablet and stored it back in his suit.

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