
Chapter 647 The Siege Of Vlisia (2) - Outrage

And since the siege had started, the annihilation cannon had not made an appearance. Naturally, the orcs assumed that they were hiding it, waiting for them to move with a force that would be worth revealing its location.

For of course, once its location is known the orcs would focus to capture such a strong mobile weapon. While it can be partially protected by the magic towers, that was not enough if the warlords or Eight Claws targeted the cannon in earnest.

Due to this mobile unknown, the orcs had to be wary. They could not risk sacrificing their strongest if they could not guarantee results. Hence, the fighting currently ongoing was mostly the weaker chieftains leading their followers to their deaths. But every now and then one of the claws would join to sow havoc on the walls.

But this had slowed the siege, giving the kingdom the time they needed to use their numerical and home ground advantage. Constantly assaulting the orcs\' supply lines and defending against their raiding parties.

The kingdom could not face the orcs on the open field before in a magnificent climactic battle. After all, in a straight-on fight, a centaur\'s strength was lesser than the orc\'s. Thus they always had to be warier of the fights they would take.

Orcs were a savage race, one that loved to fight and sought to die in battle. Thus, most of the average soldier simply couldn\'t contend with the average orc, they would at most be able to content with the weakest orcs.

Unlike the orcs, centaurs had no qualitative ranks. Ranks that when achieved greatly increased an orc\'s fighting prowess. Similar to Tiers, but separate. Allowing them to reach far greater strength.

However, the orcs had underestimated the pressure that the cannons would put them under in this siege. Yet, they did not retreat, placing all their bets on the city of Vlisia.

After all, if it stood the corner of the kingdom would stand strong, if it fell the corner of the kingdom would soon follow, and nearly half of the kingdom with it.

Luckily, with all this going on the true leader of the orcs was incapable to join the fray. Having clashed with Agamemas and Zamia a number of times, and only survived thanks to his sturdy body keeping him alive until help could arrive. A game of cat and mouse was being played between these legends.

As such, the figures at the legendary level were keeping each other in check. And the annihilation cannon was forcing the orcs to proceed with care. When they took a risk, it had to be calculated as they understood that it would come at a great cost.

Taking the outer wall was not worth such a cost.

And when the time came, the kingdom would capitalize. Using another cleverly hidden card they still hadn\'t shown during the entire duration of the invasion.

"We must hold out for just a few more days." The king mumbled, turning to the kitsune he asked her to go and provide assistance where needed most. Leaving the king with one less protector. Her sharp instincts were certainly a great defense against assassination, but it was also a great asset in following the flow of battle.

\'We need them to feel overconfident. When we fall back they need to rush us with confidence. If they attack in earnest, the magic towers will be able to claim many lives. And if the warlords do not make a move then, then we will win. And if they do move, we win. Their only chance would be to abandon the siege and split their forces again.\'

\'However, even that would no longer be as big a problem thanks to the Chosens\' information network. I don\'t understand how exactly they can track the enemy so precisely... It is a great help indeed.\'

The last hidden card the king had was Duke Voda who waiting at the capital for the king\'s signal, or for an emergency signal from one of the other cities. If given this signal the duke would teleport with his personal guards.

He himself was Tier 10, nearing the end of his old life much like the old king. His personal guard was two Tier 9 beastkins, one of the lizard kind and another of the wolf.

Battle-hardened soldiers, they were like his own kin. Once he and Talastos (the old king) were gone, they along with Sodren would be the kingdom\'s strongest sword and shield. Sadly, the king was still only Tier 8. If the invasion had come only a year or two later the king might have managed to reach Tier 9.

It was a pity, truly.

The three of them had never shown themselves to the kingdom. While Duke Voda\'s strength had been known, that had been over fifty years ago. Most likely believed he had already died, after all, he had given his position to his son once he had reached Tier 7.

As for the duke\'s personal guard, none knew just how strong they were. They had always acted in secret to keep some of the duke\'s strength hidden. The duke had not hidden his strength on purpose, it had just worked out like this as there had never been a need to show himself and his guards publically.

When the invasion had started he had wanted to rush to the front, but the king had convinced him otherwise. After all, back then they had had no information on the enemy or their strength.

Now they were waiting for the orcs to rush things, waiting for them to take the bait. Once they did, the duke will appear and they would turn the tables. While this would only place them in equal numbers to the orcs at the top end, in that situation, if the orcs kept fighting under the magic towers and in range of the annihilation cannon, victory should be assured.

Yet, this tactic required patience. It required the king to watch as his soldiers, his people, fight and lose ground inch by bloody inch. It required the soldiers to hold strong, not knowing of the kingdom\'s cards. Believing that it was do-or-die.

They all fought with the strength of a cornered beasts. Knowing that all they had to do was long enough for the lighting division to kill the orcs\' supply lines.


A massive roar caused all the nearby orcs to flinch, turning to the source they all quickly realized that no food was going to arrive this time either upon seeing the headless body of the messenger.

They had long since started eating the dead, and while the meat of their enemies was enjoyable, the same could not be said of their own fallen. Not only did it taste terrible and extremely tough to chew. It was also a reminder of how bad they were doing.

["How is this possible?!"] The warlord roared, beyond furious hearing that their supplies had again been stolen by the centaurs. Like cowards, the centaurs would wait in ambush to steal their supplies every day. It was truly infuriating.

Even worse, their raiding parties had encountered fierce resistance, only two of the five sent having returned. And those had not returned with any harvest either.

["They must have some manner of tracking our movement. It is certain now."] A much calmer female orc replied, facing the furious warlord without blinking.

The male warlord stood over two meters tall, he was not what you would call fit. Having a huge body covered in fat, yet under the fat hid muscles stronger than most. His body was covered in old scars, mostly large. Clearly showing how reckless this orc fought. His name was Shagol.

The female, Arob, disdained how easily he was overcome with his rage, yet it undeniably made him a fierce fighter. Only blind at times, unable to consider the facts. And ruthless, a good trait when applied correctly. But a terrible one if applied without thought.

["Who? How? I\'ll tear out his throat and feed him his own heart!"] The male orc roared, causing the female to sigh. How was she supposed to know how they did it?

["Let us set a trap for them, it appears that they only know the movement of large groups. If we-"] Arob smiled as she talked, knowing her companion was not listening. She simply enjoyed talking while enjoying these delicacies.

While she enjoyed the delicacies, she made sure to not overeat. She did not want to end up as her companion. Appearing like a fat old king.


"Are you satisfied with sitting back and watching this transpire?" Athtar asked his friend, both standing over the city of Vlisia as the siege continued. As hundreds, if not thousands lost their lives.

"It is indeed a sad sight, a cruel thing." Amnur replied, "But it is required. For only the fires of hell can the talented truly rise and break past their limits."

Athtar smiled, indeed, it was hard to watch. Hard to accept that they should not help. Yet, the proof was already clear. In this single kingdom, two candidates had already appeared in less than a year. Yet, in the thousands of years of peace, there had not been one.

And Taurus was not the only kingdom with results, thought a number of candidates had also already been killed. Unable to bear the flames.

"Let us hope they can bear the flames," Athtar said as the two disappeared, this time heading towards the Vol mountains to certain the situation of the Volvren clan. Unlike the Ganalin clan, their mountain was far more massive, perhaps five times as large.

This, naturally came with advantages and disadvantages.

AN: A big thanks to everyone who continues to support the story by simply reading on Webnovel, voting for the story, or sharing comments. It is all greatly appreciated.

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