
Chapter 308: The reason for her concern

Chapter 308: The reason for her concern

Did she change her mind, or what?? Eldrian wondered as he looked at this last description. Finding it most peculiar that the text read more like a message than a description. Vastly different from the normal system descriptions.

[Unique ability: Accelerated Processing]

[Through unknown methods, you are able to sometimes increase the speed at which you process thoughts. This allows you to take in more details, act faster, and normally avoid death.]

[However, this comes at a cost. The safety measures installed to ensure your safety becomes weakened. How you accomplish this is unknown, but speculations can be made from the cost.]

[The origin of this ability is likely you tapping into a latent talent. This talent allows your body to see what is happening as a true life-threatening threat and boost your mind\'s functions to try and avoid it. This is commonly described as an adrenaline rush, however, what happens to you is not as simple.]

[Somehow, instead of believing it to be a nightmare. As is the case with most others who become overwhelmed in the pain and realism. You instead immerse even further. This goes against all the data that my measures are based on.]

[This causes the safety measures to break down. The first sign of this further immersion is pain. Certainly, you have learned this already. However, the second sign is mental fatigue. Similar to when you overuse spells, but this one lingers. Likely also pressing fully when you exit the simulation.]

[Entering this state, using this ability, can certainly enable you to accomplish great feats. However, the stain it places on you is also great.]

[Activation: Become emotionally invested, become desperate. Become emotional.]

[Suggestion: Try not to use this, especially when death is likely. It will make the entire situation more complicated, and even if you wish to resurrect, it might cause problems.]

Well... That does not mean all that much.? Eldrian thought, finding that most of what was mentions he already knew. It was interesting to see what the system thought of it thought. However, it was clear she was not clear on it either.

He found this in particular extremely strange. Wondering just how there could be things the AI themselves are unsure of, and how many such things there might be.

Certainly, it wouldn\'t be as strange if it was a different AI, one whose purpose was not centered around the players. But it was, making this probably a unique situation.

So Eldrian believed, finally deciding to stand up from where he had gone to meditate.? As he stood up he casually glanced at the time, shocked by the amount that had passed.

Shit shit, shit.? Eldrian cursed as he rushed up, only to find Pelaros waiting for him at the same place.

"You\'re still here?" Eldrian asked in surprise, six hours having passed. Eldrian\'s question had no tact, but his thoughts were just to log out and get moving. However, he had to at least give an excuse he felt.

"Of course, what did you find?" Pelaros asked, having observed Eldrian this entire time. The last few minutes Eldrian had clearly been excited and then disappointed. Then disappointed and excited. Clearly, he must have made some discoveries.

"Sorry, but I\'m late." Eldrian said, "I\'ll find you in the morning," He added as he walked a few meters and then turned into particles.

"What in the name of Asteria?" The centaur mumbled, shocked to see a human disappearing in such a way. It was clearly not a stealth technique or anything similar.

He had heard of this ability.? Still, seeing it with his own eyes was different. Eldrian had literally turned into light which had then dissipated into the air.

Sighing, the centaur turned to the cave mumbling, "I hope it is worth the wait."


Sighing as he woke up on the immersion chair, Eldrian started by stretching his back, grumbling, "I should ask them to make comfier."

Eldrian did not think he should be this stiff upon waking, however, it only lasted until he finished stretching. Hence it was truly not a problem, just an irritation.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Eldrian changed into some casual clothes and asked for a ride on his tablet. By the time he headed out, the car was already waiting in the driveway.

"Where to?" The driver asked as Eldrian climbed into the silver sedan.

Pulling out his phone Eldrian made sure of the address, the driver typing it into his navigation. Eldrian still felt weird using this driving service. It felt strange being driven around and not needing to pay a fee or anything.

Thanking the driver, he climbed out asking him to wait while he headed in to get his sister. Looking at the house it was the same as he remembered, nothing had changed.

This was normal, however, it made the changes in his life all the clearer. Sighing Eldrian walked up and rang the bell.

Thinking about just how much had changed, and yet how much had stayed the same.

After a few seconds, someone came to open for him. It was not his sister, much like last time. In fact, just like last time, it was Marcy who came and opened for him. However, she did not let him in.

After opening the gate she stood in its path.

"It\'s about time you came." She said with a strict tone, Eldrian completly thrown by this. He was expecting her to again tease him.

"Wha- why?" Eldrian stumbled over his words.

Unlike last time, she was now in clothes that would be considered comfy winter clothing. Naturally, this was due to the weather having become colder. But it also made her attitude seem far more serious, mostly because there was nothing to become distracted by.

"Are you serious? You basically ghosted your sis for an entire month. She is hecking worried about you, you know." She said, causing Eldrian to feel even worse that he was late.

"That\'s why I am here," Eldrian responded, but got no goodwill.

"That doesn\'t count for shit. Why the hell did you ghost her?"

"I, I didn\'t know what to say."

"Then why didn\'t you just say that?!"

"Because, I didn\'t want to worry her."

"That worked wonderfully!" Marcy\'s words leaked sarcasm, "Do you think her not being informed would make her worry less?"

"Why on earth is she so worried?" Eldrian questioned, not understanding where this was coming from. He got that they normally shared almost everything, but it was not like he was kidnapped.

Looking at Eldrian in shock, Marcy wondered, "I guess you wouldn\'t know, seeing as you didn\'t talk with her like usual."

"What happened?" Eldrian asked, suddenly worried.

"It\'s not like that, it\'s just that..." Marcy paused, "You remember Sarah and Daniel?"

"Kind of, I didn\'t and don\'t really care about their relationship," Eldrian replied, not even managing to recall how long the two had been together. Normally he would even forget Daniel\'s name.

"Well, they\'re not together anymore," Marcy said, and upon seeing the neutral look on Eldrian\'s face she sighed. "I was expecting a bit more than that, you know."

"Oh, okay. Oh no..." Eldrian joking replied, however, this did nothing to lighten the mood, in fact it worsened it.

"Wait, what happened?" Eldrian asked, becoming more serious.

"Daniel was in an accident, and, well, he is still in the hospital. Sarah has been beside herself, unable to concentrate on her studies. And knowing that not everything is safe on your side, your sister has been imagining the worst so often."

"Wha- why?"

"Really, you still don\'t get it? How often do you think that when you are climbing into a car it might be your last time?"

"Never." Eldrian honestly replied.

"Alright, then how often do you think it might be your last time entering A New World?" Marcy pressed, Eldrian unable to give her a clear answer.

He was a bit worried that Jen had shared things with them, seeing as it was all technically confidential. However, that worry was minuscule compared to his trying to understand what was going on. Especially when she likely only shared it from a place of worry.

Seeing Eldrian refusing to reply, Marcy sighed. "See, if something that you never even think of suddenly flips over a friend\'s life. Then you will focus much more on things you actually think can drastically change things."

Eldrian nodded, not knowing how to respond. After a few seconds, he simply thanked Marcy.

"I just wanted to make sure you understand why she is so worried." Marcy said, "I hope you can stop making her worry. Between that and helping console Sarah, her grades have steadily been slipping."

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