
Chapter 255: Night attack developments (9)

Chapter 255: Night attack developments (9)

"That\'s quite simple. Instead of continuing to look around on my own, I started asking others if they had seen or met a High Elf. You are in fact the only Elf in the fort, so that made finding you easy. Especially with your silver hair which actually pulls quite a bit of attention."

Oh, that makes sense. Eldrian thought, after which they all had breakfast and then Eldrian followed Vivian, a bit curious what her job was.

She was currently the leader of a small group whose duty was to make sure that there was no more undead inside the city. After following her around for half an hour, Eldrain decided to rather find himself a comfy spot to continue reading the notes and books he had been given.

He knew he could reach Tier 2 in both melee and magic with just a little practice, but he did not. He first continued to try and expand his foundation. Trying to figure out if he could make spells himself, such as the lightning spell he had cast in desperation. For that, he needed to understand, and not just copy what others had done.

While he did have a good grasp on things, many things were still complete mysteries to him. He realized as he continued to read, that while he knew how magic worked, he did not always know how elements in magic worked. So this was what he focused on first, not aiming to actually learn new spells for now. Mainly due to him knowing he needed to slow down or more problems might occur IRL.

This became his routine, reading and asking those who had spare time about their experiences in advancing to higher Tiers. Placing heavy focus on Ayden and divine magic, Eldrian even managed to get a Tier 1 divine spell from Ayden. Ayden having hoped seeing the spell module would discourage Eldrian, and it did.

Eldrian could make no sense of it. Unlike normal spells with their clean pattern, this was like random doodles made by a kid. Eldrian could not identify any nodes in it, which confused him even more. It seemed like it was just one long line from start to end. With the start and end not even clear, even after a few hours of observing Eldrian failed to find them.

When he asked Ayden how the hell they cast this, he replied through faith, which absolutely did not help Eldrian figure anything out. As such he was forced to give up on it after not making any progress.

At night when things were calmer, Eldrian would meet with Vivian and have dinner together. IRL Eldrian continuedly felt awkward upon waking, soon becoming used to needing a few minutes to just let his body feel normal.

Each morning informing him that there was something wrong and that he must indeed stop being reckless. Though each day in the game he would want to grow stronger and say damn the consequences. The knowledge of him being too weak to change things eating at him every time he was forced to just read.

Around three days later Evules finally reappeared in the fort, something which caused quite the commotion as he was heavily wounded so late after the fight.

This was the only day where his routine was completely broken, having heard the rumors Eldrian quickly headed to the keep where it was said Evules was taken upon returning. This time he did not let the guards stop him from entering, pushing past, and before they could react, Pelaros told them to return to duty.

"I have been wondering when you would come to visit," Pelaros said after things calmed down. Evules was sleeping in the back of the room, a few priests busy treating his wounds. He looked quite bad even after an hour of being treated

"What happened to him?" Eldrian asked.

"I have no idea, I had hoped you could tell me. Right, I guess you don\'t have anything to report on the corruption either."

"Yes, wait..." Eldrian paused as he suddenly remembered what the others had discussed, "I am not sure if you have been told yet, but the others suspected it could be the work of a revenant along with other higher undead."

"Ah yes, Katania had informed me of that. I truly didn\'t expect the forest to be so filled with undead, especially higher undead. They even managed to make over thirty Unwilling, which was really shocking. That, along with them turning all the locals, beast or person, undead. This has quickly become something a small group can\'t accomplish."

"Right..." Eldrian said, feeling certain the quest will end in failure.

"Still, having you here is still needed."

"What, really?"

"Yes, I fear that it isn\'t just higher undead working together. There must be a mastermind, and even I might not be able to face it. While news of this has been sent to the capital, it will take much longer for a response to come. I suspect it will take a few months at least, with all the chaos currently going on and forts considered expendable.\'

"This is why we have focused on repairing the fort first, we need to make sure we can make a stand here. Only once that is done am I going to start searching the forest." Pelaros said.

"Are you going to take anyone with you? Do you know that Evale is still missing?" Eldrian questioned.

"I am going to take a small elite party with me, yes. You will also be part of it, as I need the insurance. As for Evale, I know she is still alive. We have found traces of her fighting nearby as recently as two days ago.\'

"I believe she is partly responsible for the undead acting so rashly, as it seems she found their method of moving unknown through the forest. Why she hasn\'t returned is confusing though."

After that Eldrian asked Pelaros a few more questions, even daring to bring up the conversation of souls. In this regard, Pelaros knew much more than Eldrian expected, though he didn\'t wish to explain it all to Eldrian. It was understandable, he was busy with many things and Eldrian barely knew anything. It made no sense for a master to explain to a novice from the start. Instead, he handed Eldrian a few books from the library of the keep.

"These ones here are about nature magic, but on the concept of souls. Read through it slowly, after which you should try to learn the spells inside. When you do, try and use the spell while following the advice in the book.\'

"I know you might want to explore and so forth, but don\'t. Souls are weird and delicate things. Contrary to that they can be simple and extremely resilient. Follow the advice first, they are too paradoxical to just jump into blindly."

Eldrian had thanked him profusely and just as he was heading out he stopped dead as Pelaros brought up another thing.

"The path you have chosen is a hard one, if you meet Myropsis later, please do not try and guide her anymore. While it is good to try and gain mastery over mana, it is not something so simple. And again, follow the advice before trying to do your own thing. This should enable you to safely reach Tier 4, though from there it will be up to you."

After leaving Eldrian\'s mind had spun for quite some time, shocked both by Pelaros\'s kindness and his keen insight. Eldrian had no doubt he was talking about his hidden class, and while he had not truly done much to hide his progress and how he progressed. Eldrian did not think he would be found so soon, and so easily.

I really can\'t just go and ask people about souls it seems. It isn\'t a normal topic for someone of my level. Eldrian thought, after which the following week passed without any more incidents.

Eldrian had done as Pelaros said and focused on reading the books first, not managing to finish them by the time the tournament was announced to start. In total, he had given Eldrian eight books; five focused on nature magic, with souls being the core concept. He also gave Eldrian three others that were combat-focused.

One was about summoning, where at weaker Tiers you could manipulate the plants nearby, and at later Tiers, you can seemingly give life to them. Another was an ice-based compendium, with a bunch of different interesting spells in this hybrid element. The last was a wind-based compendium, focused on teaching someone what wind magic actually was and why up to Tier 3 it was basically useless in fights. After which it quickly became one of the strongest elements.

This along with the books from Myropsis, Eldrian now had a massive collection from which he could pick and choose what he wanted. Even so, he needed to go through each spell first, try and understand its use, and if it would be worth the time invested to learn.

While Eldrian could master the Tier 1 spells in under an hour, he did not know about the Tier 2\'s. He also didn\'t -or rather wasn\'t allowed- to rush that until Gengxin delivered the cabin. While he was now using the semi-immersion setting, Eldrian felt nothing different by using it.

While this was likely due to him doing nothing but reading, this caused Gengxin to worry and forbid Eldrian from trying to progress, until at the very least the tournament is over.

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