
Chapter 11 Strength Skill Level 51

As they savored the taste of grilled skewers, the two friends exchanged excited whispers about their plan to start an online store.

Their business venture was more than just ordinary, as they intended to sell Yuan Datou, a popular and sought-after delicacy known for its unique and irresistible flavor.

It was until eight or nine o\'clock that they finally had enough food and drinks to satisfy their hunger and thirst. During their meal, they discussed different topics, including the possibility of starting an online store.

As the evening wore on, the discussion about the store became more detailed and animated, with both sharing their ideas and opinions.

Eventually, they finished their meal and decided to leave, feeling excited and motivated about the potential of their new venture.

After consuming several beer bottles, Liu couldn\'t operate a vehicle safely. Recognizing the risks, he wisely decided not to get behind the wheel and instead called for a surrogate driver online.

This service allows individuals to hire a professional driver to transport them and their vehicle to their destination. By doing so, Liu took a responsible approach to drive under the influence and ensured the safety of himself and other road users.

The following day, Hu Shijun arrived early and was so hurried that he didn\'t even take the time to have breakfast. As soon as he saw Yong, he eagerly asked,

"Hey, Yong, where did you and Yuan Datou end up talking yesterday?"

Before meeting Yuan Datou, Hu Shijun had an almost dream-like sensation, as if the experience was too surreal to be true. He had heard stories or rumors about Yuan Datou that made him seem larger-than-life, or he had built up an image of him based on second-hand information.

Liu Yong hurriedly closed the door, opened the cabinet, took out those Yuan Datou, and put them on the table.

"Wow, there are so many Yuan Datou!"

Hu Shijun couldn\'t bear it anymore, he exclaimed and started to shout.

Excitedly, he picked a handful of silver dollars and exclaimed,

"I can hardly believe it, Yong. You have so many silver dollars!"

Liu Yong suggested,

"Why don\'t we sell them online? We can charge a few hundred yuan per dollar and split the profits evenly between us."

Hu Shijun said:

"It\'s enough for me to take one-third, I\'ll take some first and go."

Instead of taking all the silver dollars away, he only took 100 yuan, nearly half of it.

As he placed the 100 silver dollars into the bag, Hu Shijun made a playful remark, saying,

"Yong, are you sure you can trust me with all these silver dollars? I might just run away with them!"

Liu Yong chuckled, clearly not worried about the possibility of Hu Shijun running off with the silver dollars.

His laughter suggested he understood Hu Shijun\'s comment as a joke and trusted him enough not to take the money and run.

Soon after, Hu Shijun took the 100 yuan and left to open his online store to sell Yuan Datou.


As it swam in the Ink Lake, the small snapping turtle deliberately moved slowly, seemingly content to take its time. Despite its lack of speed, the turtle appeared pleased with itself whenever it saw larger fish avoid it as if relishing the power it held over them.

With its slow and deliberate movements, the small snapping turtle had become a dominant force in Ink Lake, seemingly immune to threats. It had established itself as a veritable tyrant of the water, feared and respected by other creatures in the area.

Today, Liu Yong returned to the edge of Ink Lake, finding it as peaceful and tranquil as ever. Under the cool shade of the trees, he noticed several anglers intently focused on their fishing, the only signs of activity in the otherwise still surroundings.

Hu Shijun had recently opened his online store, and to his delight, he sold two Yuan Datou on the very first day. The early success of his store filled him with a sense of happiness and pride he looked forward to further growth and expansion.

Hu Shijun chatted with Liu Yong the previous night, gleefully sharing that he had sold four Yuan Datou the day before, which had become his most successful sales day yet. The news filled him with joy and enthusiasm as he relished the prospect of continuing to build his online business.

"How about the little snapping turtle?"

Liu Yong contacted the pet forum to gather more information about the snapping turtle.

After some research, he could learn more about the creature\'s behavior and habits, better understanding how to care for it and ensure its well-being.



Strength: 51

Constitution: 45

Dexterity: 41

Weight: 19.6 kg

Skills: Tortoise Shell Art (Level 1), Turtle Breath Art (Level 1)



The snapping turtle had exhibited an incredibly rapid growth rate, reaching nearly 20 kilograms in weight and developing strength and other characteristics that would be in a fully matured adult of its species.

Its growth was remarkable, exceeding the norm and prompting further curiosity about its unique development.

Despite its impressive growth, the snapping turtle\'s hunting fortune had been disappointing.

For several consecutive days, it had failed to catch any valuable prey, leading to concerns that there may be a scarcity of such resources in Ink Lake.

It was the only downside to an otherwise impressive and fascinating creature.

"Little snapping turtle."

"Master, what are your orders?"

Liu Yong asked the turtle how it had been faring in the last couple of days and whether it had discovered any new items at Ink Lake. Despite thoroughly combing the area, the turtle still needed to uncover significant discoveries.

"I have searched the Ink Lake, and I have not let go of the deepest part, and I have not found anything."

Liu Yong considered the situation and realized that the snapping turtle had grown considerably, now weighing nearly 40 cattie. As a result, it may be time to find a new location for the creature, as it could deplete the resources in Ink Lake.

Ink Lake may seem relatively small for a snapping turtle that has grown as much as the small one Liu Yong knows. Despite its impressive growth, the turtle\'s size had begun to surpass the Lake\'s capacity, making it necessary to find a new home for the creature.

Liu Yong thought it would be ideal if the snapping turtle could adapt to a saltwater environment, allowing them to relocate it to the sea and offering the creature a much wider habitat.

The prospect of releasing the turtle into a larger world beyond the confines of Ink Lake filled Liu Yong with excitement.

Ink Lake can only be considered a small pool compared to the vast sea.

While thinking about this, the noise not far away interrupted Liu Yong\'s train of thought.

As Liu Yong pondered the possibility of releasing the snapping turtle into the sea, he noticed a middle-aged woman adorned in jewels performing a life-releasing ceremony nearby.

The sight of the woman\'s ceremonial act piqued Liu Yong\'s interest.

Close to the woman, Liu Yong observed two burly men grappling with a woven bag in the back of a pickup truck. The bag appeared to contain something of substantial weight, and the men struggled to unload it.

The middle-aged woman lit joss sticks and prayed eloquently by the Lake, gradually attracting the attention of many people.

Following the prayer, the release ceremony commenced.

Two men carried the woven bag to the water and unfastened it. A collective gasp emerged from the onlookers as they glimpsed the items about to be released.

"Oh, my God!"

The one that would be released was a ferocious crocodile, not more than a hundred cattie, at least eighty to ninety cattie, and nearly two meters in length.

Liu Yong also saw it and was taken aback. It is not releasing animals, and it is simply endangering public safety. Ink Lake Park is an open park. There are many people by the Lake, and there are often people rowing in the Lake.

"My God, the crocodile was released!"

"This will kill people."

The people around were agitated, and Liu Yong stopped it with words:

"Sister, such a big crocodile is very dangerous. It\'s not good if it bites someone."

The middle-aged woman seemed very strong. She didn\'t listen to persuasion at all and retorted:

"You don\'t care about my affairs, don\'t meddle in my own business."

Liu Yong was speechless.

It seems unreasonable to reason with such a person. Liu thought to himself,

"I wonder if the little snapping turtle can beat this big crocodile."

Due to its significantly larger size and weight, which can be two to three times greater than a small snapping turtle, the crocodile might not be an appropriate choice.

Liu Yong didn\'t make a sound anymore. Many other voices are accusing middle-aged women, especially some young people.

"It\'s too wicked. It\'s a danger to public safety."

"This is how many immoral things you have done. You need to release such a big crocodile to accumulate virtue."

"This is not good. I think it will be retribution."


As the number of bystanders increases, several people express their disapproval and feel a sense of moral outrage.

Seeing that the middle-aged woman had provoked public outrage, she quickly left in despair after releasing the crocodile.

After a while, the management personnel of the park came over.

After learning about the situation, their expressions changed.

Of course, they knew the danger of releasing such a dangerous crocodile in Ink Lake. Soon, the park called the police.

Liu Yong also left after staying for a while and drove back home.

After entering the door, Liu Yong communicated with the little snapping turtle,

"Little snapping turtle, someone just released a big crocodile in the ink lake. You should pay attention to safety."

"Master, I am not afraid. It is not my opponent."

"Little snapping turtle, it\'s better to stay alert and be careful when sailing for thousands of years."

"Master, don\'t worry about me, I will have no problem."

Following a few conversations, Liu Yong discovered that the small snapping turtle\'s intelligence had seemingly advanced, now on par with a four- to five-year-old child.

" IQ has improved again, which is a good thing!"

Being happy, Liu Yong confessed:

"You should pay more attention to yourself. Also, don\'t show up easily, don\'t scare the tourists."

The snapping turtle weighing nearly 40 kg, is almost the size of a millstone with a bare carapace. If tourists see it, they will probably be shocked.

After chatting for a few words, the little snapping turtle said:

"Master, I saw that big crocodile. I will go over and look."

Liu Yong confessed:

"Be careful! If you can\'t defeat it, just hide for a while."

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