
Chapter 553 - Proof Of Ability

Chapter 553 - Proof Of Ability

"Are you still struggling to control your ability?" Eldrian asked and Brazan nodded. "Alright, please attempt it again."

Moving to the kitchen, they lit the oven. Taking a thin piece of wood, Brazan set it aflame and slowly took control of the flames.

Instead of trying to use mana sense, Eldrian closed his eyes and spread his consciousness in a way similar to how he and Two scanned their surroundings. This time he searched for any changes near Brazan.

Shockingly, he found that what Brazan was doing was trying to control the element of fire (fire-mana) instead of fire itself. Yet, according to what Brazan himself had said, he couldn\'t control the element of fire- only fire itself.

Understanding this, Eldrian realized that Brazan might not understand what fire really is. And if he could actually feel the element of fire, then he should be able to learn how to control it too with ease.

But first, he needed to understand the difference. That those two were different, a thing that Eldrian also still struggled to fully understand how. The one was a chemical reaction, while the other was just mana taking on a certain form.

"I think I understand your problem. Brazan, catch up with Aspen and also take all the books on fire you can. Not just books on fire magic, but topics on fire itself. The more scientific and less magical, the better."

Nodding, Brazan quickly left to catch up with Aspen. Eldrian had also found a neat feature with the map that allowed him to favorite people. He had done just that with everyone just now, allowing him to keep track of their locations. The extra XP cost did not bother him one bit, this feature was just too good to ignore and would be worth its XP in gold during a chaotic battle.

\'Not sure how all of this works, or why. But I\'m going to take full advantage.\' Eldrian mumbled as he welcomed Pelaros and the commanders into his now-empty mansion. Only Vivian was left, but she was still fast asleep.

Unfortunately, he wanted her to also be part of the meeting. He asked Ceph who was nearby to join and bring Vivian with him when he did, telepathically of course.

Eldrian was now able to form a connection with ease and with the new map features, it was almost like he was constantly scanning his environment.

Luckily, the main room and entrance of his home were large enough for the centaurs to enter with ease. Not all rooms in the house were built to three meters high, but there was enough to allow guests to enjoy their time without feeling like they were constantly going to hit their heads.

"Why are we here instead of managing our counterattack?" One of the commanders, Julian, asked.

He was just Tier 6. The toll of the war had indeed been great if someone so weak was a commander.

"You are here because all of you don\'t know the truth of the world you live in." Eldrian answered, "Or maybe you might know already, I\'m actually not sure."

"Regardless, you know who I am." Eldrian paused and made sure everyone understood why he had a right to address them as an equal or even superior. "I am the one who you have to thank for tonight\'s victory. So at least give me the benefit of the doubt and listen to what I have to say."

Of course, everyone already knew this. His stating this made his intention clear and did not sit well with some. But they couldn\'t voice their discontent now, not with Pelaros seemingly backing this elf.

They all also knew that they were at the supposed hero\'s home. However, this elf had been absent for several months. While they had to accept that he had the right to address them, they decided not to trust him.

"Sofiera, it is good to see you are still in good health. Oh, and why if it isn\'t Myropsis!" Eldrian turned to his friend and smiled. "Have you managed to improve further?"

Myropsis smiled back and nodded, "Indeed, I am still limited in my elements and in the war I couldn\'t make much use of my limited improvement. However, healing has become easier."

"That\'s good," Eldrian nodded as Ceph and Vivian entered. "Right, what I am going to share I should correct again. I believe you do not know, but you might know or have heard rumors."

"Have any of you heard of Chaotic Energies or mana storms?"

Pelaros frowned and Sofiera nodded while Myropsis seemed to be enlightened, "A mana storm, according to the legends it is a destructive force capable of rewriting entire continents."

"Oh, then this will be easier to explain. They exist, and in fact, they are partly what caused the demons, monsters, and all of those guys to invade. I\'m sure their nature also played a big part in that, but this is why all the monsters also join the invasion in seeming subservience, and why they fight without mercy."

"Are you saying that they are running?" Sofiera asked, surprised that something could be so common and widespread so as to influence the entire world. Yet for it to be a secret, or at least not well known.

"Yes, that is indeed what is happening. I actually believe that this was commonly known during the last invasion. But in the years of peace, it turned to legend." Eldrian replied.

"I still don\'t get why you told Pelaros to bring us-" The same commander, Julian, complained and Eldrian brilliantly cut him off.

"Let me explain then, today\'s victory was thanks to spirit magic. Also known as the aspect of Chaos."


Everyone looked at Eldrian in complete confusion. Ceph was the first to recover and he realized that Eldrian was waiting for someone to ask a crucial question.

"Isn\'t that aspect limited to the demons and devils?" No one knew that name for that type of magic, but it was easy to connect chaos with monsters.

The aspect of Chaos, it was so broad and diverse that few dared place a single label on it. Only a god would actually think of such a diverse branch of magic as one single aspect.

"Good question, no, it is not. But it is considered taboo." Eldrian answered, his calmness at sharing that he had used taboo magic shocking everyone.

"Now, before you jump to conclusions, let me first explain what the magic is. Where the belief of only demons and devils being able to use it comes from, and why it is taboo."

"The first is the easiest. My spell is what is considered a Tierless spell, it is created through mixing emotions into my spell. I do not know if everyone can do this, it might only be possible due to my auras. However, if anyone can copy this, it would be Myropsis."

Hearing this everyone turned to the centaurette who quickly became flustered. "Hey! Please quickly explain that I\'m not a devil in disguise!"

"Yes, of course she isn\'t. Use Observe on me if you doubt my words."

Everyone immediately did, naturally. And they were left without words.

Even Sofiera was shocked, as Eldrian had two new titles and extremely shocking titles at that. He now had a total of 11 titles, and of course, everyone knew that titles couldn\'t be faked. While it was possible to hide them, it was impossible to present a fake title. It was something the gods had ensured.

And eleven titles, that was unheard of.

AN: A big thank you to everyone who continues to read and support the story on WN.

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