
Chapter 512 - Extermination Quest Starts

Chapter 512 - Extermination Quest Starts

Returning to his estate, Eldrian spent the rest of the day just experimenting with the ways he could control spells at the moment. Wondering as he did whether it was smart to attempt developing his own spells versus just learning others and adapting them as he had always done.

\'It might be a step back, but it will allow me to make progress while I try to understand the math.\' Eldrian thought and decided that he might as well attempt it.

His options were: figure out how to cast through simply wishing for the spells to form, master the math behind the creation of spells, or take a step back and the added training it would take to get the spell to the level all his other spells were at.

Eldrian decided that taking the step back was better than just waiting. However, he still made this a lower priority at the moment. He wanted to hang out with the players of Phoenix a bit and also help them where he can. Making money while at it was certainly a nice bonus.

Sadly, even after having decided to take the step back, Tier 4 spells were not as simple as Tier 3 spells. Sure, it was far easier than Tier 5 spells but that didn\'t mean it was easy to memorize and visualize.

As a result, Eldrian wasn\'t able to learn a spell in the few hours that were left of the day. However, as he had tried to memorize and envision the spell module, he had rediscovered a few things.

\'Are spell modules really that bad?\' He wondered as he was on his way to the camp from Pyknos Fort, Tjan following along at a set distance he had seemingly decided was what he should be from Eldrian.

\'I kept thinking they are, and I get why, but honestly, it isn\'t that bad a thing. Sure, it will mean that there is a pause between me wanting the spell and as I visualize it. Which will only increase the higher Tier I go.\'

\'But that will just be a second or two for Tier 4 spells. I might not be able to rely on it in close combat due to that, but if I am fighting from a distance I can totally use spell modules without worry.\'

Along with this, Eldrian also realized how much easier it would be to experiment with spells through their spell modules. While it wouldn\'t be able to replace instant casting, it would certainly allow him to test things quicker. Meaning he could do far more.

When they arrived at the camp the players were still getting ready/arriving. Currently, they were simply in their friend groups talking and joking while waiting for everyone to arrive.

"That\'s the guy?" One person in one such group asked while indicating towards Eldrian. Through Observe all that they could see were Eldrian\'s Tier, level, name, and race.

Outside of his name, all the others were impressive. Eldrian was still the only High Elf to have reached and surpassed Tier 1, though, a few others have slowly been learning how to control their mana and were starting to learn how to cast Tier 0 spells.

However, these were only the most dedicated players who wished to explore the High Elf race. Most others had long since given up and remade their avatar to any other race, allowing them to actually use magic through simply half memorizing a spell module and saying the word of power.

With this in mind not only was Eldrian Tier 4, he was also level 32. Which was indeed a few levels below the current top-ranked players, but it was still above average by nearly five levels.

"I recall seeing him fighting in the tournament." One of the guy\'s friends said, quickly sharing a clip of it with the others.

"He\'s the one who can control spells? He\'s really in our guild!?" A newer player asked, having only bought a headset a month or so ago and still only Tier 2.

From here their conversation quickly spiraled into speculation and rumors. Eldrian didn\'t miss the stares and indications, also receiving them constantly in the city. Such actions had become quite a sour action for him.

"Hah! You\'re here, and with Tjan." Judith shouted from afar as she moved to great Eldrian. Her greatsword, Gray, was proudly strapped to her back. To this day, it was still the stronger weapon in the guild. Outside of Eldrian\'s items, of course.

"Judith, still trying to wear as little as possible?" Eldrian replied, still shocked at how different her character was in-game compared to real life.

"See something you like?" Judith teased.

"Mmm, maybe. Can you do a spin for me?" Eldrian teased back, catching her off guard and causing her to become slightly self-aware. Seeing this, Eldrian smiled and laughed.


"What is the plan?" Eldrian asked as the players slowly got themselves into order, around half an hour after their arrival.

"Judith and Therdul will lead our fighters and do their best to maintain a line of defense. Zyviss will lead the archers and Ilmadia the mages. I will just focus on healing and buffing people and Nikki will coordinate everything." Elizabeth replied as they were walking.

"And me?"

"You can just help out where you feel help is needed if it comes to that. Nikki will also ask you to support an area if it is close to breaking. When the shaman appears, we are going to rely on you to deal with him."

Nodding, Eldrian agreed. Happy that they hadn\'t tried to place him in command or anything like that. While he needed to learn how to lead, he didn\'t know if he actually wanted to. He would much rather have Armin or Jaka lead if the time came.

They at least had some experience with that and they were Tier 5 which naturally meant people looked up to them.

Demilea would also be a good choice as she had been taught how to strategize, however, she lacked the experience that the other two had. \'She might be better as a second in command...\'

They reached the cave just a bit over an hour of walking, where the players all quickly got into position and prepared their skills or spells. Casting all the buffs they felt they needed. Zyviss had scouted the area yesterday and as such, they already had a plan for how to draw the goblins out of their cave.

Eldrian watched this and was impressed at how organized the guild was. It was his first time actually joining a quest, not considering the one where they had come to help hold the line. This time, the entire quest had around fifty players who had joined in.

Eldrian was impressive to see Judith actually be mature and control her urges to simply rush in. Zyviss and the other archers had long since disappeared into the trees, and the mages had spread out. Each found themselves a nice vantage point that gave them a good view of where the first battle would take place.

[{Nikki} - Everyone is in position, Judith, start the luring.]

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