
Chapter 508 - Sharing And Returning Home

Chapter 508 - Sharing And Returning Home

With a wide smile, Eldrian returned to the doors, fiddled with it a bit, finally figured out how to open them, and promptly entered Sofiera\'s office.

For security reasons, the doors were easy to close but hard to open.

Upon exiting the room, he found Sofiera waiting for him. Or rather, she immediately looked up from her notes and stared at him.

"I see that you really do need a room to experiment in," Sofiera commented, causing Eldrian to blush as he wondered if he had disturbed her own research.

"Don\'t worry, the room is soundproof... As long as the formation holds."

"Was it- Did I-"

"No, the spells you cast weren\'t nearly strong enough to disrupt the formation. Your first one did drain a considerable amount of mana. I would put it at the high rank of a Tier 5 spell, or the low rank of a Tier 6 spell."

\'That is how strong Tier 5 spells can be!?\' Eldrian wanted to question but kept it to himself as Sofiera continued.

"Which... Did you do something with your auras?" It was the only thing the Highmage could think of which would allow Eldrian to cast such a powerful spell.

When Eldrian shook his head in denial, she stared at him in disbelief.

"Are you going to share what you did?"

"I don\'t mind, but..." Eldrian paused and considered how much harder the second cast was. "The spell is weird."

"Weird? Weird how?"

"It is cast through emotions."

Sofiera stared at Eldrian, blinked, stared some more, blinked some more. Finally, she coughed and asked, "What!?"

"Yeah, but... It isn\'t easy to use. Like..." Looking at all the books Eldrian quickly retracted his hand with which he was about to summon a few flames.

Looking at Eldrian\'s behavior, Sofiera sighed in relief as she realized what he had almost done. The two quickly entered the training room where Eldrian could show her.

"I\'ll simplify since going into details won\'t be easy," Eldrian said, waving his hand and having a wave of flames appear behind it.

He then repeated this but this time just gave the flames a hint of emotions, causing them to seemingly become alive.

"That is what I mean," Eldrian said while Sofiera stared at the dying flames in astonishment.

There was a difference between when someone controlled a spell and when they didn\'t. The difference was of course even bigger between static and dynamic casters, but Sofiera could tell undeniably that those flames had acted on their own. Seeking something to feed on, of its own will.

"What-" Sofiera turned to look at Eldrian in confusion, "How?"

"I felt there had to be a link between auras and magic. Especially after I seemed to have killed undead far stronger than me through wrath, and almost killed my friends through tranquility."

"The auras shouldn\'t have such an impact outside of me. That\'s how I used to think, but... It seems I was wrong."

"Don\'t get me wrong, I know that auras literally are supposed to affect an area. But, I thought wrath and tranquility were special cases. Instead, it appears like they are like others. I don\'t know anything of others so I can\'t really say as much. But it is what I am thinking."

"I still don\'t understand," Sofiera admitted, not shy to admit when she didn\'t know something.

"Right, of course. The key is that in both those cases with my auras; none of my mana was used."

Upon hearing this, Sofiera looked at Eldrian in sheer disbelief. No magic of such great power should have no cost.

Abilities might not cost mana nor stamina, but they greatly strain the body. Limiting how much one could make use of them. Using them too much would lead to irrevocable damage. While the damage could possibly be healed, often that would lead to losing access to the ability.

\'No, the cost is just not something I know.\' Sofiera quickly corrected herself, and Eldrian nodded upon seeing the realization.

"Yes, it all comes back to the question of what magic is." Eldrian mumbled, "I need to do some research before I can return to these questions. But that is what led me to try this and succeed."

As Eldrian was halfway through the room, he turned to ask the Highmage who was still in deep thought, "Can I take the books with me?"

Sofiera nodded, adding as Eldrian exited the room, "Only five at a time."


Returning to his manor with 5 books not of any spells but of magical theories normally meant for Tier 7 mages, Eldrian quickly headed for his study where Maia brought him freshly made tea.

She was the only one who continually came to serve Eldrian here while there were no other servants. The other four were staying at the house Eldrian still had and had no idea what to do with. Of course, while Vivian was here, in Kynigo, he was lending it to her to stay at.

When she went back to the frontlines; Eldrian still did not know whether he would follow in a dumb stupid attempt to keep her safe, or if he would rather focus on improving himself and getting to know his retainers.

He knew what would be the best choice, but his heart didn\'t agree to parting with her again. Especially when the parting was one inviting danger, again.

Ceph had no such internal struggles, and instead, upon returning to the mansion he bolted off for the second house to go play with the other maids and his friends.

Eldrian smiled as he saw the little alicorn in elven form running towards that house. \'It seems that has become their clubhouse too...\'

Eldrian felt that wouldn\'t be a bad use of the house either.

"Has Darren finished setting everything up?" Eldrian asked after entering his study as he was placing the first book on his table and casting two Fos to cancel any shadows that one might cause.

Even though it was around two in the afternoon and there was still plenty of natural sunlight.

"Yes, of the nine who managed to meet your standards, only three wished to stay in the manor. The others will obey your call to arms and also follow your orders, but they wish to stay at their own homes."

"Brazen is certainly one of them, who are the other two?" Eldrian asked while enjoying the perfectly made cup of tea. Maia certainly knew how to prepare the tea just right.

"Tjan and Aspen, Aspen proposed to handle the defenses of the manor while Tjan wished to study under you. Brazen hoped that you would be willing to guide him."

"I see, you can inform Darren that this will work. Do you know when the other servants will come?"

"Yes, Darren will be giving them your instructions tomorrow morning at sunrise. Is-" Maia stopped herself from asking, fearing she might upset Eldrian by asking him something.

"What is it, Maia?" Eldrian asked, wishing she would just speak her mind.

"Are-are you really going to let them all stay here?"

"I don\'t see why not? Isn\'t it more convenient for everyone? I do know that the city is huge and for some it would take an hour or more to get here from their home."

Maia nodded, that was indeed the case. Kynigo, no, all centaur cities were massive. To a centaur, twenty kilometers weren\'t much, but to demi-humans and humans it was a massive distance. Especially to those who have not trained in magic.

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