
Chapter 240: Undead night attack (4)

Chapter 240: Undead night attack (4)

Eldrian\'s simple healing and rejuvenation spell did wonders for the Altien, the soldier. While the HP increase was little, most of the damage he sustained had been superficial. The most severe was the hole in his side that was causing him massive blood loss.

The spell\'s healing and soothing energy, along with Altien being Tier 4, allowed his body to heal most of his injuries. As such the healing done by the simple Tier 1 spells were far better than expected. It wasn\'t inhuman or anything like that.

With the aid of Thera most of the superficial injuries were healed, at least enough for them all to stop bleeding. Anthizo\'s energy instead went to the major injury, where it allowed his body to stop the bleeding too. Closing the hole would take few days or some more magic. But the bleeding and danger had passed with only that.

Eldrian simply stared in wonder as he realized that the bleeding had stopped, remembering soon after that etiquette meant he needed to introduce himself and not simply know the person\'s name through the use of Observe.

"I\'m Haru, and you are?" Eldrian introduced himself after overcoming his shock at the healing. Looking to both sides of the road and between the buildings to confirm that they were safe while he waited for Altien to reply.

Altien slowly stood back up and looked at Eldrian in admiration. "Altien, and thank you again." He replied, holding his side and grimacing in pain as he tried standing straight.

"Let me help with that," Eldrian said after having confirmed that they were safe. Naturally, he used Aoidos\'s ability again, starting to grow a bit of a habit of using it on cooldown to recover his mana.

"No, it\'s fine..." Altien grimaced before finishing his sentence. He felt bad for having thought of abandoning his savor, being healed by him, was going to make him feel even worse.

Eldrian naturally didn\'t listen to his complaint, he quickly approached Altien and placed his hands over the wound. With that he cast Thera, again focusing on the area under his hands and keeping the spell active until his mana was out.

Stepping back Eldrian was shocked to find that the hole was still there, though it was noticeably smaller. But only by about a quarter. "Give me a few minutes and I\'ll try again," Eldrian said, slightly embarrassed by his failure. "For now, can you tell me where to go? We need to take Maria somewhere safe."

Saying this Eldrian pointed to the unconscious woman nearby upon seeing Altien\'s confusion. Altien managing to walk much easier after the first heal, shocked by the effectiveness of Eldrian\'s healing. He wanted to stop Eldrian from repeating the healing, believing it to be very draining as he had never heard of a Tier 1 spell being so strong. He couldn\'t bring himself to do this, feeling that Eldrian wouldn\'t agree without a good reason.

While walking Eldrian sent a message to Gengxin, informing him of the developments in the game. Eldrian also felt he needed to find a mace or warhammer. He actually didn\'t have any in his inventory, for some reason they were quite rare weapons. The reason for Eldrian\'s wish was simple, he felt they would work better on bones.

I do have an axe, but it is so much weaker... Eldrian realized that while he did have better-suited weapons, the weapons themselves were far worse. Causing him to falter in taking one out, so instead, he kept his spear in hand. Its ability truly without replacement.

"You saved her too?" Altien asked after they reached Maria. Shocked again after recognizing the woman. He had heard the crash and shout of pain during the early stages of his fight. He had wanted to rush over at that moment, still not understanding just how outclassed he was against a skeleton at that time.

"Yeah... Where should we take her, do you know where people would go in case of an attack?" Eldrian asked, certain that there must be a rule for this.

"I-I... I\'m not too sure, I am actually quite new here too." Altien stumbled over his words, ashamed at being of no use.

"Aren\'t you a soldier?" Eldrian did not understand how Altien couldn\'t know.

"Yes... But I have only arrived two weeks ago. All I have been told is were to go if we get attacked; that being the walls. I don\'t know where civilians should go."

"What about the keep?" Eldrian asked, certain that it must be a good bet.

Shaking his head Altien replied, "That won\'t work. The undead were all aimed at it, these we ran into were off target by a large amount." Altien had noticed this in his rush to get geared up and reach his post.

Having been stopped from finishing the former when he heard something land next to the inn he was currently staying in. He hadn\'t wanted to move into the barracks since there would then be no privacy, and being a Tier 4 he was accustomed to not being treated like a newbie. Out of pride, he had decided to use half his income on housing.

At that time, when he heard the crash landing, all the civilians were still there so he had rushed out to buy them time to get away from the danger. Never having thought it might be the last thing he would do. Which it would have been if not for Eldrian\'s arrival.

"Is there a barracks nearby?" Eldrian asked, giving up hope of giving Maria over to someone else to take care of.

He didn\'t think he could change much in the battle anyway, so saving at least one life seemed to be a good target. He was also curious about demi-humans, Kydone having rarely said anything to anyone. At most, she would greet him, as such Eldrian had yet to learn more about them. Hunkering down he would be able to learn more from Altien, or from Maria if she woke.

"Yes... But why?" Altien replied, knowing that the barracks would be empty at this point.

"Should be easy to defend, compared to a normal house. Others might also be there." Eldrian replied.

Altien nodded, partly wondering if he should stay with Eldrian or if he needed to leave and go to the wall as was his actual job. He truly didn\'t wish to do the latter. He had been trained for fighting beasts, having been sent here only because the city he had been at was considered safe.

It was North of the Kynigo, also bordering the barren lands. But so far no enemies had come from there, hence the higher-ups had decided to allocated soldiers from there to more in danger areas.

This along with not having any anti-dead magic weapons caused Altien to want to shrink from his duties. Such weapons would sever the soul from the undead. Causing wounds to reflect reality. If Eldrian had such a weapon, his first attack would have indeed severed the skeleton in half and even possibly killed it on the spot.

With an idea in motion, Eldrian followed Altien. Carrying Maria over his shoulder and again having changed to an arming sword should something jump out at him. As they rushed through different streets and allays, both suddenly heard a cry of pain. Along with a shout of anger.

Stopping both wondered at the same time, should they go and help? Eldrian worried for Maria, while Altien worried for himself.

Eldrian was the first to act, "Let\'s go help!" He shouted, gently placing Maria down against the walls of the buildings surrounding them. After which he rushed out, Altien still struggling to move at this time. Eldrian found himself in one of the main streets, wide enough for two carriages to pass each other.

In front of him, a centaurette half-dressed in armor was lying in a puddle of blood, her left front legs severed. A centaur was charging at a massive zombie arkbeast, trying to keep it from ending his wife\'s life. Behind the centaurette, Eldrian saw a variety of different race children, upon seeing this he couldn\'t just observe.

His body acted before his mind could comprehend what was going on. He rushed forward, throwing Mifotia at the undead\'s hind leg and Forst Needle at another. With this he also used Observe, cursing upon reading the statistics as his mind finally caught up to his actions. Stopping himself from stabbing his spear into the beast\'s ass with just a second to spare.

[Zombie (Arkbeast - Beta)]

[Tier 3 (Weaker Undead); Level 17]

[HP: 898/1318]

[Attack: 72]

[Agility: 135]


At least it is slow... Was the only silver lining Eldrian could think of upon reading the stats. Its attack was insanely high, and its HP even more so. It would take Eldrian a couple of minutes of nonstop spells and attacks to grind it down. Contrasting this, just two non-vital hits on him would mean death.

Hoping for some good news Eldrian turned to Observe the centaur, finding that the man was only Tier 4. While that was good, the man evidently did not have the right equipment. While his attack was high, the damage he did was not reflecting this.

[Piredes (Centaur)]

[Tier 4 (NPC); Level 20]

[HP: 176/371]

[Attack: 46]

[Agility: 160]

Piredes was bleeding badly from his horse side, a claw having ripped into him. If not for him having two sets of most organs, he would likely be dead by now.

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