
Chapter 547 - New Reality (Part 7 - A New Type Of Chosen)

Chapter 547 - New Reality (Part 7 - A New Type Of Chosen)

\'If I were to extrapolate, then the tree might be consciousness, or maybe souls in particular. Linking it to nature might have been their way to make sense of the unexplainable. And then, imagining it as a forest, it would be connected to all realms inside the \'forest\'\'.

\'Then the connection between realms would not be physical, but rather mentally. Or I might be thinking too shallowly and it is actually something far more, like a dimensional ancor of realms and dimensions?\'

\'Regardless, there is sure to be plenty of glorification and misunderstanding, but I am sure that the basics are true.\'

\'And that means it was possible to move between the planes! Albeit in restricted ways.\'

This was significant because it proved to Eldrian that it might be possible that he was not the first to be going through this. That it might have happened on Earth before and this might also hold the clue to why Earth\'s mana was so scarce.

The thing he hoped most for was based on the number of planets in Norse Mythology. There were 9 planets, and if each had 3 realms, then quite possibly the Norse had been in contact with three dimensions similar to how Earth was in contact with ANW.

GAIA waited patiently for Eldrian to finish his brainstorming. When Eldrian did he was in quite a strange condition. Because there was one thing that nearly all religions had in common.


GAIA smiled and nodded, "Indeed, all religions know that destruction will come. And in the end, they all did end up destroyed."

"Not all..." Eldrian got chills as he thought of Revelations and the changes he had brought to the world. "Please no, please let me be wrong."

Eldrian didn\'t think that it had to be Revelations that prophecized the end, but he was quite confident all religions had some sort of \'end of days\'. He could only hope that his speculation was wrong.

"Now, that is indeed an interesting thought." GAIA didn\'t need Eldrian to say anything more, it was easy to think of the most popular religion, or at least the one with the most exposure through media, reaching the most people.

"Revelations... It seems quite apt actually."

"Don\'t say that," Eldrian complained but GAIA ignored his wanting to skip around a topic to make it not exist.

"No, it truly does fit quite well. Though plenty makes no sense or is too muddled in prophetic poetry. Considering it as someone unknowledgeable trying to write down and make sense of the unknowable, it is understandable. Symbolism will surely be as used as greatly as it has been used."

"People will slowly feel strange, gain unexplainable powers. Emotions will become more impactful, and demons will likely be the first type of monsters to start forming. The strange monsters might be interpretations of the emotions that they feed upon or-"

"You seriously couldn\'t just let me ignore it?" Eldrian exasperatedly sighed, hating that this might be where the world was going towards.

It wasn\'t even like it could really be used to prepare for what was to come. Finding the meaning in Revelations was not an easy task, and whether or not it was the correct prophecy wasn\'t even confirmed.

Eldrian sighed again, it would have been nice if he could warn people. But that wasn\'t an option, he would either be considered a mad man or his words would be misunderstood. He doubted anyone, even Miracle, would accept what he had to say at face value.

\'Yeah, definitely can\'t just come out saying that Revelations is going to happen.\' That wasn\'t even the only problem, since it was about the end of the world, people would also likely panic and things could fall apart at the lowest levels.

And in such situations, ensuring that magic was not abused would be impossible. It was already near impossible in the current world, adding more complexity to it was not going to help.

\'Best to put that to the back of my mind. I am certain GAIA\'s timeline is out considering that they have never been able to estimate things with me correctly. I can\'t be the only person who they continually miss analyze.\'

\'But, it shouldn\'t happen within a year. Might even take as many as ten before things become more illogical. So, let\'s use that time to find answers that I can use.\'

"Let\'s go back to how I am going to be able to enter the simulation and how things will work," Eldrian said and GAIA nodded.

"Alright, what do you want to know?"

"You said I will no longer have an interface, and revival will be through my connection with Ceph. Then, how will I differ from a native of Gaia?"

"Good question. Honestly, you will differ in two key ways. One, you will still have some boons of the Chosen, and two; if your avatar is destroyed and your soul injured, you will still have a corporeal body, albeit in a different dimension. Thus, your soul will in all likelihood retreat towards it."

Eldrian felt that that would be bad, something told him that if that case happened things would go quite South. "And if my soul isn\'t injured or weakened?"

"Then you will awaken and find yourself in the Realm of Souls. Where you can then be resurrected or decide to return to Earth."

"Choose, oh wait. I see. Alright, how will the resurrection differ besides the XP cost?"

"You will form near Cephaphyr, instead of inside a temple. The area must also be stable for this to be possible."

"Wait, what if Ceph also died?"

"That... That would complicate matters."

\'Oh for fucks sakes!\', "Please tell me there is still a way."

"Temple resurrection might be possible, but the cost will be that of resurrecting your partner."

\'Well, 10 levels is better than Ceph and me dying.\' Eldrian nodded, it just meant that death just became far more brutal. He and Ceph would really need to do their best to not die going forward.

"Alright, what else. You said I will have no interface, does that mean I won\'t have access to any features that players normally have?"

"No, you can reconstruct your own. I will connect you with Ziraili\'s network and also help you create the interface as you wish."

"What\'s the catch?"

"Doing so will cost XP, though it shouldn\'t be too much considering how much XP you already have. Actually, you will be able to do far more than before." GAIA said, trying to lighten the mood.


"For example, if you wish for a map that would be quite easy to supply. Should you wish, you can also sacrifice your XP to explore the map."

"Why not just give me an explored map from the start?" Eldrian questioned, not understanding why his XP had to be sacrificed.

"That would be possible if you are willing to let your interface be based from and through the Mageia Avyssos."

"This won\'t be?"

"No, I understand that we broke the trust you had in us. To repair things we can\'t force you to be reliant on us. While you can\'t be totally autonomous, I will try to give you as much as you can handle."

"Then the XP cost?"

"It will be used to give you a personal and personalized system and interface."

"How is that possible?"

"Consider it like adding an attachment to your avatar. Similar to how you entered the simulation this time around."

\'Ah, I see.\' Eldrian nodded as he finally understood what GAIA was getting at. It was quite the interesting concept.

"Then, let\'s get star- Wait! I actually have more questions."

AN: A big thank you to everyone who always votes for the story, it is greatly appreciated.

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