
Chapter 356: Returning to Kynigo

Chapter 356: Returning to Kynigo

Upon entering the game for the, first time ever, Eldrian felt that something was wrong with it. When he tried to stand his body moved far faster than he expected, causing him to land face-first in the dirt as his attempt at balancing resulted in a jump.

\'The fuck?\' He cursed, not saying this loud for the simple reason that he was eating dirt.

Attempting to stand up Eldrian failed again. Pushing against the ground he pushed himself far faster and higher than he had thought he could, resulting in his legs being too late. Luckily his arms were still at the ready and stopped him from eating another mouthful.

"The hell is going on?" Eldrian wondered and turned his sights to the system, this feeling similar but far more exaggerated than when he put all his points into agility.

Yet he did not find an explanation there, he did however realize he had completely missed a system message. Having been dead tired after facing off against the revenant curse, and then having gotten a quest update after that.

[Title Rewarded: Curse Breaker]

[Through an extremely reckless act, you have broken a curse placed on Medion. A man whose fate had been to be revived as a revenant. Whose emotions had been twisted and inverted, his love for his wife and child having been turned into burning hatred.]

[Yet you have freed him. By fighting the curse instead of simply destroying it you have set his soul free. Allowing him to move on.]

[Through this act you have gained a unique ability: Scourge of Undeath]

Staying still in his plank position Eldrian continued to read, believing that the ability must be quite awesome and not wishing to be oblivious to it any longer.

[Scourge of Undeath (Unique perspective ability)]

[Through fighting a curse you have gained a unique perspective, whether you realize it or not. The ability\'s functions are as of yet unknown, however, one function is clear. It enhances your understanding of undeath, allowing you to find their weaknesses at but a glance.]

"Huh..." Eldrian sighed in disappointment. The ability sounded useless since he already had mana sense and it would do the same, if not more. Sighing again as he realized this was not the cause of his problems.

\'Wait, this is the opposite of what happened in reality. What if-\' Moving as slow as he could Eldrian slowly lied down and placed his arms under him, needing to be mindful so as to not hit himself. Once he was done he started meditating, struggling more than usual to enter the needed state.

However, after a few minutes of perseverance he accomplished it. Following the mana flowing through him, he thought for a bit on how he could enhance this more, stopping himself from actually attempting anything. Not wishing to waste time on this when he had yet to even learn Tier 3 spells, not to mention his poor repertoire of Tier 2 spells.

When he opened his eyes Eldrian found his movements to not be ridiculously fast. Standing up he wondered if this was going to become a daily thing. He hoped not, however, the ten or so minutes of meditation was certainly not a bad thing. At the least, it would help him clear his mind before starting his day, in both worlds.

"Now then, let\'s see if Pelaros is still here," Eldrian had a few plans for today, and none of them were to participate in the mission. After finding the tent empty Eldrian shrugged and told himself they would not miss him. Especially now that they had the crystals.

Turning around Eldrian decided to head for Pyknost Fort first, recalling that there was a temple. There was also a road connecting it to Kynigo, which should make his travels easier.

Setting off Eldrian started with a light jog that turned into a quick-paced run shortly as he realized he was not becoming winded at all.

Even at this pace it took him nearly an hour to reach the fort. Stopped from entering but quickly allowed in when the guards used Observe on him. The race of Chosen was something that no one could fake, and since he was the only one present in the entire Kynigo region they quickly realized who he was.

Eldrian\'s feats during the night attack had not gone unnoticed. While they were not something that everyone had talked about the day after, it had quickly started spreading as the days grew. Especially when people started realizing in just how many places he had been present.

When they added up all his contributions it quickly became a hot topic. As such Eldrian was quite famous, though he had no idea of this.

Unhindered Eldrian quickly headed for the keep, recalling that the temple was there somewhere. Confirming with his map the location and quickly arriving at the building.

"Now what?" He mumbled as he failed to find the new option. \'Is it the same as with accessing the market?\' Eldrian wondered, going towards one of the statues in the temple and touching it, a popup appearing as soon as he did.

\'Oh, they made this a lot more user-friendly.\' Eldrian thought, recalling how clunky the spawn setting used to be. With it randomly coming up when you neared a holy site.

Now instead, he got an option of accessing the store, setting a spawn point, or setting a waypoint. With the last showing that he had none set and he could set up to six more.

Adding it to the list Eldrian found that his map also updated to show this, he also realized that his map had more options than before. He had mostly ignored it since it had just been an overview map showing him where he was and what his surroundings were.

Now, he found that he could actually search for a specific place and even filter to find specific types of places. \'That\'s neat, did they decided to lift that limitation on High Elves?\' Eldrian wondered, recalling that other players had always had the options.

The interface however had been improved massively.

With a waypoint set, Eldrian set off again. This time for the city. The journey taking him 4 hours in total since he had to pass the checkpoint at the massive cliffs. The captain of the two towers was not so easily convinced that he was who he said he was.

Eldrian had nearly thought of letting the centaur see all his titles, but had decided against it at the last second. He had no idea what was considered a moderate amount of titles, but he felt certain he had too many.

Especially when he saw that the centaur only had one; Stalwart Defender. Unlike his own titles, Eldrian got no more information on it, just the title itself.

"Finally I am here, it feels like ages," Eldrian mumbled as he explained to the gate guards who he was and why he had come here. The security having been tripled ever since the undead armies had been spotted.

"First things first, let\'s go get my money," With that thought, Eldrian quickly searched for the adventurers guild, following the map to the closest one.

The city surprisingly had three. Though that made sense since the city was massive and walking end to end would take a few hours. Naturally, if you ran that time would significantly decrease, especially with Eldrian\'s current agility.

"Welcome," A friendly voice greeted him as he entered through the door, "Are you here for rewards or quests?"

"Rewards," Eldrian replied as he turned the man, a demi-human only as tall as his chest. Fluffy white fur covering the man\'s long drooping ears.

"Of course, let\'s get it sorted for you." The man led Eldrian to one of the counters, the entire place empty.

"Where is everyone?"

"Off to earn rewards or running for their lives. Few adventurers would stay when the danger is this great."

"What do you mean?" Eldrian asked, Deine had informed him of the situation but not on how severe it was. She had mostly talked about the king and how great it was that he was there.

"You haven\'t seen the notice?" Raising an eye in surprise the man slapped a piece of paper on the ground as he also pulled out a massive book. "What quest did you take?"

Eldrian didn\'t answer right away as he read the notice, the evaluation of the natives were that this was a city-level threat. Eldrian had no idea what the equivalent was since the system gave him no quest notice.

"I didn\'t take it at the guild, I got it out in the field."

"Oh, and do you have any proof?"

Nodding Eldrian took out the emblems and placed them on the table, the demi-humans eyes flying wide open and his fur growing to cover most of his face.

"What on earth did you do?" The man took the emblems and made sure that they were the real deal, the spell he cast informing him that it indeed was.

Shrugging Eldrian tried to stay vague, not knowing just how rare it was for someone to receive a Steel Emblem. Not to mention the silver one.

"Do you want gold or do you want to exchange?"

"Exchange? What can I exchange?" Eldrian asked, intrigued. If he could get what he needed her then that would save him a great deal of time. Though he felt it might be better to get them from a blacksmith.

\'Wait no, that will also be just off the shelf. I can\'t order, since that would take days, maybe weeks.\'

"Most anything. Spells, skills, weapons, armor-"

"I am looking for armor."

"Great, then follow me. And do not worry, they were all repaired and returned to top condition. Though many people still don\'t want them, as such they are 30% below market cost."

"And what is market cost?" Eldrian asked, certain that each piece of armor was unique and would have a price associated with how good it actually was.

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