
Chapter 197 Maybe They Don't Know Our Power Well Huh!-

All crew members remained highly alert, fully prepared for any potential threat. The necessary precautions had been taken, including equipping the ship with high-pressure water guns and anti-piracy wire thorns along its sides. Lookout posts had also been set up to monitor the surrounding sea at all times.

The cargo ship navigated the vast expanse of the Gulf of Aden at an economical speed, ensuring a smooth and safe journey. The atmosphere seemed calm, with everything appearing undisturbed.

It was noon, precisely ten minutes after the crew had finished their lunch, when an urgent alarm abruptly shattered the tranquillity. Wei Jianshe, startled by the unexpected sound, immediately exclaimed, [ " What\'s happening? " ]

The Captain\'s question hung in the air momentarily before a crew member responded, [ " Our lookout post has spotted three speedboats rapidly approaching us. They appear to be a group of pirates. " ]

[ " What? Pirates? " ] Wei Jianshe\'s expression instantly shifted, mirroring the concern shared by everyone on board. Sailing through the Gulf of Aden waters, encountering pirates was the last thing they desired.

Before even entering the treacherous waters of the Gulf of Aden, Wei Jianshe had been apprehensive about such a possibility. And now, his worst fears were seemingly coming true.

[ " Pirates! " ] The word echoed in Wei Jianshe\'s mind, a grim realisation taking hold. He peered through his binoculars and observed the approaching speedboats zigzagging across the water\'s surface. The sight of the pirates brandishing weapons only amplified the severity of the situation.

[ " Quickly, contact our **** fleet and request immediate assistance! " ] Wei Jianshe commanded urgently. He hoped fervently that their affiliated fleet was nearby and could reach them in time. The unarmed crew stood no chance against the armed pirates, and the situation grew increasingly complex.

A sense of panic enveloped the ship, spreading among the crew like a wildfire.

Wei Jianshe took charge, swiftly rallying everyone and instructing them to prepare for the impending pirate attack.

Within minutes, the pirate speedboat closed in on their ship, encircling it. Armed with AK-47 rifles, several pirates unleashed a hail of bullets, igniting sparks scattered across the vessel. A shot narrowly missed Wei Jianshe\'s ear, a chilling reminder of the danger they faced.

The intense battle left some crew members pale and trembling, visibly shaken by the ordeal. Overwhelmed by the harrowing situation, a young crew member couldn\'t contain their emotions and burst into tears, their distress echoing through the air.

[ " Captain, the pirates are ready to board the ship ! "] one of the crew members urgently informed Wei Jianshe, his voice filled with concern.

Without hesitation, Wei Jianshe seized a high-pressure water gun and charged towards the impending pirate boarding, determined to repel them with a mighty deluge. 



The sound of gunfire erupted as several shots were fired, and a bullet grazed Wei Jianshe\'s arm, tearing away a sizable chunk of flesh. It was a close call—had the bullet struck just a little closer, his arm would have been rendered useless. Blood trickled down his wounded arm, evidence of his sacrifice for the sake of his crew.

[ " You\'re injured, Captain! " ] someone exclaimed, voicing their worry.

Wei Jianshe brushed off the concern, fully aware they had to persevere in this critical moment. He understood that the longer they held on, the greater their chances of survival. There was hope for their rescue if they could endure until their backup fleet arrived.

However, such thoughts seemed almost too romantic, given the circumstances. These pirates were seasoned criminals, well-versed in their illicit activities. 

In less than ten minutes, they managed to board the ship, leaving no room for suspense. With their AK-47-wielding leader leading the way, the pirates swiftly subdued the crew, gathering them together as captives. Taking control of the ship, the pirates altered its course, heading towards a designated port, leaving Wei Jianshe and his crew helpless in their grasp.

In the confines of the office, Liu Yong was engrossed in studying a detailed report. Each large ship\'s status was laid out clearly, providing information on the loaded cargo, intended destination, and current location.

Without warning, the office door swung open abruptly without even a courtesy knock. Qiu Yang burst in, his face filled with anxiety, and yelled urgently, [ " Boss, something serious has occurred. Our container ship \'Dongxing\' has been seized by pirates! " ]

[ " What! " ] The shocking news took Liu Yong aback. While he had always acknowledged the possibility of such an event, the reality of facing it head-on was a jolt to his system.

[ " How is the situation unfolding? Are the crew members safe? " ] Liu Yong inquired with concern.

Qiu Yang replied, [ " The available information is limited, and as of now, our crew members should be relatively safe. " ]

Relieved to hear that the crew members were not currently in harm\'s way, Liu Yong understood that nothing mattered more than preserving human lives.

Qiu Yang continued with his report, [ " Boss, it is likely that the pirates will contact us soon and demand a ransom. How should we proceed? " ]

Liu Yong declared, [ " Stall them for now. Regardless of the ransom amount they demand, temporarily appease them. " ]

After giving the instructions to Qiu Yang and watching him depart, Liu Yong\'s expression gradually hardened. These audacious pirates had stirred up his wrath. He was determined to show them the dire consequences of their actions.

[ " Overlord, where are you now? We have work to do, " ] Liu Yong contacted Overlord.

In recent days, Overlord had been leading a leisurely and carefree life. Roaming the vast expanses of the ocean, he had ventured as far as the South Pacific and even made a brief detour to the Indian Ocean. Overlord saw a lot of new creatures upon driving deep into the new environment, where some were gazing at Overlord due to its enormous size and the fastest moving speed. 

[ " Master, I am currently resting in the South China Sea, near Yan Country. What task do you have for me? " ] Overlord responded eagerly, and his spirit rejuvenated upon hearing about an impending mission. 

Though these past days had been tranquil, they lacked the thrill and excitement that Overlord craved. He was a master who couldn\'t stand idleness.

[ " You should swim to the Gulf of Aden and await further instructions. There is work waiting for you, " ] Liu Yong informed Overlord, providing an approximate location.

Without hesitation, Overlord replied, [ " Rest assured, I will reach there in just two days." ]

With Overlord\'s remarkable speed of over 200 nautical miles, the journey could be completed in less than two days. 

This estimation included necessary breaks for eating and resting. Overlord embarked on his expedition to the waters of the Gulf of Aden, wielding his colossal spear, ready to face the challenges ahead.

Several hours had passed since the incident.

Once again, Qiu Yang rapped on the door, gaining permission to enter Liu Yong\'s office. He walked in and began his report, 

[ " Boss, we\'ve gathered some additional information. According to the details provided by the military, the culprits behind the hijacking of our container ship \'Dongxing\' are indeed Somali pirates. " ]

It was indeed XX, confirming the notorious reputation of Somali pirates.

Qiu Yang continued his update, [ " Moments ago, this pirate group reached out to us, demanding a ransom of 100 million US dollars. They stipulated that the money must be transferred to an account of their choosing within 24 hours. " ]

The fact that the pirates could contact the Global Shipping Group didn\'t surprising since the company had a publicly available phone number.

-Demanding 100 million US dollars!

-What audacity!

Qiu Yang\'s expression revealed his intense anger.

A sombre expression darkened Liu Yong\'s face. The pirates had indeed crossed a line with their audacity. After briefly contemplating, he responded, [ " Reply to them, stating that the amount they demand is excessive. We require a minimum of 72 hours to gather such a substantial sum. Twenty-four hours is far too little. " ]

Liu Yong\'s declaration that the Global Shipping Group could produce 100 million US dollars was a mere delaying tactic to hold off the pirates.

[  " Very well, Boss. I\'ll convey your message to them as you\'ve instructed. " ] Qui Yang said.

However, upon further consideration, Liu Yong realised that he needed to take matters into his own hands. He felt compelled to personally journey to Somalia to confront the situation and unleash his fury.

This trip wouldn\'t merely serve as a venting outlet for Liu Yong\'s anger and a means to establish his dominance.

He intended to employ his influence to deliver a clear message to the pirate gang: the ships of the Global Shipping Group were off-limits to their meddling. They had greatly underestimated the power and reach of the Global Shipping Group.

[ " Mr. Qiu, kindly arrange three tickets to Dubai for me. " ]

The plan was to fly to Dubai and transfer before boarding a plane to Mogadishu, the largest city in Somalia.

Qiu Yang immediately grasped Liu Yong\'s intentions and voiced his concerns, filled with worry,[ " Boss, you don\'t actually intend to personally negotiate with those pirates, do you ? " ]

[ " Yes, I do have such a plan, " ] Liu Yong nodded.


Qiu Yang\'s expression underwent a sudden change!


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