
Chapter 265 An Enigmatic Black Shadow!

In the realm of the office, where the air carried the scent of ambition and the hum of productivity, Liu Yong, a figure of authority, comfortably seated in the exalted boss\'s chair.

With a diligent demeanor, he immersed himself in the task at hand, delving into the intricate realm of reports. These documents encapsulated vital information regarding the ongoing progression of the grand Global Building\'s construction and the complex designated for the accommodation of diligent staff members.

Having perused the comprehensive reports with care and precision, Liu Yong, seeking a momentary respite, indulged in a sip of the fragrant coffee that awaited him on the sprawling desk.

Following this brief interlude, his attention shifted toward an altogether different realm—the realm of his cherished pet, Bawang. Neglectful of this loyal companion for several days, curiosity swelled within Liu Yong, eager to unravel the mysteries of Bawang\'s recent endeavors.

Thus, with anticipation brewing in his heart, Liu Yong ventured to unseal the pet panel. As the interface revealed itself before his gaze, a sudden surge of astonishment overwhelmed him, causing his eyes to widen involuntarily.

The revelation he bore witness to was beyond his wildest expectations—Bawang\'s weight had skyrocketed to an astounding 362 tons, a remarkable increase accomplished in a mere span of days.

In the depths of Liu Yong\'s reveries, he yearned for Bawang\'s rapid growth, especially after the awe-inspiring clash between the colossal creature and a 70-meter-long behemoth of a crocodile, a mere few days past. The profound desire for Bawang\'s ascension to even greater proportions filled Liu Yong\'s every thought.

Exclaiming silently, "How fortuitous! It has reached 362 tons!" Liu Yong\'s elation knew no bounds. Filled with unabated joy, he engaged the third-party vision, unveiling the splendid tableau that awaited him—the majestic Overlord, draped in tranquility, sprawled amidst an expansive cavernous hall resembling a football field, devoid of the surrounding embrace of seawater.

Adjacent to Bawang\'s slumbering form lay the remnants of a gargantuan prehistoric wide-mouthed giant fish, its immense stature having succumbed to Bawang\'s insatiable appetite, leaving behind naught but a colossal skeleton as testament to the Overlord\'s voracity. Was this astonishing growth truly an outcome of the prehistoric fish\'s consumption?

Intrigued, Liu Yong speculated within the recesses of his heart, yearning to rouse Bawang from his peaceful slumber and pose the inquiry that danced on his lips.

Yet, a modicum of restraint prevailed, urging him to await the opportune moment for enlightenment. Thus, he resolved to patiently bide his time until Bawang awoke from his slumber, cherishing the notion that haste may well hinder the course of nature\'s unfolding.

As the clock\'s hand traversed the vast expanse, marking the arrival of the afternoon\'s embrace, Liu Yong revisited the pet panel once more, permitting himself another glimpse into Bawang\'s current reality.

The Overlord had stirred from its tranquil respite, partaking in a feast upon the remnants of the prehistoric giant broadmouth fish, a once-magnificent creature now reduced to a mere skeletal framework. Liu Yong marveled at Bawang\'s resourcefulness, for the skeletal remains held meager quantities of meat, yet the Overlord exhibited an unparalleled commitment to indulging in every morsel, leaving naught behind.

"Incredible, Overlord! Not a morsel goes to waste," Liu Yong congratulated his steadfast companion. The words reverberated within Bawang\'s consciousness, prompting it to halt momentarily, acknowledging its master\'s sentiment. "Master, the fruits of my labor mustn\'t be squandered. I am resolute in my endeavor to consume every morsel," the Overlord affirmed, its dedication unwavering.

Liu Yong, nodding appreciatively, broached the heart of the matter, endeavoring to unravel the mystery behind Bawang\'s prodigious growth. "How is it that you have experienced such exponential growth in recent days? Your weight has increased by over 60 tons, with an astounding daily increment of over ten tons!"

To this query, the Overlord responded, shedding light on the circumstances with an air of informed wisdom. "It is, perhaps, the result of consuming the prehistoric wide-mouthed giant fish. With each meal I partake in its succulent flesh, an all-encompassing warmth permeates my being, lulling me into deep slumber," the Overlord divulged, presenting a glimpse into his recent escapades.

Having relayed this crucial information, the Overlord proceeded to consume the few remaining morsels of fish flesh clinging to the immense skeletal structure. With a regal air, it grasped the substantial remains within its formidable jaws and proceeded to withdraw from the cavernous hall, preparing to venture forth into the realm beyond.

"Master, this meager offering hardly warrants my attention. I shall embark on a quest to procure another prehistoric wide-mouthed giant fish," the Overlord declared, addressing Liu Yong, its resolve unwavering.

Intent on securing a more substantial meal that would truly satisfy its gargantuan appetite, the Overlord, bearing the colossal skeleton within its grasp, departed with purpose.

Liu Yong, acknowledging the Overlord\'s ambition, bestowed upon him a word of caution, ensuring its safety in the impending endeavor. "Proceed with vigilance, my loyal companion," Liu Yong intoned, his voice filled with concern.

With the enormous skeletal remains clasped firmly between its powerful jaws and one front paw grasping its own colossal spear, the Overlord, a vision of awe-inspiring grandeur, traversed the wide expanse of the cavern and disappeared into the depths of the Tonga Trench.

The journey proved to be brief, as the distance was not great and the Overlord\'s speed, despite its immense size, defied expectations. Before long, the Overlord reached the pinnacle of the Tonga Trench, relinquishing its grip on the skeletal trophy. A structure spanning hundreds of meters in length, it descended into the abyssal depths, a testament to the Overlord\'s conquest.

The Overlord itself, firmly clutching its mighty spear, commenced its descent, plunging ever deeper into the inky blackness. The depths unfurled before it,  chilling embrace enveloping its form as it ventured beyond the 4,000-meter mark.

At this point, the Overlord\'s movements became deliberate, its progression marked by measured strokes as it scoured the surrounding depths in search of the elusive prehistoric wide-mouthed giant fish.

Liu Yong, as a passive observer, found himself enthralled by the spectacle that unfolded before his eyes. His connection to the Overlord granted him a vivid, almost cinematic perspective of the surroundings, capturing the magnificence of the underwater realm within a radius of a thousand meters surrounding Bawang.

At a depth of 5,000 meters, the ocean\'s depths revealed a realm both dark and frigid, yet teeming with life that seemed to defy the crushing isolation. Within Liu Yong\'s field of vision, an enchanting display unfolded—a mesmerizing panorama of otherworldly marine creatures, their forms strange and captivating in equal measure.

After a brief period of observation, Liu Yong\'s gaze alighted upon a prehistoric giant fish with an expansive maw, its size substantial but not comparable to the previous encounter. Measuring around seventy to eighty meters in length, the creature possessed a colossal head, an all-consuming mouth, and a sleek, scaleless body that tapered from the substantial head.

While not matching the grandeur of the previous specimen, this prehistoric wide-mouthed giant fish still commanded awe, weighing in at over two hundred tons. 

"Overlord, a prehistoric wide-mouthed giant fish awaits you on your right," Liu Yong relayed the crucial information, ensuring that the Overlord would not miss the opportunity to engage in a new battle.

Prompted by Liu Yong\'s notification, the Overlord propelled itself towards the target with incredible swiftness, surging forward in a determined charge. With a current weight of 362 tons, the Overlord\'s strength and agility had reached new heights. Its colossal spear, driven by an unfathomable force, cleaved through the water, striking the head of the giant fish with resounding force.

The encounter ended swiftly, the Overlord dispatching the creature with a single, decisive blow. Liu Yong, impressed by the Overlord\'s prowess, voiced his admiration, lauding the efficient conclusion of the battle. "Overlord, you are truly remarkable. The battle was decided in a single strike," Liu Yong commended, his words laden with genuine appreciation.

The Overlord, relishing in its triumph, responded with a hint of pride. "This fish was but a minor adversary. In the face of my might, it stood no chance," the Overlord declared, expressing his dominance over lesser beings.

Liu Yong, acknowledging the Overlord\'s burgeoning intelligence alongside its increased weight and improved attributes, contemplated the implications of this newfound growth. Content with the Overlord\'s progress, Liu Yong disconnected from the third-party vision, musing on the prospect of consistently acquiring prehistoric wide-mouthed giant fish.

If the Overlord could secure such a meal regularly, it was only a matter of time before its weight exceeded 400 tons and even surpassed the monumental milestone of 500 tons.

Days passed, and the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean stretched out before a massive container ship belonging to the Risheng Ocean Group. Laden with thousands of standard containers, the colossal vessel embarked on a journey across the Pacific, bound for country M. Amid the tranquil voyage, the ship\'s occupants were jolted from their routines by a captivating sight unfolding before them—an enigmatic black shadow looming ahead, shrouded in the distance.

"Look, what is that?" one person exclaimed, drawing the attention of many onboard.

As the passengers and crew turned their gazes towards the unknown entity, curiosity piqued, a consensus emerged. "It can\'t be a whale. Even the largest blue whale cannot compare to its magnitude."


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