
Chapter 1226: Ambush!


As quick as the wind, Li Chengfeng withdrew several meters away. The blood-red figure managed to cut a few strands of hair from him and splash some blood on his robes, but Li Chengfeng was for the most part untouched.

“What kind of monster is this...? He’s basically like a beast that uses their own blood as a weapon? How does he not lose any soulforce attacking like this?!”

It was an unsettled Li Chengfeng who flew into the skies, he was quite shocked by the enemy he was fighting against.

His battle with Gui Nu had been going on for quite some time now. Much like his battle before with Lin Dongxiao, Li Chengfeng was seeing himself play defensively the entire time. Hardly did he ever engage in an offensive battle. He was content to use his own soul armament to ‘predict’ each attack and prepare the appropriate evasive maneuver.

Though only minutes had passed, the effort of continuously dodging and relying on his predictions was finally starting to show on him...

Gui Nu was a Mid-stage Soul Emperor but his strength was currently as strong as Lin Dongxiao. The exchange between sanity and power had made him so that not even Li Chengfeng could fight as well as he did against Lin Dongxiao.

Only Li Chengfeng was able to dodge and fight as long as he did, thanks to his own mystical artes. Not even Bai Yunfei would be able to hold out as long.

It was even harder for Li Chengfeng to study Gui Nu. Most people had some kind of rhythm to how they move, dodge, or strike, but Li Chengfeng couldn’t figure him out. Not even his ability to predict was proving to do much. Dodging was the best he could currently do.

“It’s bad...he’s stronger than I am, I’m going to be in danger if this keeps up, what do I do?”

He thought to himself as he dodged yet another strike.


It was faint, but a wave of energy ran across the world with just enough power for Li Chengfeng to hear it.

He wasn’t the only one to notice it. Several others, Yang Yao and Huo Zhenting included, turned around, their interest piqued at the source of the disturbance.

“The Phantasm’s gone!! Yunfei and Dongfang Ming are coming out! How did he do?!”

Li Chengfeng’s eyes widened as he realized what this meant.


Bai Yunfei’s aura was the next thing he spotted. “His aura’s stronger than before, is he unhurt? Then...did he manage to defeat Dongfang Ming then!?”

Both Bai Yunfei and Xiao Qi’s aura were the first two auras Li Chengfeng could feel upon the collapse of the Phantasm. Along their auras was the sea of flames from Bai Yunfei’s attack.


A whirlpool of dark-red light exploded into view from within the flames. Stunned, Li Chengfeng watched as the whirlpool expanded in the sky with a maleful energy.

“That’s Dongfang Ming—he’s alive still!”

From the looks of things, Li Chengfeng gathered that the battle between Bai Yunfei and Dongfang Ming was still ongoing, but things were at a critical point. The energy spikes from both persons told him that the two of them were readying their most powerful attacks.

“Looks like Yunfei’s going to win...” Li Chengfeng smiled, it had worried him a bit when Dongfang Ming was alive, but he felt like he could relax a bit now.

Then the Heart Compass within his body began to tremble. Something was wrong!

“This feeling...” Li Chengfeng gasped, “Yunfei!! Watch out from behind!!”

As he cried out to Bai Yunfei to warn him, Gui Nu let out a loud roar and charged at Li Chengfeng. In his haste to warn Bai Yunfei, Li Chengfeng had failed to noticed Gui Nu drawing close enough to strike at his throat!



“Oh no! He can use more elemental energy now! Hurry up and attack him, Yunfei!!”

The spirit of the Soul Sealing Mandate cried out to Bai Yunfei the moment they returned to the real world.

He wasn’t looking very happy with the situation, truth be told. The dark-red whirlpool in front of him gave him a bit of a shock, but not enough for him to cancel his attack.

Then just at that moment...

“Yunfei!! Watch out from behind!!”

Bai Yunfei felt the hairs on his arms stiffen up, that was Li Chengfeng’s voice!!

It’d be a waste of time for him to turn around, so Bai Yunfei did the next best thing he knew and activated the ability of the Core Stone!

All the sound in the world seemed to disappear for Bai Yunfei in that moment. He hadn’t even time to move his head when he sa a jet-black item shoot through where his throat would’ve been!

As if a bucket of ice-cold water had been dumped on his head, Bai Yunfei felt everything go cold. Had he been even a split-second late in activating the Core Stone, that needle surely would’ve perforated his throat...

That jet-black light was easily distinguishable to Bai Yunfei, for he had seen it many times before. A three or four inch black needle capable of taking a life if it pierced even the hand or leg of a person. A fearsome soul armament he first saw during the conflict for the Extreme King Pills!

Mo Ni’s soul armament!!

He whirled around to glare at the source of where the soul armament come from. A single person was standing there—Mo Ni!

It was with some satisfaction that he watched the sadistic smirk on Mo Ni’s face turn into one of abject shock.

One second later and the Core Stone’s effect faded away, leading to Bai Yunfei returning back to normal space.

“Mo Ni!!”

He bellowed. The thought of being ambushed by Mo Ni the moment he appeared from the Phantasm never even crossed his mind. Bai Yunfei would’ve been killed if not for Li Chengfeng’s warning! He’d be dead before he even knew it!

A fury like never before filled the entirety of Bai Yunfei’s chest. As if a volcano had erupted, Bai Yunfei let out a furious roar and swung both hands forward at him!


Two dragons exploded out from his hands toward Mo Ni!


“No way!!”

Indescribable shock. That was the only thing running through Mo Ni’s mind. He had failed!!

The whole reason why he had been hidden from the battlefield this entire time was so he could find the best chance to kill Bai Yunfei! He had been waiting for the most optimal moment when Bai Yunfei left the Phantasm to kill him!

He thought that Bai Yunfei and Dongfang Ming would have struck a serious blow onto one another. It should’ve been an easy kill!

The battlefield was a mess with Soul Emperors fighting everywhere and throwing around large swaths of energy. Given the confusion, Mo Ni found it easy to quietly navigate the area and then place himself in a prime location to wait. The demon armament he had carefully ‘grown’ over the years, the Soulkiller Needle.

If everything went as he planned, then Mo Ni and his needle could kill in an instant. And that’s how it should’ve been.

He just never imagined that his own demon armament would not only fail to kill, but it went through a void of space where Bai Yunfei’s throat should’ve been!

When Bai Yunfei ‘disappeared’, Mo Ni felt his aura disappear, but not due to death. That was the first reason why he knew he had failed! That, and Bai Yunfei’s later movements were just proof that he was completely fine!

The next thing he saw was Bai Yunfei turn toward him before two gigantic dragons came roaring at him!


Face pale, he let out a scream and immediately retreated in earnest!

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