
Chapter 398 Thunk! Thunk !

Chapter 398 Thunk! Thunk !

Bawang glided through the tranquil waters, a silent shadow slipping into the embrace of Fask Harbor. Before it lay an imposing assembly of warships, each securely anchored.

"Master, which shall be our initial choice?" The query emanated from Liu Yong, who this time commanded the operation, while Bawang executed the meticulous strategies.

Contemplating the array before him, Liu Yong surveyed the warships, his thoughts weaving intricate threads of consideration. The selection process was a nuanced art, requiring careful deliberation.

The abundance of vessels was overwhelming. Employing the conventional approach, the Overlord would use its colossal spear to submerge each ship individually, a method that demanded patience.

But time—did they truly possess the luxury of time?

With every fierce thrust of the giant spear, ripples of upheaval would cascade, inevitably capturing the attention of Country E\'s vigilant navy.

What course of action to take?

What stratagem would prove optimal?

Liu Yong\'s mind raced, a whirlwind of thoughts. And in mere seconds, he formulated a plan. "Overlord, do you perceive that colossal warship off your starboard bow?"

The ship boasted an imposing tonnage, easily surpassing 10,000 tons, if not more.

"That\'s a supply vessel!" The Overlord acknowledged with a deep timbre, its resonance a testament to its immense form.

"Indeed, but exercise caution. Initiate the maneuver with finesse, a gentle yet penetrating thrust. It\'s quite likely brimming with oil,"

Liu Yong recommended foreseeing not gasoline but the likelihood of diesel—an essential fuel powering naval endeavours, often harnessed through large diesel engines or, on occasion, gas turbines.

Silently, the Overlord glided beneath the surface, aligning itself with the massive supply ship. And with calculated precision, the giant spear extended to make contact.

The motion was subtle, a measured exertion of power lasting no more than five minutes.


A muted resonance resonated, the sound muffled by the aquatic embrace. The tip of the colossal spear was purchased against the supply ship\'s underbelly. And soon, Bawang\'s demeanour shifted from tranquil to triumphant, its lance having found its mark.

The spear had punctured the vessel\'s hull, driving through its exterior to a depth of nearly a meter.

"Overlord, splendidly executed!" Liu Yong commended his words a symphony of approval for the Overlord\'s deftness.

Emboldened by the praise, the Overlord pivoted. Instead of retracting the spear, it surged forward with newfound vigour, impelling the weapon deeper, breaching the vessel\'s layers as if surmounting a barrier.

The sensation was of resistance, a friction that spurred its pursuit. Yet, as the spear neared its zenith, the Overlord encountered an immovable juncture, the limit of its advance.

Astonishingly, the spear had become ensnared, trapped within an impervious encasement. Forced to withdraw, the Overlord reversed its course, unveiling an unexpected spectacle.

As the spear disengaged, a torrent of diesel oil spewed from the aperture, cascading in a flood of golden fluid. Liu Yong\'s eyes gleamed with anticipation, the spectacle affirming the contents of the supply ship.

"Overlord, let us adhere to the time-honored tradition—create a perforated tapestry in this supply vessel," Liu Yong instructed.


Boisterous enthusiasm infused the Overlord\'s tone, embracing the fervour of its task. With an adept change of stance, it embarked on the time-tested technique, initiating each incision with a gentle prod before escalating to forceful plunges.

The vessel\'s surface yielded, punctured by Bawang\'s efforts. A deluge of diesel oil surged from the apertures, forming a shimmering slick upon the water\'s surface.

The world remained oblivious to this orchestrated chaos, Fask Harbor shrouded in silence as a clandestine performance unfolded beneath its depths.

"Master, which vessel shall claim our next overture?"

Liu Yong contemplated, a strategist poised to unleash the next tactical symphony.

"Seek out the helicopter carrier, if it is present. It is that vessel I desire to consign to the abyss," Liu Yong\'s voice resounded with conviction, a sense of urgency colouring his words.

The Overlord echoed his resolve, "Master, exercise no restraint this time. A vigorous jab is the call of the hour."

"Certainly!" Liu Yong\'s voice brimmed with assurance.

"Engage in full force, and if tumult unfurls, let it be. Swiftness is our ally now. Deliver each ship a robust series of thrusts."

An aura of joy enveloped the Overlord. The opportunity resonated with its core, a crescendo of purpose interwoven within its every motion.

An assembly of warships stretched before it, a panorama of vessels large and small. Never before had such an exhilarating prospect graced its presence.

It had dispatched ships of every ilk in its tenure—the grandeur of warships, the clandestine realm of submarines. But such feats had always been limited to one or two, a mere appetizer for its prowess.

An expansive canvas awaited, a tapestry to paint with enthusiasm and resolve.

Ba Dynasty, its colossal figure veering toward the helicopter carrier, poised beside the vessel\'s flank. The giant spear projected forth, a formidable weapon propelled by the full force of its momentum.


A deafening resonance pierced the air as the colossal spear plunged, its impact cascading through multiple decks, arresting only after traversing over ten meters of structure.

Spear extracted, the Overlord acted without pause, instigating a succession of jabs, each punctuated by an explosive percussion.

Time is now a paramount consideration. Urgency fueled every movement, a determination to punctuate the canvas with purpose. Each ship met with the same relentless rhythm; thrusts meted out in quick succession.

An E navy sailor, Robert had partaken in the jubilant festivities of a new submarine\'s inauguration, imbibing in spirits to commemorate the occasion. A second trip to the restroom bore witness to his inebriated state.

Emerging from the chamber, a harmonious tune upon his lips, he pivoted toward his quarters, an inkling of disquiet gnawing at him.

An orchestration of sound, akin to the resonance of thunder, stirred the tranquillity. His ears pricked, attuned to the strange symphony.


A muted echo resonated again, more evident this time, piercing the midnight hush. Puzzlement and confusion held Robert in their grip; what manner of occurrence punctuated the night\'s serenity?


Yet another note in this enigmatic sonata, each iteration stoking his bewilderment. Could it be an artifact of the depths, a phenomenon birthed below the water?


The refrain repeated, each instance unravelling the tapestry of normalcy. A semblance of realization took shape—a disturbance lay beneath the waves.

Hastening toward the searchlight, Robert ignited its brilliance. A cascade of luminescence vanquished the obscurity, its beam piercing the abyss, directed toward the source of the enigma.

A revelation met Liu Yong\'s discerning gaze.

"Overlord, our endeavours have been unmasked. The circumstances demand adaptation."

Urgency permeated Bawang\'s response, "Master, a mere four warships have known the embrace of my lance. Premature it is, what remedy shall we pursue?"

Time-pressed upon them, a necessity undenied. A profound desire tinged Bawang\'s sentiments—it yearned to continue, the exhilaration of this newfound role igniting its very core.

Yet Liu Yong bore a composed demeanour, and his strategy crystallized. "Recall the first ship you penetrated, Overlord."

"Indeed," the Overlord affirmed. "A vessel replete with diesel oil, a massive supply ship."

Liu Yong continued, his design unfolding. "Presently, the diesel has flowed forth, saturating the expanse. Your mission now is to ignite this oil, bathing the Port of Fask in an inferno."

The Overlord\'s gaze ignited with recognition, comprehension transforming into a fervour.

It had deciphered Liu Yong\'s intent—to foment chaos and capitalize on the disarray.

"Master, your plan possesses brilliance!"

Liu Yong offered a final reminder, urgency underscoring his words. "Hurry, their searchlights traverse the waters. Kindling, the flames must transpire swiftly."

And so, the Overlord plunged toward the supply vessel. Diesel oil enveloped it, a liquid shroud concealing its purpose. Bawang positioned itself and drove its spear into the juncture where the ship met oil.

A collision of metal and fuel, sparks erupted, an incendiary dance punctuating the oil-slicked waters...

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