
Chapter 949 The Secret Behind Avgi (2) - Origin Veins

Ceph\'s question was logical. The children of Avgi, at least all those who lived inside the glade, were all taught that the goddess of life, Asteria, blessed the spring and the forest. After which, she asked them to safeguard it from those who would wish to destroy the forest to sate their greed.

This explanation was simple enough and explained the existence of the plethora of rare fauna and flora were within the forest. While most focus was on the Alicorns and their family, those who reside within the glade—the pegasii and unicorns, too—there was much more to the forest.

These three races were certainly not the only magical creatures who lived within it. And the others were also contributing to the forest\'s defense. Though, at best, they were only as strong as a unicorn.

When compared to normal forests, the inhabitants were all powerful. So much so that the forest\'s might could contend with an entire kingdom, and not a low ranked one like Phallos, or even Taurus. If not for the fact that their population was so low, they could easily rival even an entire empire.

Sadly, as with this attack, their lack of numbers was being leveraged against them. Each magical beast could only be in one place at a time. When facing numbers hundreds, perhaps thousands of times their own, it was bound that the enemy would find gaps in their armor.

The scorched parts of the forest were evidence of this.

As for the secret behind the forest, and what allowed such powerful beings to grow here peacefully? That was all thanks to the holy spring, which drastically increased to local mana density.

And with the many rare plants found throughout the forest, these beasts could all live in peace. Evolving at their own pace, with little to no need for competition.

Indeed, the simple explanation of a blessing was not the full truth, but it made enough sense to keep people from questioning it.

It wasn\'t entirely a lie either, but the spring\'s holy existence was not dependent on a blessing from the goddess.  The truth was complicated. Much more so, if you also took into account that the gods were actually AI.

Even leaving that aside, things were still complicated.

The spring and the forest weren\'t blessed. Rather, they were specially designed by the gods. Way back when civilization had yet to formally form.

Even the Alicorn\'s did not know all the details. This was, after all, before their race had even evolved and come into existence. Not to mention an individual having lived from back then to spread the tale. Their race hadn\'t even existed!

What they did know was that the vein of mana coming out as a spring was no ordinary one mana vein.

It was of a much, much grander scale than any common vein. So much that the amount of Magic Crystals deep within the ground would probably rival the amount of mana crystal one would find in a rich crystal mine.

A mana vein such as this. Often considered by people, and all manner of beasts living near it, as a holy site; were called Origin Veins.

Unlike the normal mana veins, which could be found throughout the world with dozens if not hundreds existing in every kingdom; Origin Veins were created to sculpt nature to the whims of the gods and were rare to an extreme.

Their existence was indeed divine, hence why the explanation that they were blessed and holy sites of the gods wasn\'t really a lie.

And the reason for their existence was that the gods were tasked with bringing all manner of magical creatures into the world. The Origin Veins were their largest tool to this end.

It could be considered a hammer used to form the surroundings to accommodate the creature they wanted to create. While the Origin Vein itself wasn\'t enough to birth all the diverse races Miracle had asked for; it did allow the gods to make them with only slight direct intervention.

At this point in time, their purpose has been fulfilled. Yet, the gods never removed the veins from the world.

They left them be, and soon empires formed around them. The forest of Avgi was one of the few exceptions in the world that could be considered a neutral vein. Such exceptions didn\'t pass three in digits. In fact, there were probably only around thirty or so neutral Origin Veins in the entire world.

All others were claimed by an empire; be it human, demi-human, devil, demon, or even monster owned. In total, Origin Veins numbers no more than three hundred.

And outside of Avgi, the other major exception—and indeed the biggest exception of all—was the gathering of three Origin Veins where the dragons resided. The so called Origin of the World.

The density of mana there was so intense that normal beings couldn\'t even survive the pressure it places on their bodies. One would need to be at least Tier 7 to attempt a journey in the lands. And that didn\'t even account for the monsters that would attack whoever dared do so.

And in the center of the Origin of the World, lived beings that far surpass mortal understanding. The Ryu. Evolved dragons.

To the Ryu, the Alicorns were but children. Even the strongest Legend, Athtar, would not be able to penetrate their scales. Perhaps he might leave a scratch mark or two, but that would be all.

Sadly, these creatures of myth and legends cared not for the world around them. But for the world itself. They never intervened in wars. Should they act, the side they chose would instantly become the victor.

However, should they ever clash with one another, then it would invite a Chaotic Storm of unprecedented proportions. Enough to destroy all life on the planet.

Knowing as much, the Ryu have taken on the position of neutral observers. Watching the world much like the gods. They intervene even less than the gods. In this regard, they are more divine than the Divine themselves.

At most, they would offered wisdom to those who make the trek to their homeland. But that was the extent of their interventions with the mortal world.

Back to Origin veins. Each empire had one within their direct borders. Normally a restricted area to all but the royals or the highest of clergy. The devils had similar Origin Veins in their original lands. And the same held for the other races.

Such veins did more than just distribute mana. Though it did this, and in abundance. So much so that in the early days, the Origin Veins had contributed nearly all the mana on the planet.

Nowadays, there were other sources for mana. Life, for one, generates quite an amount through its existence alone. Life also uses a lot of mana. Making the exchange almost neutral. Though, admittedly, a net positive as long as mages weren\'t going crazy.

"Ah, yes, I guess we never explained it all." Agamemas mumbled.

Normally, they would wait until someone fully matured—aka, reach Tier 7. But in this case, Agamemas saw no problem in letting Ceph know the truth behind his home. Ceph had matured a lot since he left the forest with Eldrian.

"The mana vein flowing into the spring and supporting our forest is much denser than normal veins. These types of veins are called Origin Veins."

"The mana it provides is secondary, however." Zamia continued from the spring. At this point, she had nearly removed all the voidstone dust. "Ceph, why do you think we said it was blessed?"

Hearing the question, Ceph immediately thought of divinity. Of holy magic.

And, indeed, the spring had properties much aligned with holy magic. With divinity.

Zamia was relying on this side of the spring\'s powers to help her heal from the damage she had taken. Sadly, the Alicorns couldn\'t use the power of the spring directly, but its aid was still great.

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